
时间:2012-08-15 22:26:04

标签: audio supercollider


  1. 有一个或多个Instrument个实例,
  2. 有一个Score定义了一组Note个对象,
  3. 一个Player类(可能是函数),用于将Note个实例从乐谱路由到乐器,以便产生音乐。
  4. 我在这种模式中看到的,但在我到目前为止所读到的例子中没有看到,是(a)得分和乐器之间的完全分离和(b)明确的定义(以a的形式) Note对象的类和/或API)告诉乐器该做什么。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

鉴于你已经看过这些例子,我不确定你想要什么。奇数位是“完全分离”要求;通常得分需要对哪些参数与哪些工具相关做出一些假设 - 尽管SynthDef中有足够的内省方法可以使程序进行有根据的猜测。





s = Server.local.boot;
s.waitForBoot{ Routine {
/// in a "real" patch, i'd make these local variables,
/// but in testing its convenient to use environment variables.
// var inst, tclock, score, playr, switchr;

// the current instrument
~inst = \ding;
// a fast TempoClock
~tclock = TempoClock.new(8);

// two instruments that take the same arguments
SynthDef.new(\ding, {
    arg dur=0.2, hz=880, out=0, level=0.25, pan=0.0;
    var snd;
    var amp = EnvGen.ar(Env.perc, doneAction:2, timeScale:dur);
    snd = SinOsc.ar(hz) * amp * level;
    Out.ar(out, Pan2.ar(snd, pan));

SynthDef.new(\tick, {
    arg dur=0.1, hz=880, out=0, level=0.25, pan=0.0;
    var snd;
    var amp = EnvGen.ar(Env.perc, doneAction:2, timeScale:dur);
    snd = LPF.ar(WhiteNoise.ar, hz) * amp * level;
    Out.ar(out, Pan2.ar(snd, pan));


// the "score" is just a nested array of argument values
// there are also many kinds of associative collections in SC if you prefer
~score = [
    // each entry:
    // midi note offset, note duration in seconds, wait time in beats
    [0, 0.4, 2],
    [0, 0.4, 1],
    [7, 0.2, 1],
    [0, 0.2, 1],
    [7, 0.15, 1],
    [10, 0.5, 2],
    [7, 0.1, 1],
    [2, 0.3, 1]


// a routine that plays the score, not knowing which instrument is the target
~playr = Routine { var note, hz; inf.do({ arg i;
    // get the next note
    note = ~score.wrapAt(i);
    // interpret scale degree as MIDI note plus offset
    hz = (note[0] + 60).midicps;
    // play the note
    Synth.new(~inst, [\hz, hz, \dur, note[1] ], s);
    // wait
}); }.play(~tclock);

// a routine that randomly switches instruments
~switchr = Routine { var note, hz; inf.do({ arg i;
    if(0.2.coin, {
        if(~inst == \ding, {
            ~inst = \tick;
        }, {
            ~inst = \ding;
    // wait
}); }.play(~tclock);

}.play; };

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我还要补充说,有一组名为Ctk的扩展名(" Quark"),它包含了SynthDef(进入CtkSynthDef),一个音符的概念(进入CtkNote)和分数(进入CtkScore)促进实时和非实时工作。我觉得它的帮助文件提供的示例(大多数)遵循OP建议的体系结构。 要安装它,请在SuperCollider中运行Quarks.install("Ctk")