class file {
public $id;
public $fileName;
public $systemFilename;
public $fileType;
public $fileExtension;
public $systemUrl;
public $originalUrl;
public $thumbPath;
public $thumbUrl;
public $canHaveThumb;
public $ts;
public $size;
public $authorized;
public $knownExtensions;
public $mimeType;
public $filePath;
public function __construct() {
// Check and save a new file on the disk and the database
public function uploadNewFile($files) {
$result = array(); // The variable we will send back when we have finished to check and save the file
if ($this->authorized) {
// Build the target path
$siteUrl = F3::get('siteUrl'); // Set in config.php
$uploadFolder = F3::get('uploadFolder'); // Set in config.php
$uploadUrl = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $uploadFolder . '/';
// Get the temporary file
$tempFile = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'];
// Get a unique system name
$rand = rand(1, 414342);
$ts = time();
$systemName = md5($rand . $ts);
$this->systemFilename = $systemName . '.' . $this->fileExtension;
$this->ts = $ts;
// Clean the path
$targetFile = str_replace('//', '/', $uploadUrl) . $this->systemFilename;
// Save the file on the disk
move_uploaded_file($tempFile, $targetFile);
// Save the file in the database
DB::sql('INSERT INTO hm_files (fileName, systemFilename, fileType, time) VALUES ("' . $this->fileName . '", "' . $this->systemFilename . '", "' . $this->fileType . '", ' . $this->ts . ')');
$this->id = F3::get('DB->pdo')->lastInsertId();
// Retrieve the template for the file list
$result['tableRow'] = $this->getTableRow();
// We create a thumbnail if it is a simple image
$result['file'] = $this;
return $result;
public function canHaveThumb() {
if ($this->fileType == 'image') {
$this->canHaveThumb = true;
} else {
$this->canHaveThumb = false;
return $this->canHaveThumb;
public function createThumb() {
if ($this->canHaveThumb()) {
$filePath = $this->getFilePath();
if (file_exists($filePath)) {
$thumbPath = site::getThumbsPath();
$thumb = new image($filePath);
public function getThumbPath() {
$thumbFolderPath = site::getThumbsPath();
$this->thumbPath = $thumbFolderPath . $this->systemFilename;
if (!file_exists($this->thumbPath)) {
return $this->thumbPath;
public function getThumbUrl() {
$base = F3::get('BASE');
$thumbsFolder = F3::get('thumbsFolder');
$this->thumbUrl = $base . '/' . $thumbsFolder . '/' . $this->systemFilename;
return $this->thumbUrl;
// Delete a file
public function delete() {
$filePath = $this->getFilePath();
if (file_exists($filePath)) {
unlink($filePath); // Remove the file from the hard drive
if ($this->canHaveThumb()) {
$thumbPath = $this->getThumbPath();
if (file_exists($thumbPath)) {
unlink($thumbPath); // Remove the thumb from the hard drive
DB::sql('DELETE FROM hm_files WHERE id = ' . $this->id); // Remove from database
// Set the filename and the file extension
public function setFileName($fileName) {
$this->fileName = $fileName;
$this->fileExtension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($this->fileName, '.'), 1));
// Check if a file has an authorized extension
public function checkExtension() {
$okExtensions = F3::get('okExtensions'); // defined in config.php
if (in_array($this->fileExtension, $okExtensions)) {
$this->authorized = true;
} else {
$this->authorized = false;
return $this->authorized;
// Define the file type (eg: image, video, ...)
// Not used in this version
public function getFileType() {
$ext = $this->fileExtension;
if (isset($this->knownExtensions[$ext])) {
$this->fileType = $this->knownExtensions[$ext];
} else {
$this->fileType = 'file';
return $this->fileType;
public function getFileSize() {
$this->size = filesize($this->getFilePath());
return $this->size;
// Transform the filesize in kilobytes, megabytes, ... and append the unit.
