on $(document).ready(function()
$(".resizable" ).resizable({
handles: 'n',
minHeight: 1,
minWidth: maxBarWidth,
maxHeight: maxBarHeight,
maxWidth: maxBarWidth
//position and draw bars
//make bars resizable with mouse and set their max and min dimentions
var maxBarWidth = $('.graphBar').width();
var maxBarHeight = $('.graphArea').height();
//activate resize on bars
$(".resizable" ).resizable(
{handles: 'n', minHeight: 1, minWidth: maxBarWidth, maxHeight: maxBarHeight, maxWidth: maxBarWidth}
//update input fields and graph labels after bars resizing
$(".resizable" ).bind( "resizestop", function(event, ui) {
targetInput = $(this).attr("label");
$('input[name=' + targetInput + ']').val(Math.round($(this).height()/window.chartScale));
function setBarPosition(){
window.chartHeight = Number($('.graphArea').height());
window.barWidth = $('.graphArea .graphBar').width();
window.highestYlabel = Number($('.graphYAxis p').first().html());
window.chartHeightArea = window.chartHeight - Number($('p.axis- value').first().height());
window.chartScale = chartHeightArea / window.highestYlabel;
window.barSpacing = Number($('.graphArea').attr('barSpacing'));
$orderNo = 1;
$itemNo = 1;
//count how many bars are present and calculate incremental position
$('.graphArea .graphBar').each(function(index){
//if bar is from second series then attach to the side of the previous one
if (index%2 == 0)
var barPosition = (index * barWidth) + (index * window.barSpacing) + window.barSpacing;
var barPosition = (index * barWidth) + (index * window.barSpacing);
//assign left position to each bar
$(this).css('left', barPosition + 'px');
//add numeric values on bars. Values are read from input form
if (index%2 == 0)
elementName = 'orders' + $orderNo;
$orderNo = $orderNo + 1;
elementName = 'items' + $itemNo;
$itemNo = $itemNo + 1;
//attach paragraphs holding the bar heights to the divs generating the bars
currentBarValue = $('input[name="'+ elementName +'"]').val();
$(this).attr('barValue', currentBarValue);
$(this).html('<p class="resizable" title="' + elementName + '">' + $(this).attr('barValue') + '</p>');
//add X axis labels
$('.graphXAxis').append('<p style="left:' + (barPosition - (window.barWidth/2)) + 'px">' + $(this).attr('label') + '<p>');
//find out the bar with the maximum value assigned
var barValue = Number($(this).attr('barValue'));
if (barValue > window.maxValue)
window.maxValue = barValue;
//calculate value to display
window.valueMultiplier = window.maxValue / window.highestYlabel;
//animate bars and labels
function runAnimation(){
$('.graphArea .graphBar').each(function(index){
//calculate relative bar heights
var scaledValue = Number($(this).attr('barValue')) * window.chartScale;
var delayTime = 125 * index;
//animate bars
//for each children element apply delay (in built JQUERY function)