
时间:2009-07-24 22:03:57

标签: python virtualenv fabric automated-deploy

我想在本地运行我的结构脚本,然后登录我的服务器,切换用户进行部署,激活项目.virtualenv,这会将dir更改为项目并发出git pull。

def git_pull():
    sudo('su deploy')
    # here i need to switch to the virtualenv
    run('git pull')

我通常使用virtualenvwrapper中的workon命令来源激活文件,而postactivate文件将把我放在项目文件夹中。在这种情况下,似乎因为结构从shell内部运行,控制权交给了结构,所以我不能使用bash的内置源代码来'$ source~ / .virtualenv / myvenv / bin / activate'


10 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:137)

作为对bitprophet预测的更新:使用Fabric 1.0,您可以使用prefix()和您自己的上下文管理器。

from __future__ import with_statement
from fabric.api import *
from contextlib import contextmanager as _contextmanager

env.hosts = ['servername']
env.user = 'deploy'
env.keyfile = ['$HOME/.ssh/deploy_rsa']
env.directory = '/path/to/virtualenvs/project'
env.activate = 'source /path/to/virtualenvs/project/bin/activate'

def virtualenv():
    with cd(env.directory):
        with prefix(env.activate):

def deploy():
    with virtualenv():
        run('pip freeze')

答案 1 :(得分:95)

现在,你可以做我做的事情,这是kludgy,但效果非常好*(这种用法假设你正在使用virtualenvwrapper - 你应该 - 但你可以轻松替换相当长的'源'打电话给你,如果没有):

def task():
    workon = 'workon myvenv && '
    run(workon + 'git pull')
    run(workon + 'do other stuff, etc')

从1.0版开始,Fabric有prefix context manager使用这种技术,所以你可以举例如:

def task():
    with prefix('workon myvenv'):
        run('git pull')
        run('do other stuff, etc')

*必然会出现使用command1 && command2方法的情况,例如command1失败(command2永不运行)或{{1} }没有正确转义并包含特殊的shell字符,等等。

答案 2 :(得分:17)


def virtualenv(command):
    Run a command in the virtualenv. This prefixes the command with the source
        virtualenv('pip install django')
    source = 'source %(project_directory)s/bin/activate && ' % env
    run(source + command)

答案 3 :(得分:8)


  1. 使用@ nh2的方法(这种方法在使用local时也有效,但仅适用于workon位于$PATH的virtualenvwrapper安装,换句话说 - Windows)< / p>

    from contextlib import contextmanager
    from fabric.api import prefix
    def virtualenv():
        with prefix("workon env1"):
    def deploy():
        with virtualenv():
            run("pip freeze > requirements.txt")
  2. 或部署您的fab文件并在本地运行。此设置允许您激活本地或远程命令的virtualenv。这种方法很有用,因为它可以解决local使用bash -l无法运行.bashrc的问题:

    def local_prefix(shell, prefix):
        def local_call(command):
            return local("%(sh)s \"%(pre)s && %(cmd)s\"" % 
                {"sh": shell, "pre": prefix, "cmd": command})
        yield local_prefix
    def write_requirements(shell="/bin/bash -lic", env="env1"):
        with local_prefix(shell, "workon %s" % env) as local:
            local("pip freeze > requirements.txt")
    write_requirements()  # locally
    run("fab write_requirements")

答案 4 :(得分:7)



from fabric.api import lcd, local, path

project_dir = '/www/my_project/sms/'
env_bin_dir = project_dir + '../env/bin/'

def deploy():
    with lcd(project_dir):
        local('git pull origin')
        local('git checkout -f')
        with path(env_bin_dir, behavior='prepend'):
            local('pip freeze')
            local('pip install -r requirements/staging.txt')
            local('./manage.py migrate') # Django related

            # Note: previous line is the same as:
            local('python manage.py migrate')

            # Using next line, you can make sure that python 
            # from virtualenv directory is used:
            local('which python')

答案 5 :(得分:4)


>>> from fabvenv import virtualenv
>>> with virtualenv('/home/me/venv/'):
...     run('python foo')


答案 6 :(得分:2)

如果你想将软件包安装到环境中或想要根据环境中的软件包运行命令,我发现这个hack来解决我的问题,而不是编写复杂的结构方法或安装新的OS软件包: / p>

/path/to/virtualenv/bin/python manage.py migrate/runserver/makemigrations  # for running commands under virtualenv

local("/home/user/env/bin/python manage.py migrate")    # fabric command

/path/to/virtualenv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt   # installing/upgrading virtualenv

local("/home/user/env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt")  #  fabric command


答案 7 :(得分:1)

以下是装饰器的代码,它将导致任何run / sudo调用使用Virtual Environment:

# This is the bash code to update the $PATH as activate does

def with_venv(func, *args, **kwargs):
  "Use Virtual Environment for the command"

  def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
    with prefix(UPDATE_PYTHON_PATH):
      return func(*args, **kwargs)

  wrapped.__name__ = func.__name__
  wrapped.__doc__ = func.__doc__
  return wrapped


def which_python():
  "Gets which python is being used"
  run("which python")

答案 8 :(得分:1)


from fabric.api import run 
# ... other code...
def install_pip_requirements():
    run("/bin/bash -l -c 'source venv/bin/activate' "
        "&& pip install -r requirements.txt "
        "&& /bin/bash -l -c 'deactivate'")


答案 9 :(得分:0)

我将 pyenv 与插件 pyenv-virtualenvwrapper 一起使用。我在 workon 上没有成功,而是使用了这个(fabric 2.5):

with c.prefix('source /home/mirek/.virtualenvs/%s/bin/activate' % PROJECT):
    with c.prefix('cd /home/mirek/%s/%s' % (PROJECT, PROJECT)):
        c.run('python manage.py ....')

对于 git pull 代理转发是好的,即。 ssh -A .. 或更好的 ~/.ssh/config 类似这样的:

Host forpsi
    HostName xx.xx.xx.xx
    IdentityFile /home/mirek/.ssh/id_ed25519_xxx
    ForwardAgent yes

现在在开发机器上,如果您在代理中有一个私钥(在 ssh-add 之后,或者如果您在 AddKeysToAgent yes 之后在 ~/.ssh/config 中有 git push)然后git pull 不应询问密钥的密码。