if start_period ≤ currentDay and currentDay ≤ end_period then
--create the appointment
这是start_period = 1和end_period = 15的结果:
tell application "AppleScript Editor"
display dialog "Current day: 1"
--> {button returned:"OK"}
end tell
tell application "iCal"
make new event at end of calendar "Manpower" with properties {summary:"CD", start date:date "Sunday, January 1, 2012 12:00:00 AM", end date:date "Sunday, January 1, 2012 12:00:00 AM", allday event:true}
--> event id "D6FC11E3-17EB-4F49-8491-ECF8F08E5B56" of calendar id "7DC7F2B9-EF4C-4BFC-9D25-6061D71704F0"
end tell
tell application "AppleScript Editor"
display dialog "Current day: 2"
--> {button returned:"OK"}
display dialog "Current day: 3"
--> {button returned:"OK"}
display dialog "Current day: 4"
--> {button returned:"OK"}
display dialog "Current day: 5"
--> {button returned:"OK"}
display dialog "Current day: 6"
--> {button returned:"OK"}
display dialog "Current day: 7"
--> {button returned:"OK"}
display dialog "Current day: 8"
--> {button returned:"OK"}
display dialog "Current day: 9"
--> {button returned:"OK"}
display dialog "Current day: 10"
--> {button returned:"OK"}
end tell
tell application "iCal"
make new event at end of calendar "Manpower" with properties {summary:"Duty", start date:date "Tuesday, January 10, 2012 12:00:00 AM", end date:date "Tuesday, January 10, 2012 12:00:00 AM", allday event:true}
--> event id "5C52EFAA-287A-4879-B549-FDDD225853DA" of calendar id "7DC7F2B9-EF4C-4BFC-9D25-6061D71704F0"
end tell
tell application "AppleScript Editor"
display dialog "Current day: 11"
--> {button returned:"OK"}
set theDoc to (choose file with prompt "Choose source files" with multiple selections allowed without invisibles) as string
-- choose destination folder
set sourceFolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose a folder to contain files:"
display dialog "Date to begin import" default answer "First Day..."
set start_day to date (text returned of result)
display dialog "Date to complete import" default answer "Last Day…"
set end_day to date (text returned of result)
--remove all current appointments
tell application "iCal"
set theCalendars to title of every calendar
tell calendar "Manpower" -- your calendar here
set theEvents to every event whose (start date is greater than or equal to start_day) and (start date is less than or equal to the end_day)
repeat with current_event in theEvents
delete current_event
end repeat
end tell
end tell
--display dialog "delete complete"
--set the returned_events to every event of calendar 1 ¬
--whose (start date is greater than or equal to start_day) and ¬
--(start date is less than or equal to the end_day)
--remove all csv files from source folder
tell application "Finder"
delete (files of sourceFolder)
end tell
--Get user name
display dialog "What's your last name?" default answer "My last name is..."
set theName to (text returned of result)
--save csv files
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
open file theDoc
tell workbook 1
repeat with a from 1 to 12
tell sheet a
set myFileName to sourceFolder & "month" & a & ".csv" as string
save in myFileName as CSV file format
end tell
end repeat
close without saving
end tell
end tell
repeat with b from 1 to 12
set start_month to (month of (start_day)) * 1
set end_month to (month of (end_day)) * 1
if b ≥ start_month then
if b ≤ end_month then
tell application "Finder"
set curFileName to (sourceFolder as text) & "month" & (b as text) & ".csv"
set workingFile to read file (curFileName)
-- break the file down into rows
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {ASCII character 13}
-- theContents is a list of all the rows
set theContents to text items of workingFile as list
end tell
--rowTwo is the list of names
set rowTwo to item 2 of theContents
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {","}
set rowParts to (every text item in rowTwo)
--Find the name entered by the user and return its number (nameNumber
set nameNumber to findName(rowParts, theName)
repeat with j from 1 to the count of theContents
if j > 2 then
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {","}
set currentItem to text item j of theContents
set currentRow to text items of currentItem
set rowCount to count (currentRow)
--if we have passed the first two row (pass info and column headers) then start gathering duty information
if rowCount > 2 then
--dutyStat is duty status
set dutyStat to item nameNumber of currentRow
set statCount to count (dutyStat)
set dutyDate to text item 1 of currentRow
set myCount to count (dutyDate)
--to ensure that we have an actual date in the field
if myCount > 4 then
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "-"
set dutyDateT to text items of dutyDate as list
set dutyTwo to text items of dutyDateT
set datePartC to count (dutyDateT)
set currentDay to text item 1 of dutyTwo as string
set currentMonth to text item 2 of dutyTwo as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {","}
set dutyDateToo to date ((b as text) & " " & currentDay & " " & "2012")
set start_period to (day of (start_day))
set end_period to (day of (end_day))
display dialog "Current day: " & currentDay
--if (currentDay as text) ≥ (start_period as text) then
--display dialog "Larger than the start. Current day: " & currentDay & ". Start period: " & (start_period as text)
--if (currentDay as int) ≤ (end_period as text) then
--display dialog "smaller than the complete…creating appt Current day: " & currentDay & ". End period: " & (end_period as text)
if start_period ≤ currentDay and currentDay ≤ end_period then
--create the appointment
tell application "iCal"
tell calendar "Manpower"
make new event at end with properties {summary:dutyStat, start date:dutyDateToo, end date:dutyDateToo, allday event:true}
end tell
end tell
--end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end repeat
on error errMsg
display dialog "ERROR on date: " & item 1 of currentRow & ". The error is: " & errMsg
end try
end if
end if
end repeat
on findName(rowList, theItem)
repeat with i from 1 to the count of rowList
if item i of rowList is theItem then return i
end repeat
end findName
答案 0 :(得分:0)
问题是您将数字与此行if start_period ≤ currentDay and currentDay ≤ end_period then
set currentDay to text item 1 of dutyTwo as string
- > currentDay 是一个字符串
set start_period to (day of (start_day))
- > start_period 是一个整数, end_period 是一个整数
使用此set currentDay to (text item 1 of dutyTwo) as integer