
时间:2012-07-12 03:10:21

标签: r plyr r-factor




ddply(data.c, .(strata), function(x) t.test(age~treatment, data=x, na.rm=TRUE)



t.test.formula中的错误(年龄〜治疗,数据= x,na.rm = TRUE):     分组因子必须正好有2个级别




所以我有一些示例代码。 Chase的例子工作得很好但是当我使用我的数据时,我仍然得到同样的错误。

dlply(data.c, .(strata), function(x) t.test(age~treatment, data=x, na.rm=TRUE产生了同样的错误。



        strata  age treatment
1   1   57.8630136986301    p_3
2   0   52.958904109589 p_3
3   NA  97.2438356164384    p12
4   0   88.2027397260274    p12
5   1   77.5890410958904    p12
6   1   43.9123287671233    p12
7   1   63.5260273972603    p_3
8   1   42.1890410958904    p12
9   0   52.1753424657534    p12
10  1   65.6493150684932    p12
11  0   44.9835616438356    p12
12  1   64.8849315068493    p12
13  1   57.5835616438356    p12
14  0   47.3013698630137    p12
15  0   74.0356164383562    NA
16  0   65.4986301369863    p12
17  1   83.986301369863 p12
18  0   47.4904109589041    p12
19  1   47.8630136986301    p12
20  1   58.8520547945205    p12
21  1   61.3342465753425    p12
22  1   66.841095890411 p12
23  1   55.6383561643836    p12
24  1   52.7178082191781    p12
25  1   71.4630136986301    p12
26  1   NA  p12
27  1   59.2082191780822    p12
28  1   69.8575342465753    p12
29  1   46.7397260273973    p12
30  1   53.5013698630137    p_3
31  1   41.3205479452055    p12
32  0   51.3917808219178    p_3
33  1   47.8684931506849    p12
34  1   87.654794520548 p12
35  0   75.558904109589 p12
36  1   71.2520547945205    p12
37  1   44.9808219178082    p_3
38  1   52  p_3
39  1   54.7643835616438    p_3
40  1   85.6630136986301    p_3
41  1   74.1835616438356    p_3
42  1   56.8684931506849    p_3
43  1   87.572602739726 p_3
44  1   85.0109589041096    p_3
45  1   70.0767123287671    p_3
46  0   47.2328767123288    p12
47  1   63.7972602739726    p12
48  1   85.8054794520548    p12
49  1   67.027397260274 p12
50  1   60.7342465753425    p12
51  0   61.9479452054794    p_3
52  0   86.8712328767123    p12
53  1   87.8219178082192    p12
54  1   49.9424657534247    p12
55  0   83.386301369863 p12
56  1   88.3013698630137    p12
57  1   55.7890410958904    p12
58  1   63.7616438356164    p12
59  1   55.5041095890411    p12
60  1   43.5232876712329    p12
61  1   58.8246575342466    p12
62  0   46.7397260273973    p12
63  0   74.2027397260274    p_3
64  0   51.9205479452055    p_3
65  0   78.1890410958904    p_3
66  0   78.9917808219178    p_3

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


 Error in list_to_dataframe(res, attr(.data, "split_labels")) : 
  Results must be all atomic, or all data frames



x <- data.frame(strata = sample(letters[1:2], 100, TRUE),
                age = sample(18:65, 100, TRUE),
                treatment = sample(LETTERS[1:2], 100, TRUE))
x[sample(nrow(x), 10, FALSE), "strata"] <- NA
x[sample(nrow(x), 10, FALSE), "treatment"] <- NA


out <- dlply(x, .(strata), function(x) t.test(age~treatment, data = x, na.rm=TRUE))

要回答你的问题,是的 - plyr似乎将NA视为一个有效的组,正如out列表对象的长度和名称所证明的那样:

> names(out)
[1] "a"  "b"  "NA"

正如我所说,更好地描述你的问题可能会得到一个更好的答案 - 但希望这会让你走上正确的道路。

答案 1 :(得分:1)



      function(x) t.test(age~treatment, data=x, na.rm=TRUE), 


Error in t.test.formula(age ~ treatment, data = x, na.rm = TRUE) : 
  grouping factor must have exactly 2 levels
Error: with piece 3: 
  strata      age treatment
3     NA 97.24384       p12

事实上只有一行strata NA,并且在单个数据点上执行t.test(或者更确切地说,所有数据点都在同一个数据点上group)会给出你看到的错误:

> t.test(age~treatment, data=data.c[$strata),], na.rm=TRUE)
Error in t.test.formula(age ~ treatment, data = data.c[$strata),  : 
  grouping factor must have exactly 2 levels


      function(x) t.test(age~treatment, data=x, na.rm=TRUE))



        Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  age by treatment 
t = 0.2653, df = 15.729, p-value = 0.7942
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 
95 percent confidence interval:
 -13.41565  17.24792 
sample estimates:
mean in group p_3 mean in group p12 
         64.22896          62.31283 


        Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  age by treatment 
t = 0.6606, df = 18.612, p-value = 0.517
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 
95 percent confidence interval:
 -6.998471 13.440397 
sample estimates:
mean in group p_3 mean in group p12 
         65.50091          62.27995 

[1] "data.frame"
1      0
2      1

或者您可以通过错误捕获来保护呼叫。 plyr为此目的提供了便利包装try_default

      function(x) try_default(t.test(age~treatment, data=x, na.rm=TRUE),


Error in t.test.formula(age ~ treatment, data = x, na.rm = TRUE) : 
  grouping factor must have exactly 2 levels

        Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  age by treatment 
t = 0.2653, df = 15.729, p-value = 0.7942
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 
95 percent confidence interval:
 -13.41565  17.24792 
sample estimates:
mean in group p_3 mean in group p12 
         64.22896          62.31283 


        Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  age by treatment 
t = 0.6606, df = 18.612, p-value = 0.517
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 
95 percent confidence interval:
 -6.998471 13.440397 
sample estimates:
mean in group p_3 mean in group p12 
         65.50091          62.27995 


[1] "data.frame"
1      0
2      1
3     NA
