
时间:2012-07-14 01:14:02

标签: python regex unicode


neg_emoticon_regular = ur"""
  [\((]?     #optional left parenthesis
  \s*         #optional space   
  [\`\#\ ́]?   #optional symbols between left parenthesis and left eye
  (?P<eye1>[\ー\; \́\`\・\>Tt\ー\ ̄\−\-\゚~\_\.\>\*\/]) #left eye
  \s*         #optional space                     
  [\。\。\Δ\-\人\O\0\.\Д\д\o\−\_\ω\ヘ\^\_]? #mouth
  \s*         #optional space  
  [(?P=eye1)\`\<\’]   #right eye, usually will match left eye                
  [\A\#\;]?   #optional symbols between right eye and right parenthesis
  \s*         #optional space
  [\)\)]?    #optional right parenthesis   

neg_emoticon_re = re.compile(neg_emoticon_regular, re.VERBOSE  | re.UNICODE)
test_2 = ["(−_−#)","(-。-;","(-_-)"] #negative emoticons to match
for e in test_2:
    e_uc_norm = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', e.decode("utf-8"))
    m = 
    if m: print "eye1:","eye1") #print the symbol that is supposed to be the left eye
    print len(neg_emoticon_re.findall(e_uc_norm)), e_uc_norm

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

在正则表达式中,[...]是一组字符,因此[\((]将匹配开括号或空格(可缩短为[( ])和{{1将匹配可选的空白字符或加号。