
时间:2012-07-23 22:45:35

标签: c linux memory tlb

我一直在尝试使用mremap()。我希望能够以高速移动虚拟内存页面。至少比复制它们更快的速度。我有一些算法的想法,可以利用能够快速移动内存页面。问题是,下面的程序显示mremap()非常慢 - 至少在我的i7笔记本电脑上 - 与实际逐字节复制相同的内存页面相比。

测试源代码如何工作? mmap()256 MB的RAM比CPU高速缓存大。迭代20万次。在每次迭代时,使用特定的交换方法交换两个随机内存页面。使用基于mremap()的页面交换方法运行一次和时间。使用逐字节复制交换方法再次运行和时间。事实证明,mremap()每秒仅管理71,577次页面交换,而逐字节复制每秒管理高达287,879次页面交换。所以mremap()比逐字节复制慢4倍!






#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define __USE_GNU
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <asm/ldt.h>
#include <asm/unistd.h>    

// gcc mremap.c && perl -MTime::HiRes -e '$t1=Time::HiRes::time;system(q[TEST_MREMAP=1 ./a.out]);$t2=Time::HiRes::time;printf qq[%u per second\n],(1/($t2-$t1))*200_000;'
// page size = 4096
// allocating 256 MB
// before 0x7f8e060bd000=0
// before 0x7f8e060be000=1
// before 0x7f8e160bd000
// after  0x7f8e060bd000=41
// after  0x7f8e060be000=228
// 71577 per second

// gcc mremap.c && perl -MTime::HiRes -e '$t1=Time::HiRes::time;system(q[TEST_COPY=1 ./a.out]);$t2=Time::HiRes::time;printf qq[%u per second\n],(1/($t2-$t1))*200_000;'
// page size = 4096
// allocating 256 MB
// before 0x7f1a9efa5000=0
// before 0x7f1a9efa6000=1
// before 0x7f1aaefa5000
// sizeof(i)=8
// after  0x7f1a9efa5000=41
// after  0x7f1a9efa6000=228
// 287879 per second

// gcc mremap.c && perl -MTime::HiRes -e '$t1=Time::HiRes::time;system(q[TEST_MEMCPY=1 ./a.out]);$t2=Time::HiRes::time;printf qq[%u per second\n],(1/($t2-$t1))*200_000;'
// page size = 4096
// allocating 256 MB
// before 0x7faf7c979000=0
// before 0x7faf7c97a000=1
// before 0x7faf8c979000
// sizeof(i)=8
// after  0x7faf7c979000=41
// after  0x7faf7c97a000=228
// 441911 per second

 * Algorithm:
 * - Allocate 256 MB of memory
 * - loop 200,000 times
 *   - swap a random 4k block for a random 4k block
 * Run the test twice; once for swapping using page table, once for swapping using CPU copying!

#define PAGES (1024*64)

int main() {
    int PAGE_SIZE = getpagesize();
    char* m = NULL;
    unsigned char* p[PAGES];
    void* t;

    printf("page size = %d\n", PAGE_SIZE);

    printf("allocating %u MB\n", PAGE_SIZE*PAGES / 1024 / 1024);
    m = (char*)mmap(0, PAGE_SIZE*(1+PAGES), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED  | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
    t = &m[PAGES*PAGE_SIZE];
        unsigned long i;
        for (i=0; i<PAGES; i++) {
            p[i] = &m[i*PAGE_SIZE];
            memset(p[i], i & 255, PAGE_SIZE);

    printf("before %p=%u\n", p[0], p[0][0]);
    printf("before %p=%u\n", p[1], p[1][0]);
    printf("before %p\n", t);

