
时间:2012-08-01 19:32:01

标签: c++ eof getline

我发布了以下代码,我从输入文件中读取 - 在结构中存储信息 - 然后写入输出文件。我知道eof函数不是安全,因此必须使用getline函数来检查是否检测到文件末尾;但是,在这个特定的代码中,我无法使用getline函数,因此最终依赖于eof函数。因此,您是否可以建议替换eof函数,或者让我知道在尝试初始化结构数组时如何使用getline函数。我使用了两个星号符号来表示我想要使用getline函数的位置。

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;
//student structure
struct student
  char name[30];
  char course[15];
  int age;
  float GPA;

ifstream inFile;
ofstream outFile;

student getData();
void writeData(student writeStudent);
void openFile();

int main (void)
  const int noOfStudents = 3; // Total no of students
  openFile(); // opening input and output files

  student students[noOfStudents]; // array of students

  // Reading the data from the file and populating the array
  for(int i = 0; i < noOfStudents; i++)
        if (!inFile.eof()) // ** This where I am trying to use a getline function.
            students[i] = getData();
            break ;

  for(int i = 0; i < noOfStudents; i++)

  // Closing the input and output files
  inFile.close ( ) ;
  outFile.close ( ) ;


void openFile()
  inFile.open("input.txt", ios::in);
  inFile.seekg(0L, ios::beg);
  outFile.open("output.txt", ios::out | ios::app);
  outFile.seekp(0L, ios::end);

  if(!inFile || !outFile)
    cout << "Error in opening the file" << endl;


student getData()
  student tempStudent;
  // temp variables for reading the data from file

  char tempAge[2];
  char tempGPA[5];

  // Reading a line from the file and assigning to the variables
  inFile.getline(tempStudent.name, '\n');
  inFile.getline(tempStudent.course, '\n');
  inFile.getline(tempAge, '\n');

  tempStudent.age = atoi(tempAge);

  inFile.getline(tempGPA, '\n');
  tempStudent.GPA = atof(tempGPA);
  // Returning the tempStudent structure
  return tempStudent;

void writeData(student writeStudent)
  outFile << writeStudent.name << endl;
  outFile << writeStudent.course << endl;
  outFile << writeStudent.age << endl;
  outFile << writeStudent.GPA << endl;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, student& s) {
  in >> s.age; // etc.
  return in;


int studentNo = 0;
while (studentNo < maxStudents && (in >> students[studentNo]))

答案 1 :(得分:0)



inFile.getline(tempStudent.name, '\n');
inFile.getline(tempStudent.course, '\n');
inFile.getline(tempAge, '\n');


while(inFile.getline(tempStudent.name, '\n'))
    inFile.getline(tempStudent.course, '\n');
    inFile.getline(tempAge, '\n');
    //do stuffs