
时间:2009-07-10 21:57:58

标签: algorithm formula


其他信息: 我需要计算一组数字的排列。例如;

第1组= 1,2,3
第2组= 2,3,4
第3组= 3,4,5



5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



然而,对于许多拥有大量数字的群体而言,这种方法在没有任何启发式的情况下会被证明是缓慢的。您可以做的一件事是按组大小排序组列表,首先按组最小组排序。这将是一种快速失败的方法,通常会发现排列不会比以后更有效。前瞻,arc-consistency和回溯是你可能想要考虑的其他事情。 [抱歉,我只能包含一个链接,因为这是我的第一篇文章,但您可以在维基百科上找到这些内容。]

## Algorithm written in Python ##
## CodePad.org has a Python interpreter

Group1 = [1,2,3] ## Within itself, each group must be composed of unique numbers
Group2 = [2,3,4]
Group3 = [3,4,5]
Groups = [Group1,Group2,Group3] ## Must contain at least one Group

Permutations = [] ## List of valid permutations

def getPermutations(group, permSoFar, nextGroupIndex):
  for num in group:
    nextPermSoFar = list(permSoFar) ## Make a copy of the permSoFar list

    ## Only proceed if num isn't a repeat in nextPermSoFar
    if nextPermSoFar.count(num) == 0: 
      nextPermSoFar.append(num)  ## Add num to this copy of nextPermSoFar

      if nextGroupIndex != len(Groups): ## Call next group if there is one...
        getPermutations(Groups[nextGroupIndex], nextPermSoFar, nextGroupIndex + 1)
      else: ## ...or add the valid permutation to the list of permutations

## Call getPermutations with:
##  * the first group from the list of Groups
##  * an empty list
##  * the index of the second group
getPermutations(Groups[0], [], 1)

## print results of getPermutations
print 'There are', len(Permutations), 'valid permutations:'
print Permutations

答案 1 :(得分:1)

几年后修订: -

一段时间后我重新登录了我的SE帐户并注意到了这个问题,并意识到我写的内容甚至没有回答你: -


import itertools
def explode(value, unique):
    legs = [ leg.split(',') for leg in value.split('/') ]
    if unique:
        return [ tuple(ea) for ea in itertools.product(*legs) if len(ea) == len(set(ea)) ]
        return [ tuple(ea) for ea in itertools.product(*legs) ]



对于您的三连词计算,您可以通过以下方式解决: -

result = explode('1,2,3/2,3,4/3,4,5', True)
stake = 2.0
cost = stake * len(result)
print cost


result = explode('1,2,3/2,4,5/1,3,6,9/2,3,7,9', True)
stake = 2.0
cost = stake * len(result)
print cost

表示pick4(Set Unique to False)

result = explode('1,2,3/2,4,5/3,9/2,3,4', False)
stake = 2.0
cost = stake * len(result)
print cost


答案 2 :(得分:1)


A =您首先选择的数量; B =第二个选择的数量; C =第三个选择的数量; AB =第一和第二选择的数量; AC =无。第一和第三; BC =无。第二和第三;和ABC =没有。所有第1,第2和第3选择。 公式是     (AxBxC) - (ABxC) - (ACxB) - (BCxA)+(2xABC)


 Group 1 = 1,2,3
 Group 2 = 2,3,4
 Group 3 = 3,4,5

溶液是::(3×3×3) - (2×3) - (1×3) - (2×3)+(2×1)= 14。希望有所帮助 可能有一种我不了解的更容易的方法。现在有谁知道First4的通用公式?

答案 3 :(得分:0)


对于三连胜,您需要3种组合。假设有8个跑步者,可能的排列总数是8(总跑步者)* 7(赢家被忽略后剩余的跑步者)* 6(获胜者之后的剩余跑步者和第2个省略)= 336

对于一个精确的(有8个跑步者)8 * 7 = 56

Quinellas是一个例外,因为你只需要每次下注一次为1/2支付以及2/1所以答案是8 * 7/2 = 28


答案 4 :(得分:0)


    Public Function fnFirst4PermCount(arFirst, arSecond, arThird, arFourth) As Integer

Dim intCountFirst As Integer
Dim intCountSecond As Integer
Dim intCountThird As Integer
Dim intCountFourth As Integer
Dim intBetCount As Integer

'Dim arFirst(3) As Integer
'Dim arSecond(3) As Integer
'Dim arThird(3) As Integer
'Dim arFourth(3) As Integer

'arFirst(0) = 1
'arFirst(1) = 2
'arFirst(2) = 3
'arFirst(3) = 4
'arSecond(0) = 1
'arSecond(1) = 2
'arSecond(2) = 3
'arSecond(3) = 4
'arThird(0) = 1
'arThird(1) = 2
'arThird(2) = 3
'arThird(3) = 4
'arFourth(0) = 1
'arFourth(1) = 2
'arFourth(2) = 3
'arFourth(3) = 4

intBetCount = 0
For intCountFirst = 0 To UBound(arFirst)
    For intCountSecond = 0 To UBound(arSecond)
        For intCountThird = 0 To UBound(arThird)
            For intCountFourth = 0 To UBound(arFourth)
                If (arFirst(intCountFirst) <> arSecond(intCountSecond)) And (arFirst(intCountFirst) <> arThird(intCountThird)) And (arFirst(intCountFirst) <> arFourth(intCountFourth)) Then
                    If (arSecond(intCountSecond) <> arThird(intCountThird)) And (arSecond(intCountSecond) <> arFourth(intCountFourth)) Then
                        If (arThird(intCountThird) <> arFourth(intCountFourth)) Then
                        '    Debug.Print "First " & arFirst(intCountFirst), " Second " & arSecond(intCountSecond), "Third " & arThird(intCountThird), " Fourth " & arFourth(intCountFourth)
                            intBetCount = intBetCount + 1
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            Next intCountFourth
        Next intCountThird
    Next intCountSecond
Next intCountFirst
fnFirst4PermCount = intBetCount

End Function
