Dynamic Sql-具有活动字段搜索条件的问题

时间:2012-07-12 20:38:52

标签: sql sql-server sql-server-2008 stored-procedures dynamic-sql

我正在为表tblEmployees中的搜索创建动态sql查询。在tblEmployees我有一个名为active的字段,所以我希望如果我们提供有效的1作为其他参数,那么它应该搜索active = 1的记录,如果我们没有提供任何值的活动我的意思是既不是1也不是0然后它应该使用我在查询中定义的其他参数进行搜索。

CREATE TABLE tblEmployees2
    EmployeeID       SMALLINT IDENTITY(1001,1) NOT NULL,
    EmployeeName     NVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    Department       NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    Designation      NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    JoiningDate      DATETIME NOT NULL,
    Salary           DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL,
    [Description]    NVARCHAR(1000) NULL,
    active           Tinyint NULL 

INSERT INTO tblEmployees
(EmployeeName, Department, Designation, 
 JoiningDate, Salary, [Description],active) 
('John Smith', 'IT Research', 'Research Analyst', 
 '02/08/2005', 23000.00, 'Analyst since 2005',1)

INSERT INTO tblEmployees
(EmployeeName, Department, Designation, 
 JoiningDate, Salary, [Description],active) 
('John Micheal', 'IT Operations', 'Manager', 
 '07/15/2007', 15000.00, NULL,0)

INSERT INTO tblEmployees
(EmployeeName, Department, Designation, 
 JoiningDate, Salary, [Description],active) 
('Will Smith', 'IT Support', 'Manager', 
 '05/20/2006', 13000.00, 'Joined last year as IT Support Manager',1)

和动态sql -

/* Input Parameters */
@EmployeeName NVarchar(100),
@Department NVarchar(50),
@Designation NVarchar(50),
@StartDate DateTime,
@EndDate DateTime,
@Salary    Decimal(10,2),
@active tinyint

set @active=1--------------if active is 1 then it returns result where active=1 and if we are not providing
                          --any value neither 1 nor 0 then it should return both active=1 and active=0
set @EmployeeName='joh'
    /* Variable Declaration */
    Declare @SQLQuery AS NVarchar(4000)
    Declare @ParamDefinition AS NVarchar(2000) 
    /* Build the Transact-SQL String with the input parameters */ 
    Set @SQLQuery = 'Select * From tblEmployees where (1=1) ' 
    /* check for the condition and build the WHERE clause accordingly */
    if @active=1   
    set @SQLQuery=@active + ' And (active = @active)'

If @EmployeeName Is Not Null 
     Set @SQLQuery = @SQLQuery + ' And (EmployeeName LIKE '''+ '%' + @EmployeeName + '%' + ''')'

If @Department Is Not Null
     Set @SQLQuery = @SQLQuery + ' And (Department = @Department)' 

If @Designation Is Not Null
     Set @SQLQuery = @SQLQuery + ' And (Designation = @Designation)'

If @Salary Is Not Null
     Set @SQLQuery = @SQLQuery + ' And (Salary >= @Salary)'

If (@StartDate Is Not Null) AND (@EndDate Is Not Null)
     Set @SQLQuery = @SQLQuery + ' And (JoiningDate 
     BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate)'
/* Specify Parameter Format for all input parameters included 
 in the stmt */
Set @ParamDefinition =      ' @EmployeeName NVarchar(100),
            @Department NVarchar(50),
            @Designation NVarchar(50),
            @StartDate DateTime,
            @EndDate DateTime,
            @Salary    Decimal(10,2),
            @active tinyint'
/* Execute the Transact-SQL String with all parameter value's 
   Using sp_executesql Command */
Execute sp_Executesql     @SQLQuery, 

print @SQLQuery

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


set @SQLQuery=@active + ' And (active = @active)'


set @SQLQuery = @SQLQuery + ' And (active = @active)'
