
时间:2009-07-11 17:21:15

标签: string f#

C#和VB.NET中的字符串处理对我来说很容易,但理解如何在F#中做同样的事情并不那么容易。我正在读两本Apress F#书(基础和专家)。大多数样本都是数字运算,而且我认为,字符串操作很少。特别是 seq {sequence-expression} 列表的样本。


  1. 打开txt文件
  2. 拆分文件段落,查找段落之间的CRLF
  3. 拆分段落线,寻找。 ! ?行之间
  4. 分割单词,查找单词之间的空格
  5. 输出段落,行和单词的数量
  6. 循环收集单词,查找并计算集合中字符串的所有出现次数,标记找到的单词的位置。
  7. 这是一个简单的例子,说明我可以在C#中做什么,但还没有在F#中。



    命令,最高法院,纽约县   (Paul G Someone),进入3月18日,   2008年,在个人行动中   旅途中受伤和摔倒   据称是由一个坑洞造成的   被告人的疏忽城市或   合并麦克弗森和第三方   联合麦克弗森反对的行动   它的承包商(Mallen),就此而言   上诉,否认,不合时宜,   马伦对简易判决的动议   驳回投诉和   第三方投诉,一致通过   肯定,没有任何费用。


    缔约方获得了很大的自由   制定程序课程   通过法院,通过规定或   除此以外。因此,我们肯定否认   从那时起,马伦的动议不合时宜   马伦没有为迟到的借口   备案。


    2 Paragraphs
    3 Lines
    109 Words
    Found Tokens: 2
    Token insofar: ocurrence(s) 1: position(s): 52
    Token thus: ocurrence(s) 1: position(s): 91


    有几个令牌。我会说超过100个按类分组。我必须多次迭代同一文本,试图匹配每个令牌。这是代码的一部分。它显示了我如何分割句子,将它们放在ListBox中,这有助于轻松获取项目数。这适用于段落,句子和标记。它还展示了我如何依赖和预备。我想通过使用 seq {sequence-expression} 列表和seq.iter或List.iter以及任何匹配令牌来避免这种方法...这是必要的。

        /// <summary>
        /// split the text into sentences and displays
        /// the results in a list box
        /// </summary>
        private void btnParseText_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ArrayList al = SplitLines(richTextBoxParagraphs.Text);
            for (int i = 0; i < al.Count; i++)
                //populate a list box
        /// <summary>
        /// parse a body of text into sentences 
        /// </summary>
        private ArrayList SplitLines(string sText)
            // array list tto hold the sentences
            ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
            // split the lines regexp
            string[] splitLines = 
                Regex.Split(sText, @"(?<=['""A-Za-z0-9][\.\!\?])\s+(?=[A-Z])");
            // loop the sentences
            for (int i = 0; i < splitLines.Length; i++)
                string sOneLine =
                    splitLines[i].Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty);
            // update statistics
            lblLineCount.Text = "Line Count: " + 
            // words
            lblWordCount.Text = "Word Count: " + 
            // tokens
            lblTokenCount.Text = "Token Count: " +
            // return the arraylist
            return al;
        /// <summary>
        /// count of all words contained in the ArrayList 
        /// </summary>
        public int GetWordCount(ArrayList allLines)
            // return value
            int rtn = 0;
            // iterate through list
            foreach (string sLine in allLines)
                // empty space is the split char
                char[] arrSplitChars = {' '};
                // create a string array and populate
                string[] arrWords = sSentence.Split(arrSplitChars, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                rtn += arrWords.Length;
            // return word count
            return rtn;


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions 

let text = @"Order, Supreme Court, New York County (Paul G Someone), entered..."

let lines = text.Split([|Environment.NewLine|], StringSplitOptions.None)


let numParagraphs = 
    let blankLines = lines |> Seq.filter (fun line -> Regex.IsMatch(line, @"^\s*$"))
                           |> Seq.length
    blankLines + 1


let numSentences =
    let isSentenceEndChar c = match c with
                              | '.' | '!' | '?' -> true
                              | _ -> false
    text |> Seq.filter isSentenceEndChar
         |> Seq.length


let words = Regex.Split(text, "\s+")
let numWords = words.Length

numParagraphs |> printfn "%d paragraphs" 
numSentences  |> printfn "%d sentences"
numWords      |> printfn "%d words"


let findToken token =
    let tokenMatch (word : string) = word.Equals(token, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
    words |> Seq.iteri (fun n word ->
        if tokenMatch word then
            printfn "Found %s at word %d" word n

let tokensToFind = ["insofar"; "thus"; "the"]
tokensToFind |> Seq.iter findToken


答案 1 :(得分:1)



open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions 

let text = @"Order, Supreme Court, New York County (Paul G Someone), entered 
March 18, 2008, which, in an action for personal injuries sustained in a 
trip and fall over a pothole allegedly created by the negligence of 
defendants City or Consolidated McPherson, and a third-party action by 
Consolidated McPherson against its contractor (Mallen), insofar as appealed 
from, denied, as untimely, Mallen's motion for summary judgment dismissing 
the complaint and third-party complaint, unanimously affirmed, without costs.

Parties are afforded great latitude in charting their procedural course 
through the courts, by stipulation or otherwise. Thus, we affirm the denial 
of Mallen's motion as untimely since Mallen offered no excuse for the late 

let lines = text.Split([|'\n'|])
// If was in file, could use
//let lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"c:\path\filename.txt")
// just like C#.  For this example, assume have giant string above

let fullText = String.Join(" ", lines)
let numParagraphs = 
    let mutable count = 1
    for line in lines do
        // look for blank lines, assume each delimits another paragraph
        if Regex.IsMatch(line, @"^\s*$") then
            count <- count + 1
let numSentences =     
    let mutable count = 1
    for c in fullText do
        if c = '.' || c = '!' || c = '?' then
            count <- count + 1
let words =
    let wordRegex = new Regex(@"\b(\w+)\b")
    let fullText = String.Join(" ", lines)
    [| for m in wordRegex.Matches(fullText) do
        yield m.Value |]
printfn "%d paragraphs" numParagraphs
printfn "%d sentences" numSentences
printfn "%d words" words.Length
let Find token =
    words |> Seq.iteri (fun n word ->
        if 0=String.Compare(word, token, 
                            StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) then
            printfn "Found %s at word %d" word n
let tokensToFind = ["insofar"; "thus"; "the"]
for token in tokensToFind do
    Find token

答案 2 :(得分:0)

你能发布你的C#程序吗? (编辑你的问题)



open System
let results = "Hello World".Split [|' '|]
let results2 = "Hello, World".Split ([| ", "|], StringSplitOptions.None)



let list = [ yield! [1..8]; for i in 3..10 do yield i * i ]