在Haskell中使用Logic Monad

时间:2012-07-27 21:34:46

标签: haskell logic backtracking

最近,我在 Haskell 中实施了一个天真的DPLL Sat Solver,改编自John Harrison的Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning

DPLL是各种回溯搜索,因此我想尝试使用Logic monad中的Oleg Kiselyov et al。但是,我真的不明白我需要改变什么。


  • 我需要更改哪些代码才能使用Logic monad?
  • 奖金:使用Logic monad有什么具体的性能优势吗?

{-# LANGUAGE MonadComprehensions #-}
module DPLL where
import Prelude hiding (foldr)
import Control.Monad (join,mplus,mzero,guard,msum)
import Data.Set.Monad (Set, (\\), member, partition, toList, foldr)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)

-- "Literal" propositions are either true or false
data Lit p = T p | F p deriving (Show,Ord,Eq)

neg :: Lit p -> Lit p
neg (T p) = F p
neg (F p) = T p

-- We model DPLL like a sequent calculus
-- LHS: a set of assumptions / partial model (set of literals)
-- RHS: a set of goals 
data Sequent p = (Set (Lit p)) :|-: Set (Set (Lit p)) deriving Show

{- --------------------------- Goal Reduction Rules -------------------------- -}
{- "Unit Propogation" takes literal x and A :|-: B to A,x :|-: B',
 - where B' has no clauses with x, 
 - and all instances of -x are deleted -}
unitP :: Ord p => Lit p -> Sequent p -> Sequent p
unitP x (assms :|-:  clauses) = (assms' :|-:  clauses')
    assms' = (return x) `mplus` assms
    clauses_ = [ c | c <- clauses, not (x `member` c) ]
    clauses' = [ [ u | u <- c, u /= neg x] | c <- clauses_ ]

{- Find literals that only occur positively or negatively
 - and perform unit propogation on these -}
pureRule :: Ord p => Sequent p -> Maybe (Sequent p)
pureRule sequent@(_ :|-:  clauses) = 
    sign (T _) = True
    sign (F _) = False
    -- Partition the positive and negative formulae
    (positive,negative) = partition sign (join clauses)
    -- Compute the literals that are purely positive/negative
    purePositive = positive \\ (fmap neg negative)
    pureNegative = negative \\ (fmap neg positive)
    pure = purePositive `mplus` pureNegative 
    -- Unit Propagate the pure literals
    sequent' = foldr unitP sequent pure
  in if (pure /= mzero) then Just sequent'
     else Nothing

{- Add any singleton clauses to the assumptions 
 - and simplify the clauses -}
oneRule :: Ord p => Sequent p -> Maybe (Sequent p)
oneRule sequent@(_ :|-:  clauses) = 
   -- Extract literals that occur alone and choose one
   let singletons = join [ c | c <- clauses, isSingle c ]
   x <- (listToMaybe . toList) singletons
   -- Return the new simplified problem
   return $ unitP x sequent
     isSingle c = case (toList c) of { [a] -> True ; _ -> False }

{- ------------------------------ DPLL Algorithm ----------------------------- -}
dpll :: Ord p => Set (Set (Lit p)) -> Maybe (Set (Lit p))
dpll goalClauses = dpll' $ mzero :|-: goalClauses
     dpll' sequent@(assms :|-: clauses) = do 
       -- Fail early if falsum is a subgoal
       guard $ not (mzero `member` clauses)
       case (toList . join) $ clauses of
         -- Return the assumptions if there are no subgoals left
         []  -> return assms
         -- Otherwise try various tactics for resolving goals
         x:_ -> dpll' =<< msum [ pureRule sequent
                               , oneRule sequent
                               , return $ unitP x sequent
                               , return $ unitP (neg x) sequent ]

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:17)

好的,将您的代码更改为使用Logic,结果完全是微不足道的。我仔细研究了所有内容以使用普通Set函数而不是Set monad,因为你并没有真正以统一的方式单独使用Set,当然也不是为了回溯逻辑。 monad理解也更清楚地写成地图和过滤器等。这不需要发生,但它确实帮助我理解正在发生的事情,并且它确实表明用于回溯的一个真正剩余的monad只是Maybe

在任何情况下,您都可以概括pureRuleoneRuledpll的类型签名,不仅可以Maybe,还可以m。使用约束MonadPlus m =>


in if (pure /= mzero) then Just sequent'
   else Nothing


in if (not $ S.null pure) then return sequent' else mzero


   x <- (listToMaybe . toList) singletons


 case singletons of
   x:_ -> return $ unitP x sequent  -- Return the new simplified problem
   [] -> mzero


现在,您的代码通过 Maybe Logic进行操作!


dpllLogic s = observe $ dpll' s



{-# LANGUAGE MonadComprehensions #-}
module DPLL where
import Prelude hiding (foldr)
import Control.Monad (join,mplus,mzero,guard,msum)
import Data.Set (Set, (\\), member, partition, toList, foldr)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Control.Monad.Logic

