我正在寻找一个批处理文件来复制proect目录锁定库存和桶,然后用实际项目名称替换“XYZ”。我已经让它适用于所有文件名及其内容,唯一剩下的就是目录名称(例如将C:\ Development \ Foo \ ZYZ.Web \重命名为C:\ Development \ Foo \ Foo.Web)。
REM Copy Template to destination (C:\Development\ProjectName where ProjectName is specified by the first argument)
cd C:\Development\Template\
xcopy . C:\Development\%1 /E /I
cd C:\Development\%1
REM In the destination directory, use FART to search for XYZ (within files) and replace with ProjectName
fart --recursive *.* XYZ %1
REM In the destination directory, use FART to search for XYZ (in filenames) and replace with ProjectName
fart --recursive --filename *.* XYZ %1