获取列表列表而不使用List <list <string>&gt;在F#</list <string>中

时间:2012-06-27 11:21:51

标签: f#


let ProcessFile (allLines: string list) = 
    let list = new List<List<string>>()

    let rec SplitFile (input: string list) =
        if input.Length <> 0 then
            list.Add(new List<string>(input.TakeWhile(fun x -> x <> "")))
            let nextGroup = input.SkipWhile(fun x -> x <> "").SkipWhile(fun x -> x = "")
            SplitFile (Seq.toList nextGroup)

    SplitFile allLines |> ignore


我的问题是,是否有一种更好的方法来实现这一点,让我能够提供类似于字符串列表的内容,而不是我必须使用新的List&lt;列表与LT;串GT;&GT ;?因为这对我来说似乎并不特别。

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


let processFile xs =
  let rec nonEmpties n = function
    | [] as xs | ""::xs -> n, xs
    | _::xs -> nonEmpties (n+1) xs
  let rec loop xs =
    seq { match xs with
          | [] -> ()
          | ""::xs -> yield! loop xs
          | xs ->
              let n, ys = nonEmpties 0 xs
              yield Seq.take n xs
              yield! loop ys }
  loop xs

其中嵌套的nonEmpties函数计算给定列表前面有多少非空元素,并返回最后一个非空元素后的计数和尾部列表,以及{{1} } function跳过空元素并产生非空元素序列。


  • 完全尾递归,因此它可以处理任意长的非空字符串序列和非空字符串序列序列。

  • 通过返回输入列表来避免复制。





答案 1 :(得分:2)


let ProcessFile (allLines: string list) =
  // Recursively processes 'input' and keeps the list of 'groups' collected
  // so far. We keep elements of the currently generated group in 'current'  
  let rec SplitFile input groups current = 
    match input with 
    // Current line is empty and there was some previous group
    // Add the current group to the list of groups and continue with empty current
    | ""::xs when current <> [] -> SplitFile xs ((List.rev current)::groups) []
    // Current line is empty, but there was no previous group - skip & continue
    | ""::xs -> SplitFile xs groups []
    // Current line is non-empty - add it to the current group
    | x::xs -> SplitFile xs groups (x::current)
    // We reached the end - add current group if it is not empty
    | [] when current <> [] -> List.rev ((List.rev current)::groups)
    | [] -> List.rev groups

  SplitFile allLines  [] []

ProcessFile ["a"; "b"; ""; ""; "c"; ""; "d"]

根据以下情况,可以使用seq { ... }编写相同的代码。我们仍然需要使用累加器(current)来保留当前组的列表,但是当我们迭代输入时,我们现在使用yieldyield!懒洋洋地返回组:

let ProcessFile (allLines: string list) =  
  let rec SplitFile input current = seq {
    match input with 
    | ""::xs when current <> [] -> 
        yield List.rev current
        yield! SplitFile xs []
    | ""::xs -> 
        yield! SplitFile xs []
    | x::xs -> 
        yield! SplitFile xs (x::current)
    | [] when current <> [] -> 
        yield List.rev current
    | [] -> () }

  SplitFile allLines []

答案 2 :(得分:0)


let source = ["a"; "b"; ""; ""; "c"; ""; "d"]

source                                                                       // can be any enumerable or seq
|> Seq.scan (fun (i, _) e -> if e = "" then (i + 1, e) else (i, e)) (0, "")  // add the 'index'
|> Seq.filter (fun (_, e) -> e <> "")                                        // remove the empty entries
|> Seq.groupBy fst                                                           // group by the index
|> Seq.map (fun (_, l) -> l |> Seq.map snd |> List.ofSeq)                    // extract the list only from each group (discard the index)
|> List.ofSeq                                                                // turn back into a list                      

这里最大的问题是Seq.groupBy会将整个列表读入内存,但无论如何你都是这样做的。有groupBy的实现只会查看相邻的条目,这就足够了,并且可以让您将文件作为Seq输入(例如,使用File.ReadLines而不是{ {1}})。

答案 3 :(得分:0)


let processFile lines =
([], lines) ||>
List.fold(fun acc l -> 
    match acc with
        | [] when l = "" -> acc        // filter empty lines at the start of the file
        | [] -> [[l]]                  // start the first group
        | []::xss when l = "" -> acc   // filter continous empty lines
        | xs::xss when l = "" ->       // found an empty line, start a new group
            let rxs = List.rev xs      // reverse the current group before starting a new one
        | xs::xss -> (l::xs)::xss)     // continue adding to the current group
|> List.rev