<div id="imageBlock" style="height:1300px; width:1000px;">
<a href="img/DUDLEY.jpg" title="Dudley aged ??"><img src="img/DUDLEY.jpg" /></a>
<a href="img/puppies6.jpg"><img src="img/puppies6.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="img/Ruben.jpg" title="Ruben aged ???"><img src="img/Ruben.jpg" /></a>
<a href="img/wendy.jpg" title="Wendy aged ??"><img src="img/wendy.jpg" /></a>
<a href="img/puppies4.jpg"><img src="img/puppies4.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="img/puppies7.jpg"><img src="img/puppies7.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="img/puppies2.jpg"><img src="img/puppies2.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="img/brutus.jpg" title="Brutus aged ??"><img src="img/brutus.jpg" /></a>
<a href="img/puppies3.jpg"><img src="img/puppies3.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="img/puppies5.jpg"><img src="img/puppies5.jpg" alt="" /></a>
var zindexnr = 1;
var container = $('#imageBlock');
containment: container,
start: function(event, ui) {
var cssObj = { 'z-index' : zindexnr };
$(function() {
$('#imageBlock a').lightBox();
//Report the X & Y co-ords
$('#imageBlock img').hover(function()
thisX = $(this).css('left')
thisY = $(this).css('top')
$('#currentX span').text(thisX);
$('#currentY span').text(thisY);
//Initialise everything
var screenX = 1000, screenY = 750;
var xPos = 0, yPos = 0;
var xCounter=0, yCounter = 0;
var incrementalDelay = 0;
var origImageWidth = 0, origImageHeight = 0
var newImageWidth = 0, newImageHeight = 0
var numImages = $('#imageBlock img').length; //20
xDivAmount = screenX / numImages; // 1000/20 = 50
yDivAmount = screenY / numImages; // 800/20 = 40
//create the position arrays
var posXArray = new Array;
var posYArray = new Array;
//Pre-populate the array
for (i=0; i<numImages; i++) //20 loops
posXArray[i] = xCounter; //0 on 1st run
xCounter += xDivAmount; //+50
posYArray[i] = yCounter; //0 on 1st run
yCounter += yDivAmount; //+40
$('#imageBlock img').each(function(index)
origImageWidth = $(this).width(); //get the full width and height of each image
origImageHeight = $(this).height();
percentMultiply = (Math.floor(Math.random()*4)+1)/10 //random percentage multiplier (up to 40%)
//newImageWidth = Math.floor(origImageWidth * percentMultiply); //calculate new sizes
//newImageHeight = Math.floor(origImageHeight * percentMultiply);
newImageWidth = Math.floor(origImageWidth * 0.6); //hard code new sizes
newImageHeight = Math.floor(origImageHeight * 0.6);
$(this).css({'width':newImageWidth, 'height':newImageHeight}) //apply new calculated sizes
rotation = Math.floor(Math.random()*30)-15+'deg'; //random rotation
$(this).css('-webkit-transform' , 'rotate('+rotation+')'); //apply rotation
$(this).css('-moz-transform' , 'rotate('+rotation+')');
randX = Math.floor(Math.random()*posXArray.length) //Create random num 1 - array length
randY = Math.floor(Math.random()*posYArray.length)
//Output the content of the array - purely for DEV reasons
for (i=0; i<posXArray.length; i++)
console.log('X:['+i+'] '+xOut+' Y:['+i+'] '+yOut)
console.log('Array pos for X: '+randX)
console.log('Array pos for Y: '+randY)
xPos = posXArray[randX]; //position = value at random location
yPos = posYArray[randY];
console.log('X: '+xPos)
console.log('Y: '+yPos)
//remove the array values for chosen position
posXArray.splice(randX, 1)
posYArray.splice(randY, 1)
//animate to position
$(this).delay(incrementalDelay).animate({'left':xPos,'top':yPos}, 2000)
//$(this).animate({'left':xPos,'top':yPos}, 1200)
incrementalDelay +=80 //increment time delay for each loop
$(window).load(function ()