<form id="uploaderForm" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" action="/account/new/excel-file-upload" method="post">
<div id="uploaderDialog">
<ol id="steps">
<li id="step1">Download our template</li>
<div class="stepDetails">
<a href="#" id="clickHere">Click here</a> to download an Excel template.
<li id="step2">Fill it out with your students' account details</li>
<div class="stepDetails">
<p>Just be sure to include each student's first name, last name and email address. Assign them a Fisdap username and password, then save the document
to your computer.</p>
<li id="step3">Upload to Fisdap</li>
<div class="stepDetails">
<p>Use the "choose file" button below to find your document, then click "Upload". We'll take it from here and activate each of your student
<div id="fileInput">
<div id="fancyFileInput">
<div class="extra-small gray-button"><a id="chooseFile" href="#">choose file</a></div>
<div id="fileName"></div>
<div id="inputFix"></div><dt id="file-label"> </dt>
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="33554432" id="MAX_FILE_SIZE">
<input type="file" name="file" id="file"></dd>
<div id="inputFix"></div><dt id="testing-label"> </dt>
<dd id="testing-element">
<input type="text" name="testing" id="testing" value=""></dd>
<div id="buttons">
<div class="small green-buttons">
<div id="uploadContainer">
<dt id="uploadSave-label"> </dt><dd id="uploadSave-element">
<input type="submit" name="uploadSave" id="uploadSave" value="Upload" class="green-buttons"></dd> <!--<a id="uploadButton" href="#">Upload</a>-->
<div class="small gray-button">
<a id="cancelButton" href="#">Cancel</a>
对我来说似乎很简单。此表单不在任何其他形式内,并且没有JavaScript / JQuery阻止表单提交。我不知所措。有任何想法吗?提前谢谢!