(R, C) = (1, 1) -> "A1"
(R, C) = (2, 1) -> "A2"
(R, C) = (2, 2) -> "B2"
Function CellRef(R As Long, C As Long) As String
Worksheet.Range(CellRef(R1, C1) + ":" + CellRef(R2, C2)).Copy
WorksheetName, Range etc....
Private Function CellRef(R As Long, C As Long) As String
CellRef = vbNullString
On Error GoTo HandleError:
CellRef = Replace(Mid(Application.ConvertFormula("=R" & R & "C" & C, XlReferenceStyle.xlR1C1, XlReferenceStyle.xlA1), 2), "$", "")
Exit Function
End Function
答案 0 :(得分:4)
答案 1 :(得分:3)
答案 2 :(得分:1)
' Converts row and column index to Excel notation, ie (3, 2) to B3.
Private Function generateExcelNotation(row As Integer, column As Integer) As String
' error handling of your choice, I go for returning an empty string
If (row < 1 Or column < 1) Then
generateExcelNotation = ""
Exit Function
End If
generateExcelNotation = ConvertToLetter(column) & row
End Function
答案 3 :(得分:0)
表达式'rngTemp.Address(False,False,,.Cells(1,1))'将以A1表示法显示rngTemp范围的地址,该地址不包含表示绝对地址的$ s。要获得绝对地址,请将“ False,False”替换为“,”。
答案 4 :(得分:0)
这是两种解决方案。一个具有优雅的通用性,另一个简单而直接地针对当前的Excel实现。第一个仅受Integer或Long数据类型的精度限制。如果最大列数增加到18278以上(列引用从三个字母变为四个字母),第二个将失败。两者都是纯VBA,不依赖于MS Office应用程序特有的功能。
将列引用视为给定位数的26个基数的连续集合,字母用作数字A = 0,B = 1等。 首先,有26个单字母列。 然后26 ^ 2 = 676个双字母列, 然后26 ^ 3 = 17576个三字母列,总共18278个,其中Excel仅使用16384个。
AA1,....,ZZ1,(27至702,26 ^ 2 = 676列)
AAA1,...,XFD1(703至16384,15682列的26 ^ 3 = 17576可以有三个字母)
这是第一个解决方案。 当前最大列数为16384,因此代码将使用Integer(上限32767)代替Long。 如果愿意,可以错误地检查列参数C是否不在范围内。
' A "pure" implementation limited only by precision of the Long integer data type
' The first step is to find how many letters are needed.
' the second is to translate the column index into 0..(26^n) - 1 range
' Finally render that value as a base 26 number using alphabet for digits
Public Function CoordToA1Cell(ByVal R As Long, ByVal C As Long) As String
Dim colRef As String
Dim cwork As Long
Dim n As Integer
Static e(0 To 6) As Long ' powers of 26
Static s(0 To 6) As Long ' index ranges for number of letters needed
If C <= 0 OR R <= 0 Then Exit Function
' initialize on first call
If e(0) = 0 Then ' first call
s(0) = 1
e(0) = 1
For n = 1 To UBound(s)
e(n) = 26 * e(n - 1)
s(n) = s(n - 1) + e(n)
Next n
End If
cwork = C
colRef = ""
' step one: discover how many letters are needed
n = 1
If C < s(n) Then
n = n - 1
Exit Do
End If
n = n + 1
' step two: translate into 0..(26^n) - 1 interval
cwork = cwork - s(n)
' Step three: represent column index in base 26 using alphabet for digits
Do While n > 0
colRef = colRef & Chr(65 + cwork \ e(n))
cwork = cwork Mod e(n)
n = n - 1
' the final (or only) digit
colRef = colRef & Chr(65 + cwork)
CoordToA1Cell = colRef & R
End Function
这一秒很简单(“快速而肮脏”),并且可以在当前的Excel中使用。如果列引用从3个字母变为4个字母时,如果最大列数超过18278,则将需要进行认真的修改。 '
Public Function CoordToA1CellQAD(ByVal R As Long, ByVal C As Long) As String
Dim colRef As String
Dim cwork As Long
If C <= 0 OR R <= 0 Then Exit Function
cwork = C
If cwork <= 26 Then
colRef = Chr(64 + cwork)
ElseIf cwork <= 26 * 26 + 26 Then
cwork = cwork - (26 + 1)
colRef = Chr(65 + (cwork \ 26)) & Chr(65 + (cwork Mod 26))
'ElseIf cwork <= 26 * 26 * 26 + 26 * 26 + 26 Then ' theoretical limit for three letters, 17576
ElseIf cwork <= 16384 Then ' actual Excel limit for columns
cwork = cwork - (26 * 26 + 26 + 1)
colRef = Chr(65 + (cwork \ 676))
cwork = cwork Mod 676
colRef = colRef & Chr(65 + (cwork \ 26)) & Chr(65 + (cwork Mod 26))
Else ' overflow
Exit Function
End If
CoordToA1CellQAD = colRef & R
End Function