
时间:2012-08-08 13:10:51

标签: forms validation coldfusion


<cfparam name="FORM.integerField" default="0" type="integer">


<cfqueryparam value="#atest#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_NUMERIC"> <!-- inside my query -->

<cfif IsDefined(LSParseNumber(FORM.integerField))>

<cfif LSParseNumber(FORM.integerField)>


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

<cfif NOT isValid("integer",FORM.integerField)>
    <cfset FORM.integerField = 0>

我&lt; 3“isValid()”。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


<cffunction name="CastAsInteger" access="public" returntype="String" output="false" hint="Returns the provided number if it matches the bits and sign, otherwise returns 0">
    <cfargument name="number" type="any" required="true" hint="Any string that may be an integer">
    <cfargument name="bits" type="numeric" default="32" required="false" hint="Number of bits to determine the max size of the integer">
    <cfargument name="signed" type="boolean" default="true" required="false" hint="If the integer is signed or unsigned">

    <cfset local.ReturnInt = Arguments.Number>

    <!--- Make sure it's just a number --->
    <cfif REFind("^-?[1-9]+[0-9]*$", local.ReturnInt) EQ false>
        <cfset local.ReturnInt = 0>

    <!--- Check size --->
    <cfif Arguments.signed EQ true>
        <cfif local.ReturnInt LT PrecisionEvaluate(-(2^(Arguments.bits - 1))) OR local.ReturnInt GT PrecisionEvaluate((2^(Arguments.bits - 1)) - 1)>
            <cfset local.ReturnInt = 0>
        <cfif local.ReturnInt LT 0 OR local.ReturnInt GT PrecisionEvaluate((2^Arguments.bits) - 1)>
            <cfset local.ReturnInt = 0>

    <cfreturn local.ReturnInt>