UIView Animation将视图重置为原始rect

时间:2012-08-07 01:38:48

标签: ios animation uiview uiwebview cgrect



      __________ __________
      |        | |        |
      |   on   | |  off   |
      | screen | | screen |
      |________| |________|


offScreenWebView.hidden = true;

offScreenWebView.frame = self.frame;
[offScreenWebView offSetX:self.bounds.size.width + kOffsetPadding];         // move offscreen to the right
[self logWebRects:@"begin"];
offScreenWebView.hidden = false;
[self bringSubviewToFront:offScreenWebView];

[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5f delay:0.0f options:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut animations:^{
    [self logWebRects:@"during 1"];
    offScreenWebView.frame = self.frame;
    onScreenWebView.frame = CGRectMake(-(self.bounds.size.width + kOffsetPadding), 0, onScreenWebView.bounds.size.width, onScreenWebView.bounds.size.height);
    [self logWebRects:@"during 2"];
}completion:^(BOOL finished) {
    [self logWebRects:@"finished b4 swap"];
    [self swapWebViews];
    [self logWebRects:@"finished -- done"];


Navigation Type ::      Link Clicked
Rect of self frame   ::  {{0, 0}, {320, 460}} 

99  --  Point of offscreen origin   begin          ::  {335, 0}
0   --  Point of onscreen origin    begin          ::  {0, 0}
99  --  Point of offscreen origin   during 1       ::  {335, 0}
0   --  Point of onscreen origin    during 1       ::  {0, 0}
99  --  Point of offscreen origin   during 2       ::  {0, 0}
0   --  Point of onscreen origin    during 2       ::  {-335, 0}
Navigation Type ::      Other
99  --  Point of offscreen origin   finished b4 swap       ::  {0, 0}
0   --  Point of onscreen origin    finished b4 swap       ::  {-335, 0}
0   --  Point of offscreen origin   finished -- done       ::  {-335, 0}
99  --  Point of onscreen origin    finished -- done       ::  {0, 0}

Navigation Type ::      Link Clicked
Rect of self frame   ::  {{0, 0}, {320, 460}} 

0   --  Point of offscreen origin   begin          ::  {335, 0}
99  --  Point of onscreen origin    begin          ::  {0, 0}
0   --  Point of offscreen origin   during 1       ::  {335, 0}
99  --  Point of onscreen origin    during 1       ::  {0, 0}
0   --  Point of offscreen origin   during 2       ::  {0, 0}
99  --  Point of onscreen origin    during 2       ::  {-335, 0}
Navigation Type ::      Other
0   --  Point of offscreen origin   finished b4 swap       ::  {335, 0}
99  --  Point of onscreen origin    finished b4 swap       ::  {0, 0}
99  --  Point of offscreen origin   finished -- done       ::  {0, 0}
0   --  Point of onscreen origin    finished -- done       ::  {335, 0}



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



我通过禁用隐式动画解决了这个问题。 尝试使用这段代码而不是简单的bringSubviewToFront。

[CATransaction begin];
[CATransaction setDisabledActions:YES];
[self bringSubviewToFront:offScreenWebView];
[CATransaction commit];

答案 1 :(得分:1)


centreOffRightcentreOffLeft是CGPoints,分别定义屏幕左右偏移的中心。 nextprevious是每个视图的视图控制器。从容器视图控制器调用此方法。

    // Need to push this one from the right
    next.view.center = centreOffRight; 
    [self.view bringSubviewToFront:next.view];
    [UIView animateWithDuration:0.3 
                         next.view.center = centreOfScreen;
                         current.view.center = centreOffLeft;} 
                     completion:^(BOOL finished){ 
                         [current wasMovedOffScreen];
                         current = next;
                         next = sender;
                         currentDouble = nextIndex;}];

