我正在尝试编写一个检查数据库运行状况的程序。程序元素的一个元素应该是程序查询数据库然后等待5分钟。如果没有响应,它会通知并发送一些电子邮件。我与数据库/发送电子邮件的连接都有效,但我无法实现等待和通知。 我在一个简单的程序中阅读了api并且它易于理解,但是我真的很困惑如何在这种情况下实现它以及所有额外的复杂性,因为我无法通过静态方法调用动态的错误。
import com.fmr.ipgt.email.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
class MyResource {
synchronized void qQuery() throws Exception {
String query = ".z.k"; // The query that is used to query q; this can be changed here.
int version = 0;
c qConn = null;
qConn = new c(Main.host,Main.port); // Connect to the q database
while (Main.healthy) {
Object o = qConn.k(query); // Query q
version = c.t(o);
if(!(version==0)) {
break; // End the process if the database responds
synchronized void start() throws Exception {
class MyThread implements Runnable {
MyResource myResource;
MyThread(String name, MyResource so) {
myResource = so;
new Thread(this, name).start();
public void run() {
try {
myResource.qQuery(); // Begin a method to query q.
} catch (Exception e) {
public class Main {
private static String[] recipients;
private static String subject = "Database Failure";
private static String message = "The database has failed or is in a hung state";
private static String from;
static String host;
static int port;
private static String emails;
private static int minutes;
static boolean healthy = true;
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
// Import information from the configuration file
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
File xmlFile = new File("/export/home/jflt/file.xml"); // Note: The directory for the configuration file may need to be changed
try {
Document document = (Document) builder.build(xmlFile);
Element rootNode = document.getRootElement();
List list = rootNode.getChildren("parameters");
Element node = (Element) list.get(0);
host = node.getChildText("host");
port = Integer.parseInt(node.getChildText("port"));
emails = node.getChildText("emails");
String delims = "[ ]+";
recipients = emails.split(delims); // parse email list
minutes = Integer.parseInt(node.getChildText("time"));
from = node.getChildText("from");
} catch (IOException io) {
} catch (JDOMException jdomex) {
MyResource unhealthy = new MyResource();
new MyThread("MyThread", unhealthy); // Create new Thread
new MyThread("WaitThread", unhealthy);
while(healthy) {
Thread.sleep(minutes*60000); // The wrong thread is sleeping here. The main method should probably be a different thread instead which will then need to wait and the second thread will notify.
unhealthy.start(); // The database has not responded for the given time. Report that it is unhealthy.
public static void setHealth(boolean health){
System.out.println("database unhealthy");
healthy = health;
public static void sendMessages() throws MessagingException {
System.out.println("sending emails");
答案 0 :(得分:0)
/ notify()
void test() {
Thread t = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try { Thread.sleep(TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5)); }
catch(InterruptedException abort) { return; }
答案 1 :(得分:0)
如果要使用等待和通知,我建议您使用java.util.concurrent package...