“[object Object],[object Object]”
<!-- illustration only, this is what the items in the TO array look like
I want to print the value of DisplayName for each element -->
var EmailAddress = function(dName, addr) {
self = this;
self.DisplayName = dName;
self.Address = addr;
<!-- viewmodel -->
var EmailModel = function (email) {
var self = this;
self.id = ko.observable();
self.subject = ko.observable();
self.body = ko.observable();
self.from = ko.observable();
self.to = ko.observableArray(); <-- display the DisplayName property of these elements)
self.cc = ko.isObservable();
self.bcc = ko.observable();
<!-- print the contents of the TO array -->
<input data-bind="value: to" type="text" />