    if (getenv("TEST_MREMAP")) {
        unsigned i;
        for (i=0; i<200001; i++) {
            unsigned p1 = random() % PAGES;
            unsigned p2 = random() % PAGES;
    //      mremap(void *old_address, size_t old_size, size_t new_size,int flags, /* void *new_address */);
            mremap(p[p2], PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE, MREMAP_FIXED | MREMAP_MAYMOVE, t    );
            mremap(p[p1], PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE, MREMAP_FIXED | MREMAP_MAYMOVE, p[p2]);
            mremap(t    , PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE, MREMAP_FIXED | MREMAP_MAYMOVE, p[p1]); // p3 no longer exists after this!
        } /* for() */
    else if (getenv("TEST_MEMCPY")) {
        unsigned long * pu[PAGES];
        unsigned long   i;
        for (i=0; i<PAGES; i++) {
            pu[i] = (unsigned long *)p[i];
        printf("sizeof(i)=%lu\n", sizeof(i));
        for (i=0; i<200001; i++) {
            unsigned p1 = random() % PAGES;
            unsigned p2 = random() % PAGES;
            unsigned long * pa = pu[p1];
            unsigned long * pb = pu[p2];
            unsigned char t[PAGE_SIZE];
            //memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);
            memcpy(t , pb, PAGE_SIZE);
            memcpy(pb, pa, PAGE_SIZE);
            memcpy(pa, t , PAGE_SIZE);
        } /* for() */
    else if (getenv("TEST_MODIFY_LDT")) {
        unsigned long * pu[PAGES];
        unsigned long   i;
        for (i=0; i<PAGES; i++) {
            pu[i] = (unsigned long *)p[i];
        printf("sizeof(i)=%lu\n", sizeof(i));
        // int modify_ldt(int func, void *ptr, unsigned long bytecount);
        // modify_ldt(int func, void *ptr, unsigned long bytecount);
        // modify_ldt() reads or writes the local descriptor table (ldt) for a process. The ldt is a per-process memory management table used by the i386 processor. For more information on this table, see an Intel 386 processor handbook.
        // When func is 0, modify_ldt() reads the ldt into the memory pointed to by ptr. The number of bytes read is the smaller of bytecount and the actual size of the ldt.
        // When func is 1, modify_ldt() modifies one ldt entry. ptr points to a user_desc structure and bytecount must equal the size of this structure.
        // The user_desc structure is defined in <asm/ldt.h> as:
        // struct user_desc {
        //     unsigned int  entry_number;
        //     unsigned long base_addr;
        //     unsigned int  limit;
        //     unsigned int  seg_32bit:1;
        //     unsigned int  contents:2;
        //     unsigned int  read_exec_only:1;
        //     unsigned int  limit_in_pages:1;
        //     unsigned int  seg_not_present:1;
        //     unsigned int  useable:1;
        // };
        // On success, modify_ldt() returns either the actual number of bytes read (for reading) or 0 (for writing). On failure, modify_ldt() returns -1 and sets errno to indicate the error.
        unsigned char ptr[20000];
        int result;
        result = modify_ldt(0, &ptr[0], sizeof(ptr)); printf("result=%d, errno=%u\n", result, errno);
        result = syscall(__NR_modify_ldt, 0, &ptr[0], sizeof(ptr)); printf("result=%d, errno=%u\n", result, errno);
        // todo: how to get these calls returning a non-zero value?
    else {
        unsigned long * pu[PAGES];
        unsigned long   i;
        for (i=0; i<PAGES; i++) {
            pu[i] = (unsigned long *)p[i];
        printf("sizeof(i)=%lu\n", sizeof(i));
        for (i=0; i<200001; i++) {
            unsigned long j;
            unsigned p1 = random() % PAGES;
            unsigned p2 = random() % PAGES;
            unsigned long * pa = pu[p1];
            unsigned long * pb = pu[p2];
            unsigned long t;
            for (j=0; j<(4096/8/8); j++) {
                t = *pa; *pa ++ = *pb; *pb ++ = t;
                t = *pa; *pa ++ = *pb; *pb ++ = t;
                t = *pa; *pa ++ = *pb; *pb ++ = t;
                t = *pa; *pa ++ = *pb; *pb ++ = t;
                t = *pa; *pa ++ = *pb; *pb ++ = t;
                t = *pa; *pa ++ = *pb; *pb ++ = t;
                t = *pa; *pa ++ = *pb; *pb ++ = t;
                t = *pa; *pa ++ = *pb; *pb ++ = t;
        } /* for() */

    printf("after  %p=%u\n", p[0], p[0][0]);
    printf("after  %p=%u\n", p[1], p[1][0]);
    return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

// gcc getpid.c && perl -MTime::HiRes -e '$t1=Time::HiRes::time;system(q[TEST_COPY=1 ./a.out]);$t2=Time::HiRes::time;printf qq[%u per second\n],(1/($t2-$t1))*100_000_000;'
// running_total=8545800085458
// 81916192 per second

 * Algorithm:
 * - Call getpid() 100 million times.

int main() {
    unsigned i;
    unsigned long running_total = 0;
    for (i=0; i<100000001; i++) {
        /*      123123123 */
        running_total += getpid();
        running_total += getpid();
        running_total += getpid();
    } /* for() */
    printf("running_total=%lu\n", running_total);

更新2:我添加了WIP代码来调用我发现的名为modify_ldt()的函数。手册页提示可以进行页面操作。但是,无论我尝试什么,当我期望它返回读取的字节数时,函数总是返回零。 'man modify_ldt'表示“成功时,modify_ldt()返回读取的实际字节数(用于读取)或0(用于写入)。失败时,modify_ldt()返回-1并设置errno以指示错误。”任何想法(一)是否modify_ldt()将是mremap()的替代? (b)如何让modify_ldt()工作?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:16)

似乎没有比memcpy()重新排序内存页面更快的用户登陆机制。 mremap()速度慢得多,因此仅用于重新调整先前使用mmap()分配的内存区域。


"An Introduction to Intel Memory Management"是对内存页面映射理论的一个很好的介绍。

"Key concepts of Intel virtual memory"显示如何更详细地工作,以防您计划编写自己的操作系统: - )

"Sharing Page Tables in the Linux Kernel"显示了一些困难的Linux内存页面映射架构决策及其对性能的影响。



答案 1 :(得分:8)

是什么让您认为mremap可以有效地交换单个4k页面?至少,内核空间的往返甚至只是为了读取单个值(如pid)并返回它将花费比移动4k数据更多的成本。那是在我们得到重新映射内存的缓存失效/ TLB成本之前,我不太清楚这个问题在这个答案中解决,但是应该有一些严重的成本。
