
时间:2012-07-11 08:58:50

标签: python file parsing text binary


# 8 rows of header
123 ABC12345 A some more variable length text
456 DEF12345 A some more variable length text
789 GHI12345 B some more variable length text
987 JKL12345 A some more variable length text
654 MNO12345 B some more variable length text
321 PQR12345 B some more variable length text


  1. 将As转换为1,将Bs转换为0以获得二进制数 对于上面的例子,这将是110100(即AABABB)
  2. 将此二进制数转换为十进制数 对于上面的例子,这将是52
  3. 将此十进制数映射到文本字符串 (即52 =“案例1”或53 =“案例2”等)和
  4. 在stdout上打印
  5. 我有一点Python经验,但上面的问题超出了我的能力范围。因此,社区的任何帮助将不胜感激。 提前谢谢了, Hib

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

一些指针(假设Python 2):


>>> import string
>>> table = string.maketrans("AB","10")
>>> translated = "AABABB".translate(table)
>>> translated


>>> int(translated, 2)

不知道如何将其映射到那些任意字符串 - 需要更多信息。

打印到stdout - 真的吗?你遇到了哪个部分?

答案 1 :(得分:0)


from itertools import islice

binary_map = dict(zip("AB", "10"))  # Equivalent to {"A": "1", "B": "0"}
string_map = {52: "Case 1", 53: "Case 2"}

with open("my_text_file") as f:
    binary_str = "".join(binary_map[x.split()[2]] for x in islice(f, 9, None))

binary_value = int(binary_string, 2)
print string_map[binary_value]


  • 空字符串的join方法将连接参数中给出的字符串,因此"".join(["A", "B", "C"])等于"ABC"
  • 我们将此方法传递给所谓的generator expressionX for Y in Z。它与list comprehension具有相同的语法,但省略了方括号。
  • islice函数返回一个迭代器,它以静默方式跳过文件对象f的前9行,因此它会产生从第10行开始的行。
  • 没有参数的split str方法将拆分任何空格字符序列(空格,制表符("\t"),换行符("\n")和回车符("\r"))并返回一个列表。例如," a \t b\n\t c\n".split()等于['a', 'b', 'c']。我们对第三列x.split()[2]感兴趣,"A""B"
  • binary_map词典中查找此值会改为"1""0"

答案 2 :(得分:0)


# 8 rows of header

123 ABC12345 A some more variable length text
456 DEF12345 A some more variable length text
789 GHI12345 B some more variable length text
987 JKL12345 A some more variable length text
654 MNO12345 B some more variable length text
321 PQR12345 B some more variable length text


>>> int(''.join([line.split(' ')[2] for line in open('a.txt', 'r').readlines()[8:]]).replace('A', '1').replace('B', '0'), 2)
>>> 52


>>> value = {int(''.join([line.split(' ')[2] for line in open('a.txt', 'r').readlines()[8:]]).replace('A', '1').replace('B', '0'), 2): 'case 52'}  
>>> value[52]
'case 52'

答案 3 :(得分:0)


>>> def map_file_to_string(string):
    values = []
    for line in string.split('\n'):
        if re.match(r'\d{3} \w{3}\d{5} [AB] .*', line):
            values.append(1 if line[13] == 'A' else 0)
    return dict_map[int(''.join(map(str, values)), 2)]

>>> dict_map = {52: 'Case 1', 53: 'Case 2'}
>>> s1 = """# 8 rows of header
123 ABC12345 A some more variable length text
456 DEF12345 A some more variable length text
789 GHI12345 B some more variable length text
987 JKL12345 A some more variable length text
654 MNO12345 B some more variable length text
321 PQR12345 B some more variable length text
>>> map_file_to_string(s1)
'Case 1'