C ++模板容器类:如何最好地支持有序和无序的项类型?

时间:2009-07-26 00:45:47

标签: c++ templates containers specialization

我正在编写一个模板化的C ++通用容器类,可以选择以明确定义的顺序维护其内容。以前它使用函数指针以合理的类型特定方式对其内容进行排序,但我试图将其更改为使用模板化函数参数。

由于类的用户可能希望在不同的容器中以不同的方式保存相同类型的项,因此容器类采用可选的模板参数,该参数允许用户可选地指定自己的比较函数: / p>

template <class ItemType, class CompareFunctorType = CompareFunctor<ItemType> > class MyContainer


template <typename ItemType> class CompareFunctor
    bool IsItemLessThan(const ItemType & a, const ItemType & b) const
       return (a<b);   // will compile only for types with < operator



那么,有没有办法可以使用模板特化(或其他东西),以便尽可能使用默认的CompareFunctor(如上所示),但是如果CompareFunctor会导致错误,C ++会自动回退到“虚拟”FallbackCompareFunctor如下所示?或许还有其他一些聪明的方法来处理这种困境?

template <typename ItemType> class FallbackCompareFunctor
    bool IsItemLessThan(const ItemType & a, const ItemType & b) const
       return ((&a)<(&b));   // will compile for all types (useful for types where the ordering is not important)

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

对于默认的未排序情况,请使用Null比较函数,该函数仅针对所有情况返回false 然后,您可以使用std :: less()仿函数将模板专门化为已排序的容器。

       template<class T>
       struct NullCompare: public binary_function <T, T, bool> 
          bool operator()(const T &l, const T &r) const
              // edit: previously had "return true;" which is wrong.
              return false;

       template <class T, class Compare=NullCompare<T> > 
       class MyContainer

       template <class T, class Compare=std::less<T> > 
       class MySortedContainer : public MyContainer<T, Compare>

答案 1 :(得分:1)




答案 2 :(得分:1)


#include <stdio.h>

// Real functor, should be used by default when ItemType has a < operator
template <typename ItemType> class RealCompareFunctor
   bool IsLessThan(const ItemType & item1, const ItemType & item2)
      printf(" --> RealCompareFunctor called!\n");
      return item1 < item2;

   typedef ItemType TheItemType;

// Dummy functor, should be used by default when ItemType has no < operator
template <typename ItemType> class DummyCompareFunctor
   bool IsLessThan(const ItemType & item1, const ItemType & item2)
      printf(" --> DummyCompareFunctor called!\n");
      return (&item1) < (&item2);

namespace implementation_details
    // A tag type returned by operator < for the any struct in this namespace when T does not support (operator <)
    struct tag {};

    // This type soaks up any implicit conversions and makes the following (operator <)
    // less preferred than any other such operator found via ADL.
    struct any
        // Conversion constructor for any type.
        template <class T> any(T const&);

    // Fallback (operator <) for types T that don't support (operator <)
    tag operator < (any const&, any const&);

    // Two overloads to distinguish whether T supports a certain operator expression.
    // The first overload returns a reference to a two-element character array and is chosen if
    // T does not support the expression, such as < whereas the second overload returns a char
    // directly and is chosen if T supports the expression. So using sizeof(check(<expression>))
    // returns 2 for the first overload and 1 for the second overload.
    typedef char yes;
    typedef char (&no)[2];

    no check(tag);

    template <class T> yes check(T const&);

    // Implementation for our has_less_than_operator template metafunction.
    template <class T> struct has_less_than_operator_impl
        static const T & x;
        static const bool value = sizeof(check(x < x)) == sizeof(yes);

   template <class T> struct has_less_than_operator : implementation_details::has_less_than_operator_impl<T> {};

   template <bool Condition, typename TrueResult, typename FalseResult>
   class if_;

   template <typename TrueResult, typename FalseResult>
   struct if_<true, TrueResult, FalseResult>
     typedef TrueResult result;

   template <typename TrueResult, typename FalseResult>
   struct if_<false, TrueResult, FalseResult>
      typedef FalseResult result;

template<typename ItemType> struct AutoChooseFunctorStruct
   typedef struct implementation_details::if_<implementation_details::has_less_than_operator<ItemType>::value, RealCompareFunctor<ItemType>, DummyCompareFunctor<ItemType> >::result Type;

/** The default FunctorType to use with this class is chosen based on whether or not ItemType has a less-than operator */
template <class ItemType, class FunctorType = struct AutoChooseFunctorStruct<ItemType>::Type > class Container
      ItemType itemA;
      ItemType itemB;
      FunctorType functor;
      bool isLess = functor.IsLessThan(itemA, itemB);
      //printf(" --> functor says isLess=%i\n", isLess);


struct NonComparableStruct {};

struct ComparableStructOne
   bool operator < (ComparableStructOne const&) const { return true; }

struct ComparableStructTwo {};
bool operator < (ComparableStructTwo const&, ComparableStructTwo const&) { return true; }

class NonComparableClass
   NonComparableClass() {/* empty */}

class ComparableClass
   ComparableClass() {/* empty */}

   bool operator < (const ComparableClass & rhs) const {return (this < &rhs);}

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
   Container<int> c1;

   Container<ComparableStructOne> c2;

   Container<ComparableStructTwo> c3;

   Container<NonComparableStruct> c4;

   Container<NonComparableClass> c5;

   Container<ComparableClass> c6;

   return 0;

答案 3 :(得分:0)


如果您可以创建一个在编译时评估为false的构造,如果您正在检查的类型没有lessthan运算符,那么您可以使用它来为CompareFunctor :: IsItemLessThan启用回退特化。

template <typename ItemType> class CompareFunctor
    bool IsItemLessThan(const ItemType & a, const ItemType & b) const
       return OptionalLessThan<ItemType>(a, b); 

template<class T> 
typename boost::enable_if<some_condition<T>, bool>::type 
OptionalLessThan(const T& a, const T& b)
    return ((&a)<(&b)); 

template<class T> 
typename boost::disable_if<some_condition<T>, bool>::type 
OptionalLessThan(const T& a, const T& b)
    return a < b; 

当然你还需要some_condition以某种方式检查运算符...看看boost :: type_traits和MPL代码我猜 - 他们做类似的事情。