
时间:2012-07-15 21:37:22

标签: c input validation scanf



double get_double(void)函数来验证每项费用的输入 和收入。它将不断提示用户输入数值,直到它满足为止 条件。该值必须为numeric且大于或等于0.如果有任何字符输入 在输入被视为无效的数字之前或之后。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

double get_expenses(double* pSchool, double* pLiving, double* pTransp, double* pOther); /* function prototype */
double get_income(double* pEmploy, double* pOther);                                     /* function prototype */
double display_report(double School, double Living, double Transp, double OtherExp, double Employ, double OtherInc);  /* function prototype */
char get_char(char* pRecalculate);   /* function prototype */
void clear_buffer(void);   /* function prototype */
double get_double(void);   /* function prototype */

main() {

double school, living, transp, otherExp;
double employ, otherInc;
char recalculate;
int counter = 1;

while (counter > 0){  
    printf("Student Budget Planner\n");
    printf("Input Set: %d\n\n", counter);             
    get_expenses(&school, &living, &transp, &otherExp);
    get_income(&employ, &otherInc);
    display_report(school, living, transp, otherExp, employ, otherInc);
     if (recalculate == 'Y' || recalculate == 'y'){
     counter = counter + 1;
        } else {
               counter = 0;

return 0;

double get_expenses(double* pSchool, double* pLiving, double* pTransp, double* pOther) {
*pSchool = *pLiving = *pTransp = *pOther = 0;

double tuition, textbooks, supplies, rent, utilities, phone, groceries;
double entertainment, transportation, car, insurance, gas, other;

printf("School Expenses:\n");
printf("Tuition (per semester): ");
scanf("%lf", &tuition);
printf("\nTextbooks(per semester): ");
scanf("%lf", &textbooks);
printf("\nSupplies: ");
scanf("%lf", &supplies);

*pSchool = (tuition / 4) + (textbooks / 4) + supplies;

printf("\n\nLiving Expenses:\n");
printf("Residence/Rent/Mortgage: ");
scanf("%lf", &rent);
printf("\nUtilities: ");  
scanf("%lf", &utilities);           
printf("\nPhone/Internet: "); 
scanf("%lf", &phone);                
printf("\nGroceries/Eating out: ");
scanf("%lf", &groceries);                 
printf("\nEntertainment: "); 
scanf("%lf", &entertainment);

*pLiving = rent + utilities + phone + groceries + entertainment;

printf("\n\nTransportation: \n");              
printf("Public Transportation: "); 
scanf("%lf", &transportation);
printf("\nCar: ");
scanf("%lf", &car);
printf("\nAuto Insurance: ");
scanf("%lf", &insurance);
printf("\nGas/Maintenance: ");
scanf("%lf", &gas);

*pTransp = transportation + car + insurance + gas;

printf("\n\nOther: \n");
printf("Any other expenses: ");
scanf("%lf", &other);

*pOther = other;

return *pSchool, *pLiving, *pTransp, *pOther;

double get_income(double* pEmploy, double* pOther){
*pEmploy = *pOther = 0;

double wages, family, scholarship, other;

printf("\n\nEmployment income:\n");
printf("Expected Wages/Tips: ");
scanf("%lf", &wages);

*pEmploy = wages;

printf("\n\nOther income:\n");
printf("Family Support: ");
scanf("%lf", &family);
printf("\nScholarship/Bursaries (per semester): ");
scanf("%lf", &scholarship);
printf("\nOther: ");
scanf("%lf", &other);

*pOther = family + scholarship + other;

return *pEmploy, *pOther;

double display_report(double School, double Living, double Transp, double OtherExp, double Employ, double OtherInc) {  

printf("\n\nStudent Name Budget Report\n");  
printf("                                              MONTHLY  ANNUALY\n");
printf("School Expenses:                              $%.2lf   $%.2lf\n", School, School * 12);
printf("Living Expenses:                              $%.2lf   $%.2lf\n", Living, Living * 12);
printf("Transportation Expenses:                      $%.2lf   $%.2lf\n", Transp, Transp * 12);
printf("Other Expenses:                               $%.2lf   $%.2lf\n", OtherExp, OtherExp * 12);
printf("total Expenses:                               $%.2lf   $%.2lf\n", School + Living + Transp + OtherExp, School * 12 + Living * 12 + Transp * 12 + OtherExp * 12); 
printf("Employment Income:                            $%.2lf   $%.2lf\n", Employ, Employ * 12);
printf("Other Income:                                 $%.2lf   $%.2lf\n", OtherInc, OtherInc * 12);
printf("Total Income:                                 $%.2lf   $%.2lf\n", Employ + OtherInc, Employ * 12 + OtherInc * 12);
printf("Total Savings Available for your Goals:       $%.2lf   $%.2lf\n", (Employ + OtherInc) - (School + Living + Transp + OtherExp), (Employ * 12 + OtherInc * 12)- (School * 12 + Living * 12 + Transp * 12 + OtherExp * 12));

return 0;

char get_char(char* pRecalculate){

     int valid_input;

     valid_input = 0;

     while (valid_input == 0){
     printf("\nWould you like to recalculate your budget? (Y/N): ");
     scanf("%c", &*pRecalculate);
     *pRecalculate = toupper(*pRecalculate);
     if (*pRecalculate == 'Y' || *pRecalculate == 'y' || *pRecalculate == 'N' || *pRecalculate == 'n') valid_input = 1;
         else printf("Error Invalid choice\n");


     return *pRecalculate;

void clear_buffer(void) {

while ( getchar() != '\n' );

double get_double()

 // What to put here?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




double get_double(void)
    double d;
    int ask_again = 1; /* continue if 1 (true), exit if 0 (false) */

    do {
        /* display message to user to let them know to type a number */
        /* read user input */
        if (/* user input didn't input a valid double */)
            /* display appropriate error message */
        else if (/* user entered a double, but it wasn't greater than or equal to zero */)
            /* display appropriate error message */
        else    /* user entered valid input, so ...  */
            /* ... do something to make sure the loop exists */
    } while (/* we need to ask again */);

这对我大吼大叫,所以我在do-while循环中写了它。我提供了一个int ask_again变量,但是如果有的话,我会把它留给你。

您应该考虑所有评论所针对的真实代码 请查看您的课程笔记,了解您的老师希望您了解哪些技术可以在此处申请。

阅读和清理用户输入是所有计算机语言中一个臭名昭着的问题,尤其是C. StackOverflow可以为您提供有关如何执行特定操作的想法。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


double get_double()
    double d;

    if (scanf("%lf", &d) != 1)
        /* handle error */
        reurn -1;

    if (d < 0)
        /* handle error */
        return -1;

    return d;

或者,正如Keith Thompson指出的那样,你也可以安全:

double get_double()
    double d;
    char *line = NULL;
    size_t len;

    getline(&line, &len, stdin);
    if (line == NULL)
        return -1;

    d = strtod(line, NULL);

    if (d < 0)
        /* handle error */
        return -1;

    return d;

你可以像这样使用它(因为没有办法在一个双精度中返回所有输入的双精度数 - 也许你想要一个数组,但问题是将目标签名指定为double(*)()):

double d;

while ((d = get_double()) >= 0)
    /* do what you want */