
时间:2012-07-23 11:45:43

标签: android c++ c android-ndk shared-libraries

我正在为我的android项目使用freeimage.so,我如何从C代码中引用这个库?还是需要访问这个库中的函数? 更多信息:我已将该功能放在项目中的armeabi文件夹中 请向我提供宝贵的建议 提前感谢您的宝贵努力

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要直接从C代码使用.so文件,您可以使用dlfcn POSIX API。它就像WinAPI中的LoadLibrary / GetProcAddress一样。

#include <dlfcn.h>

// sorry, I don't know the exact name of your FreeImage header file
#include "freeimage_header_file.h"

// declare the prototype
typedef FIBITMAP* ( DLL_CALLCONV* PFNFreeImage_LoadFromMemory )
         ( FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT, FIMEMORY*, int );

// declare the function pointer
PFNFreeImage_LoadFromMemory LoadFromMem_Function;

void some_function()
    void* handle = dlopen("freeimage.so", RTLD_NOW);

    LoadFromMem_Function = 
            ( PFNFreeImage_LoadFromMemory )dlsym(handle, "FreeImage_LoadFromMemory" );

    // use LoadFromMem_Function as you would use
    // statically linked FreeImage_LoadFromMemory
