如何禁用Alt +箭头键框导航?

时间:2012-06-27 15:54:03

标签: c# wpf .net-4.0


public class NavigationService : INavigationService

   private Frame _mainFrame;

    #region INavigationService Member

    public event NavigatingCancelEventHandler Navigating;

    public void NavigateTo(Uri uri)

    public void GoBack()
        if(EnsureMainFrame() && _mainFrame.CanGoBack)


    private bool EnsureMainFrame()
        if(_mainFrame != null)
            return true;

        var mainWindow = (System.Windows.Application.Current.MainWindow as MainWindow);
        if(mainWindow != null)
            _mainFrame = mainWindow.NavigationFrame;
            if(_mainFrame != null)
                // Could be null if the app runs inside a design tool
                _mainFrame.Navigating += (s, e) =>
                                                 if (Navigating != null)
                                                     Navigating(s, e);
                return true;
        return false;


在Page1上按下按钮会强制使用NavigationService导航到Page2。 在Page2上有一个TextBox。如果TextBox是聚焦的,我可以使用ALT +左箭头键导航回Page1。如何禁用此行为?

我尝试在frame-control和TextBox-Control中设置KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigation =“None”但没有成功。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

将以下事件处理程序添加到文本框以禁用alt +左​​导航:

private void textBox1_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
    if ((Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftAlt) || Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.RightAlt)) 
        && (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.Left)))
         e.Handled = true;


<TextBox ... KeyDown="textBox1_PreviewKeyDown" />