-- "Literal" propositions are either true or false
data Lit p = T p | F p deriving (Show,Ord,Eq)

neg :: Lit p -> Lit p
neg (T p) = F p
neg (F p) = T p

-- We model DPLL like a sequent calculus
-- LHS: a set of assumptions / partial model (set of literals)
-- RHS: a set of goals
data Sequent p = (Set (Lit p)) :|-: Set (Set (Lit p)) --deriving Show

{- --------------------------- Goal Reduction Rules -------------------------- -}
{- "Unit Propogation" takes literal x and A :|-: B to A,x :|-: B',
 - where B' has no clauses with x,
 - and all instances of -x are deleted -}
unitP :: Ord p => Lit p -> Sequent p -> Sequent p
unitP x (assms :|-:  clauses) = (assms' :|-:  clauses')
    assms' = S.insert x assms
    clauses_ = S.filter (not . (x `member`)) clauses
    clauses' = S.map (S.filter (/= neg x)) clauses_

{- Find literals that only occur positively or negatively
 - and perform unit propogation on these -}
pureRule sequent@(_ :|-:  clauses) =
    sign (T _) = True
    sign (F _) = False
    -- Partition the positive and negative formulae
    (positive,negative) = partition sign (S.unions . S.toList $ clauses)
    -- Compute the literals that are purely positive/negative
    purePositive = positive \\ (S.map neg negative)
    pureNegative = negative \\ (S.map neg positive)
    pure = purePositive `S.union` pureNegative
    -- Unit Propagate the pure literals
    sequent' = foldr unitP sequent pure
  in if (not $ S.null pure) then return sequent'
     else mzero

{- Add any singleton clauses to the assumptions
 - and simplify the clauses -}
oneRule sequent@(_ :|-:  clauses) =
   -- Extract literals that occur alone and choose one
   let singletons = concatMap toList . filter isSingle $ S.toList clauses
   case singletons of
     x:_ -> return $ unitP x sequent  -- Return the new simplified problem
     [] -> mzero
     isSingle c = case (toList c) of { [a] -> True ; _ -> False }

{- ------------------------------ DPLL Algorithm ----------------------------- -}
dpll goalClauses = dpll' $ S.empty :|-: goalClauses
     dpll' sequent@(assms :|-: clauses) = do
       -- Fail early if falsum is a subgoal
       guard $ not (S.empty `member` clauses)
       case concatMap S.toList $ S.toList clauses of
         -- Return the assumptions if there are no subgoals left
         []  -> return assms
         -- Otherwise try various tactics for resolving goals
         x:_ -> dpll' =<< msum [ pureRule sequent
                                , oneRule sequent
                                , return $ unitP x sequent
                                , return $ unitP (neg x) sequent ]

dpllLogic s = observe $ dpll s

答案 1 :(得分:8)


使用Logic monad是否有任何具体的性能优势?

TL; DR :不是我能找到的; Maybe似乎优于Logic,因为它的开销较小。

我决定实施一个简单的基准来检查LogicMaybe的效果。 在我的测试中,我随机构造了5000个带有n子句的CNF,每个子句包含三个文字。随着条款n的变化,评估绩效。


dpllLogic s = listToMaybe $ observeMany 1 $ dpll s


dpll goalClauses = dpll' $ S.empty :|-: goalClauses
     dpll' sequent@(assms :|-: clauses) = do
       -- Fail early if falsum is a subgoal
       guard $ not (S.empty `member` clauses)
       case concatMap S.toList $ S.toList clauses of
         -- Return the assumptions if there are no subgoals left
         []  -> return assms
         -- Otherwise try various tactics for resolving goals
         x:_ -> msum [ pureRule sequent
                     , oneRule sequent
                     , return $ unitP x sequent
                     , return $ unitP (neg x) sequent ]
                >>- dpll'


以下是此测试的基准测试结果: Maybe Monad v. Logic Monad v. Logic Monad with Fair Disjunction

正如我们所看到的,Logic在这种情况下有或没有公平分离没有区别。使用dpll monad的Maybe求解似乎在n中以线性时间运行,而使用Logic monad则会产生额外的开销。似乎开销导致了高原。

以下是用于生成这些测试的Main.hs文件。希望重现这些基准的人可能希望查看Haskell's notes on profiling

module Main where
import DPLL
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Random
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.Set (fromList)

randLit = do let clauses = [ T p | p <- ['a'..'f'] ]
                        ++ [ F p | p <- ['a'..'f'] ]
             r <- randomRIO (0, (length clauses) - 1)
             return $ clauses !! r

randClause n = fmap fromList $ replicateM n $ fmap fromList $ replicateM 3 randLit

main = do args <- getArgs
          let n = read (args !! 0) :: Int
          clauses <- replicateM 5000 $ randClause n
          -- To use the Maybe monad
          --let satisfiable = filter (/= Nothing) $ map dpll clauses
          let satisfiable = filter (/= Nothing) $ map dpllLogic clauses
          putStrLn $ (show $ length satisfiable) ++ " satisfiable out of "
                  ++ (show $ length clauses)