public function getReadableSize() {
$bytes = $this->getFileSize();
$decimals = 2;
$sz = 'BKMGTP';
$factor = floor((strlen($bytes) - 1) / 3);
return sprintf("%.{$decimals}f", $bytes / pow(1024, $factor)) . @$sz[$factor];
// Get the HTML for the file list
public function getTableRow() {
F3::set('file', $this);
// We check if the file exist before displaying the table row
if (file_exists($this->getFilePath())) {
$tableRow = F3::render('views/table_row.php');
return $tableRow;
} else {
return '';
// Get a file path on the server harddrive
public function getFilePath() {
$path = F3::get('rootPath');
$uploadsFolder = F3::get('uploadFolder');
$this->filePath = $path . '/' . $uploadsFolder . '/' . $this->systemFilename;
return $this->filePath;
public function getSystemUrl() {
$base = F3::get('BASE');
$this->systemUrl = $base . '/file/' . $this->systemFilename;
return $this->systemUrl;
public function getOriginalUrl() {
$siteUrl = F3::get('siteUrl');
$uploadsFolder = F3::get('uploadFolder');
$this->originalUrl = $siteUrl . '/' . $uploadsFolder . '/' . $this->systemFilename;
return $this->originalUrl;
public function getMime() {
$filePath = $this->getFilePath();
$finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME);
$info = $finfo->file($filePath);
return $info;
public function gearUp($queryResult) {
$this->id = $queryResult['id'];
$this->fileName = $queryResult['fileName'];
$this->systemFilename = $queryResult['systemFilename'];
$this->fileType = $queryResult['fileType'];
$this->ts = $queryResult['time'];
return $this;
// Display a single file
public static function display($systemFilename) {
$fileQuery = DB::sql('SELECT * FROM hm_files WHERE systemFilename LIKE "' . $systemFilename . '"');
if (count($fileQuery) > 0) {
$file = new file();
$mime = $file->getMime();
header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $file->fileName . '"');
header('Content-type: ' . $mime);
} else {
return false;
// Build a zip of files
// You can create direct download by setting $directDownload on true.
// Important : we don't use the classic ZipArchive class of PHP. When we zip large files it produces errors.
// We use the pclzip class. Doc: http://www.phpconcept.net/pclzip/
public static function serveZip($idsArray, $token, $directDownload = true) {
if (count($idsArray) > 0) {
$rootPath = F3::get('rootPath');
$zipPath = $rootPath . '/zips/archive-' . $token . '.zip';
$zipper = new pclzip($zipPath);
foreach ($idsArray as $id) {
$file = file::fetch($id);
$filePath = $file->getFilePath();
$filesArray = array(
array(PCLZIP_ATT_FILE_NAME => $filePath,
// We set the cookie to track the end of zipping
setcookie('multiUp', $token);
// If this is a direct download we serve the zip in the browser and then destroy the zipfile on the server
if ($directDownload) {
$zipContent = file_get_contents($zipPath);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="archive.zip"');
header('Content-type: application/zip');
echo $zipContent;
// Get info for a single file
public static function fetch($id) {
$fileQuery = DB::sql('SELECT * FROM hm_files WHERE id = ' . $id);
if (count($fileQuery) > 0) {
$file = new file();
return $file;
} else {
return false;
// Fetch all files in the database
public static function fetchAll() {
$files = array();
$filesId = DB::sql('SELECT id FROM hm_files ORDER BY time DESC');
foreach ($filesId as $fileId) {
$file = file::fetch($fileId['id']);
if ($file) {
$files[] = $file;
return $files;
// Creates families for file extensions
