PS:请原谅我这个问题是否含糊不清,因为这个问题有广泛的答案,我想不能接受一个答案,我猜?答案 0 :(得分:1)
Print first 33 terms of Fibonacci-Series
Write factorial of n being input from keyboard on console.
Find hours,minutes,seconds from given seconds.(305 s = 5m + 5s ....)
Calculate dot-product and cross-product of two 2D vectors.
Find the intersecting point of two lines(m=slope, (x0,y0)=a point for each line)
Calculate sin(pi/4) with using series expansion
Print the minimum of values given from keyboard on screen.
Simulate **and** , **or** and **xor** gates.
Find projection of a vector(3D) on another vector.
Find area of a polygon(2D)
Calculate the integral of x-square between x=0 and x=3 using integration by trapezoidal rule
Find roots of: (x-square) plus (two times x) plus (one) equals (zero)
答案 1 :(得分:1)
printf("%d", ...)
)12, 13, ..., 19, 23, 24...