
时间:2012-06-18 19:06:42

标签: parsing scala reflection groovy


// useful functions
def myFunc1(String arg) {
    println("Hello " + arg)

def myFunc2(String arg) {
    println("Goodbye " + arg)


  • 方法名称
  • 参数
  • 功能的正文代码





1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

这有效,并演示了在AST中查找每个重要节点所需的令牌类型。希望它有意义......通过使用大量的Groovy动态,我希望我没有让Scala的端口变得太难: - (

import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.*
import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.parser.*
import static org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.parser.GroovyTokenTypes.*

def code = '''
// useful functions
def myFunc1(String arg) {
    println("Hello " + arg)

def myFunc2(arg, int arg2) {
    println("Goodbye " + arg)

public String stringify( int a ) {

def lines = code.split( '\n' )

// Generate a GroovyRecognizer, compile an AST and assign it to 'ast'
def ast = new SourceBuffer().with { buff ->
  new UnicodeEscapingReader( new StringReader( code ), buff ).with { read ->
    read.lexer = new GroovyLexer( read )
    GroovyRecognizer.make( read.lexer ).with { parser ->
      parser.sourceBuffer = buff

// Walks the ast looking for types
def findByPath( ast, types, multiple=false ) {
  [types.take( 1 )[ 0 ],types.drop(1)].with { head, tail ->
    if( tail ) {
      findByPath( ast*.childrenOfType( head ).flatten(), tail, multiple )
    else {
      ast*.childrenOfType( head ).with { ret ->
        multiple ? ret[ 0 ] : ret.head()[0]

// Walk through the returned ast
while( ast ) {
  def methodModifier = findByPath( ast, [ MODIFIERS   ] ).firstChild?.toStringTree() ?: 'public'
  def returnType     = findByPath( ast, [ TYPE, IDENT ] ) ?: 'Object'
  def methodName     = findByPath( ast, [ IDENT       ] )
  def body           = findByPath( ast, [ SLIST ] )
  def parameters     = findByPath( ast, [ PARAMETERS, PARAMETER_DEF ], true ).collect { param ->
    [ type: findByPath( param, [ TYPE ] ).firstChild?.toStringTree() ?: 'Object',
      name: findByPath( param, [ IDENT ] ) ]

  def (y1,y2,x1,x2) = [ body.line - 1, body.lineLast - 1, body.column - 1, body.columnLast ]
  // Grab the text from the original string
  def snip = [  lines[ y1 ].drop( x1 ),                // First line prefix stripped
               *lines[ (y1+1)..<y2 ],                  // Mid lines
                lines[ y2 ].take( x2 ) ].join( '\n' )  // End line suffix stripped

  println '------------------------------'
  println "modifier: $methodModifier"
  println "returns:  $returnType"
  println "name:     $methodName"
  println "params:   $parameters"
  println "$snip\n"

  // Step to next branch and repeat
  ast = ast.nextSibling


modifier: public
returns:  Object
name:     myFunc1
params:   [[type:String, name:arg]]
    println("Hello " + arg)

modifier: public
returns:  Object
name:     myFunc2
params:   [[type:Object, name:arg], [type:int, name:arg2]]
    println("Goodbye " + arg)

modifier: public
returns:  String
name:     stringify
params:   [[type:int, name:a]]

希望它有所帮助,或指向正确的方向: - )