使用Devise 2.1.2和Rails 3.2.6
我正在做这个Q& A以防万一其他人遇到这个问题,因为我发现它的文档很少且分散。
undefined local variable or method `locked_at' for [someClass]
先决条件: 在config / initializers / devise.rb
中设置以下内容# ==> Configuration for :lockable
# Defines which strategy will be used to lock an account.
# :failed_attempts = Locks an account after a number of failed attempts to sign in.
# :none = No lock strategy. You should handle locking by yourself.
config.lock_strategy = :failed_attempts
# Defines which key will be used when locking and unlocking an account
config.unlock_keys = [ :email ]
# Defines which strategy will be used to unlock an account.
# :email = Sends an unlock link to the user email
# :time = Re-enables login after a certain amount of time (see :unlock_in below)
# :both = Enables both strategies
# :none = No unlock strategy. You should handle unlocking by yourself.
config.unlock_strategy = :email
# Number of authentication tries before locking an account if lock_strategy
# is failed attempts.
config.maximum_attempts = 20
# Time interval to unlock the account if :time is enabled as unlock_strategy.
# config.unlock_in = 1.hour
设置模型以包含devise :lockable
class Example < ActiveRecord::Base
# Include default devise modules. Others available are:
# :token_authenticatable, :confirmable,
# :lockable, :timeoutable and :omniauthable
devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
:recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable, :lockable
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class AddLockableToExamples < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :examples, :failed_attempts, :integer, default: 0
add_column :examples, :unlock_token, :string # Only if unlock strategy is :email or :both
add_column :examples, :locked_at, :datetime
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## Lockable
# t.integer :failed_attempts, :default => 0 # Only if lock strategy is :failed_attempts
# t.string :unlock_token # Only if unlock strategy is :email or :both
# t.datetime :locked_at