// Not used in this version. Might be usefull to create icons
private function setKnownExtensions() {
$fileTypes = array();
$fileTypes['pdf'] = 'pdf';
$fileTypes['txt'] = 'text';
$fileTypes['rtf'] = 'text';
$fileTypes['as'] = 'text';
$fileTypes['xml'] = 'text';
$fileTypes['html'] = 'text';
$fileTypes['htm'] = 'text';
$fileTypes['js'] = 'text';
$fileTypes['php'] = 'text';
$fileTypes['asp'] = 'text';
$fileTypes['py'] = 'text';
$fileTypes['sql'] = 'text';
$fileTypes['css'] = 'text';
$fileTypes['zip'] = 'archive';
$fileTypes['rar'] = 'archive';
$fileTypes['7zip'] = 'archive';
$fileTypes['gzip'] = 'archive';
$fileTypes['gz'] = 'archive';
$fileTypes['tgz'] = 'archive';
$fileTypes['ace'] = 'archive';
$fileTypes['arc'] = 'archive';
$fileTypes['xls'] = 'excel';
$fileTypes['xlsx'] = 'excel';
$fileTypes['xlsm'] = 'excel';
$fileTypes['ods'] = 'excel';
$fileTypes['ots'] = 'excel';
$fileTypes['csv'] = 'excel';
$fileTypes['numbers'] = 'excel';
$fileTypes['doc'] = 'word';
$fileTypes['docx'] = 'word';
$fileTypes['odt'] = 'word';
$fileTypes['ott'] = 'word';
$fileTypes['pages'] = 'word';
$fileTypes['ppt'] = 'powerpoint';
$fileTypes['pptx'] = 'powerpoint';
$fileTypes['odp'] = 'powerpoint';
$fileTypes['otp'] = 'powerpoint';
$fileTypes['key'] = 'powerpoint';
$fileTypes['png'] = 'image';
$fileTypes['gif'] = 'image';
$fileTypes['jpg'] = 'image';
$fileTypes['jpeg'] = 'image';
$fileTypes['svg'] = 'rareimage';
$fileTypes['svgz'] = 'rareimage';
$fileTypes['jpf'] = 'rareimage';
$fileTypes['bmp'] = 'rareimage';
$fileTypes['eps'] = 'rareimage';
$fileTypes['tif'] = 'rareimage';
$fileTypes['tiff'] = 'rareimage';
$fileTypes['raw'] = 'rareimage';
$fileTypes['pbm'] = 'rareimage';
$fileTypes['tga'] = 'rareimage';
$fileTypes['cdr'] = 'rareimage';
$fileTypes['psd'] = 'photoshop';
$fileTypes['psb'] = 'photoshop';
$fileTypes['ai'] = 'illustrator';
$fileTypes['ait'] = 'illustrator';
$fileTypes['fxg'] = 'illustrator';
$fileTypes['cgm'] = 'illustrator';
$fileTypes['indd'] = 'indesign';
$fileTypes['idml'] = 'indesign';
$fileTypes['fla'] = 'flash';
$fileTypes['swf'] = 'flash';
$fileTypes['xfl'] = 'flash';
$fileTypes['prproj'] = 'premiere';
$fileTypes['aep'] = 'aftereffect';
// 3D
$fileTypes['3ds'] = '3d';
$fileTypes['dwg'] = '3d';
$fileTypes['dxf'] = '3d';
$fileTypes['max'] = '3d';
$fileTypes['mp3'] = 'music';
$fileTypes['wav'] = 'music';
$fileTypes['flac'] = 'music';
$fileTypes['aac'] = 'music';
$fileTypes['aiff'] = 'music';
$fileTypes['aif'] = 'music';
$fileTypes['aifc'] = 'music';
$fileTypes['wma'] = 'music';
$fileTypes['au'] = 'music';
$fileTypes['snd'] = 'music';
$fileTypes['aa3'] = 'music';
$fileTypes['oma'] = 'music';
$fileTypes['at3'] = 'music';
$fileTypes['m3u'] = 'music';
$fileTypes['amr'] = 'music';
$fileTypes['cda'] = 'music';
$fileTypes['avi'] = 'video';
$fileTypes['flv'] = 'video';
$fileTypes['m4v'] = 'video';
$fileTypes['mkv'] = 'video';
$fileTypes['mov'] = 'video';
$fileTypes['mpeg'] = 'video';
$fileTypes['mpg'] = 'video';
$fileTypes['mpe'] = 'video';
$fileTypes['mp4'] = 'video';
$fileTypes['3gp'] = 'video';
$fileTypes['aep'] = 'video';
$this->knownExtensions = $fileTypes;
它在具有CPanel的托管服务器上运行良好,这就是为什么我怀疑我的PHP.ini文件? (我自己安装了服务器)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
$targetFile = str_replace('//', '/', $uploadUrl) . $this->systemFilename;
$targetFile = str_replace('//', '/', $uploadUrl) . $this->fileName;
DB::sql('INSERT INTO hm_files (fileName, systemFilename, fileType, time) VALUES ("' . $this->fileName . '", "' . $this->systemFilename . '", "' . $this->fileType . '", ' . $this->ts . ')');