如何在List <float>?</float>中为特定的一个索引添加数字集

时间:2012-07-19 15:49:30

标签: c#

int numberofframesX = 0;
int numberofframesY = 0;
string framesX = "";
string framesY = "";
string X = "";
string Y = "";
string t = path + "\\" + fileName;
OptionsFile setting_file = new OptionsFile(t);
string XX = setting_file.GetKey("Number Of Frames X");
string YY = setting_file.GetKey("Number Of Frames Y");
numberofframesX = Convert.ToInt32(XX);
numberofframesY = Convert.ToInt32(YY);    

for (int i = 1; i < numberofframesX ; i++)
    X  = string.Format("Frame_X_{0} ", i);
    framesX = setting_file.GetKey(X);
    List<string> floatStrings = new List<string>(framesX.Split(new char[] { ',' }));
    List<float> test = new List<float>(  floatStrings.Select(tempStr => (float)Convert.ToDouble(tempStr)).ToList()); 
    wo1.woc.Point_X = test; 

我需要在我问题底部的链接中的两个图像中执行它所显示的内容。 woc index [0]有两个float all的列表我需要在Point_X中将每个数字的数字添加到Point_X中的索引,例如第1帧是Frame_X_1所以右边的数字应该已经添加了ot Point_X indexs然后在woc [1] Frame_X_2等等.....


Frame_X_1 =323,332,322,332
Frame_Y_1 =206,212,218,203
Frame_X_2 =323,332,318,332
Frame_Y_2 =206,212,269,203
Frame_X_3 =323,332,318,332
Frame_Y_3 =206,212,269,203
Frame_X_4 =323,332,318,332
Frame_Y_4 =206,212,269,203
Frame_X_5 =323,332,318,332
Frame_Y_5 =206,212,269,203
Frame_X_6 =323,332,318,332
Frame_Y_6 =206,212,269,203
Frame_X_7 =323,332,318,332
Frame_Y_7 =206,212,269,203
Frame_X_8 =323,332,318,332
Frame_Y_8 =206,212,269,203
Number Of Frames X=4
Number Of Frames Y=4

这是woc WireObjectCoordinates类的代码:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace AnimationEditor
    class WireObjectCoordinates
        public List<float> Point_X = new List<float>();
        public List<float> Point_Y = new List<float>();

        public WireObjectCoordinates()

        public WireObjectCoordinates(WireObjectCoordinates w)

        public void Set(WireObjectCoordinates w)
            for (int i = 0; i < Point_X.Count; i++)
                Point_X[i] = w.Point_X[i];
                Point_Y[i] = w.Point_Y[i];


 * Function     : GetKey
 * Description  : gets the value of the key.
 * Parameters   : key
 * Return       : value of the key if key exist, null if not exist
 * --------------------------------------------------------*/
    public string GetKey(string key)

      //  string value_of_each_key;
        string key_of_each_line;
        string line;
        int index;
        string key_value;
        key_value = null;

        sr = new StreamReader(Options_File);
        while (null != (line = sr.ReadLine()))

            index = line.IndexOf("=");

           //    value_of_each_key = line.Substring(index+1);

            if (index >= 1)
                key_of_each_line = line.Substring(0, index);
                if (key_of_each_line == key)
                    key_value = line.Substring(key.Length + 1);


        return key_value;


http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/515/imag0649b.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/23/imag0648me.jpg/

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