我有一个功能正常的Adobe ColdFusion应用程序,通过Solr搜索索引大约2k个PDF文件并提供预期结果 - 但是每个搜索查询到该集合通常需要25-30秒。
这就是我将2k PDF文件索引到Solr的方式:
<!--- query database files --->
<cfset getfiles = application.file.getfiles()>
<!--- create solr query set --->
<cfset filesQuery = QueryNew("
, filepath
, title
, description
, fileext
, added
<!--- create new file query with key path and download url --->
<cfoutput query="getfiles">
<cfset ext = trim(getfiles.fileext)>
<cfset path = expandpath('/docs/#fileUID#.#ext#')>
newRow = QueryAddRow(filesQuery);
QuerySetCell(filesQuery, "fileUID","#fileUID#" );
QuerySetCell(filesQuery, "filepath","#path#" );
QuerySetCell(filesQuery, "title","#filename#" );
QuerySetCell(filesQuery, "description","#description#" );
QuerySetCell(filesQuery, "added","#added#" );
<!--- index the bunch --->
query = "filesQuery"
collection = "resumes"
action = "update"
type = "file"
key = "filepath"
title = "title"
body = "title, description"
custom1 = "fileext"
custom2 = "added"
category= "file"
status = "filestatus">
<!--- imagine form with (form.search) for terms --->
<cfsearch name = "results"
collection = "resumes"
criteria = "#form.search#
contextPassages = "1"
contextBytes = "300"
maxrows = "100"
contextHighlightBegin = "<strong>"
contextHighlightEnd = " </strong>">
<!--- show (results) query --->
项目的一些额外信息:所有文件的长度都不到1页,因此在为Solr创建索引结果时没有字符截止。我在ColdFusion Administrator中使用了Solr缓冲区限制,没有明显的时间变化(目前为40)。我使用的是MS Server 2003的开发虚拟机,1.86 Xeon - Adobe ColdFusion 9.0.1和1GB RAM。 JVM是Sun Microsytems(14.3-b01)。几乎没有其他任何东西在服务器端运行,因此性能应该不受外部因素的影响。