我们需要创建几个SQL报告,每个报告都取决于上一个报告的结果。所有查询均采用以下形式: 选择1, 报告1, 从Select 1中选择2, 报告2, 从Select 2中选择3, 报告3, ...等等...... 报告N。
现在“N”个单独的SQL查询用于生成完整的报告集。每个查询都包含所有先前查询的SQL代码 - 这导致报告1完成“N”次,报告2完成“N - 1”次,等等。导致多个报告中相同选择语句的无意义重复导致性能问题。
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另见这个使用相同通用方法的问题,除了它使用硬编码的SQL字符串 - 而fetchall()而不是fetchone():
仔细研究(继承的)SQL代码的许多行显示中间报告未被保存。只返回了最后一个SQL select / report的结果(到python)。
SET NOCOUNT ON -- required by pyobdc (and other OBDC packages?) at start of code
SET @year = ? -- get OBDC (python) parameter 1
SET @month = ? -- get parameter 2
SET @day = ? -- get parameter 3
DECLARE @ReportX TABLE -- a new table, one of these for each report
-- Repeated for each report (1 to N):
INSERT INTO @ReportX -- NEW LINE, it preserves the report
SELECT ..... -- the original report, uses the passed-in parameters
-- At the very bottom of the SQL code, add one of these lines for each report:
Select * from @ReportX -- where X is 1 to N
解决方案的Python 3.x方面如下:
import pyodbc # contains cursor.execute, the interface to SQL
import csv # creates csv.writer, used to create the CSV file
Textfile = open( "FileContainingSqlCode", 'r' )
SQL_COMMANDS = Textfile.read(); # Get SQL code for all reports
cursor.execute( SQL_COMMANDS, Year, Month, Day ) # do all reports using 3 parameters
# Create first report from the first result set
ReportID = 1
filename = "D:\\Report" + str( ReportID ) + ".csv"
OutFile = open( filename, 'w', newline= '' )
Results = csv.writer( OutFile, delimiter = ',', quotechar = '"',
quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL )
while True:
row = cursor.fetchone()
if not row:
Results.writerow( row )
# Create the 2nd through Nth reports
while ( cursor.nextset() ) :
ReportID += 1
filename = "D:\\Report" + str( ReportID ) + ".csv"
OutFile = open( filename, 'w', newline= '' )
Results = csv.writer( OutFile, delimiter = ',', quotechar = '"',
quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL )
while True:
row = cursor.fetchone()
if not row:
Results.writerow( row )
# end of Python 3.x code
通过使用第二个while循环中的while(while(?? in cursor.nextset()),可以删除第一个报告部分。