为什么Perl'while loop'只对MySQL表进行一次写操作?

时间:2012-06-18 15:32:28

标签: mysql perl

while循环只执行一次插入到表时应该超过500。 我做了很多显示来证明@book_ids中有超过500个条目。 但只有第一个条目插入表中。


# Script to List Books Database.
use CGI qw/:standard/;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use DBI;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::Autoformat;
require 'appl.lib';
# verify access coming from proper source
my ($source) = &verify_visitor();

###### Establish connection to BookDB package
use BookDB;
my ($bookdb) = new BookDB();
my ($success);

###### connect to the database
my ($dsn) = "DBI:mysql:webstone:localhost"; # data source name
my ($user) = "xxxxxxxxx";                    # db user name
my ($password) = "xxxxxxxx";                  # db password
my ($DBI) = "";
my (%attr) =                                # error handling attributes
       PrintError => 0,
       RaiseError => 0
my ($SQL, $str);                            # various handles
my ($db_user, $db_pw);                      # db returned user_id and pass_word
my ($login);                                # login verification switch
my ($dbh) = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password, \%attr)
       || &bail_out ("Cannot connect to the database");
   #do this for security reasons. It prevents bookmarking URL's with
   #passwords and the like encoded in them, and prevents some security hazards.
  die "Not a POST request!\n" unless ((request_method() eq "POST") || ($source eq "books"));

my ($book_count, $c_count, $w_count, $s_count, @book_ids, $book_ids, @book, $book, @all_book_data, $all_book_data, $rec, $pass_book_id);
my (@rawdata, $rawdata, @un_x, $un_x, @sorted, $sorted);

### hold Master Book table data in temp table
my ($m_id, $m_book_id, $m_isbn, $m_copyright_year, $m_status, $m_title, $m_alt_title, $m_notes);
my ($m_author_id, $m_author1_name, $m_author2_name, $m_author_book_id);
my ($m_series_id, $m_series_name, $m_series_num, $m_series_book_id);
my ($m_order_id, $m_order_date, $m_due_date, $m_order_book_id);
### hold Book table data when read
my ($h_book_id, $h_isbn, $h_copyright_year, $h_status, $h_title, $h_alt_title, $h_notes);
### hold Author table data when read
my ($h_author_id, $h_last_name, $h_first_name, $h_middle_name, $h_author_book_id);
my ($h_alt_author_id, $h_alt_last_name, $h_alt_first_name, $h_alt_middle_name, $h_alt_author_book_id);
### hold Series table data when read
my ($h_series_id, $h_series_name, $h_series_num, $h_series_book_id);
### hold Order table when read
my ($h_order_id, $h_order_date, $h_due_date, $h_order_book_id);

my ($msg, $content, $page);
my $html_header = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\n\n";
my ($disp_date, $date_store) = &get_today_date();

my ($sent_user) = param("username");
my ($sent_passwd) = param("passwd");
my ($action) = param("function");
my ($direct) = param("direction");
my ($choice) = param("menu_choice");

my ($p_username) = "p_username";
my ($pass_username) = param("p_username");

### Mainline
if ($action eq "list")
        ($success, $c_count) = $bookdb->create_temp_tbl($dbh);
        ($success, $book_count, @book_ids) = $bookdb->get_book_ids($dbh);
        my ($c);
        foreach $pass_book_id (@book_ids)
                ($success, $h_book_id, $h_isbn, $h_copyright_year, $h_status, $h_title, $h_alt_title, $h_notes) = $bookdb->get_book_data($dbh, $pass_book_id);
                $m_id = $c;
                $m_book_id = $h_book_id;
                $m_isbn = $h_isbn;
                $m_copyright_year = $h_copyright_year;
                $m_status = $h_status;
                $m_title = $h_title;
                $m_alt_title = $h_alt_title;
                $m_notes = $h_notes;
                ($success, $h_author_id, $h_last_name, $h_first_name, $h_middle_name, $h_author_book_id) = $bookdb->get_author1_data($dbh, $pass_book_id);
                $m_author_id = $h_author_id;
                $m_author_book_id = $h_author_book_id;
                $m_author1_name = $h_last_name . ", " . $h_first_name . " " . $h_middle_name;
                ($success, $h_alt_author_id, $h_alt_last_name, $h_alt_first_name, $h_alt_middle_name, $h_alt_author_book_id) = $bookdb->get_author2_data($dbh, $pass_book_id, $h_author_id);
                if ($h_alt_author_id)
                        $m_author2_name = $h_alt_last_name . ", " . $h_alt_first_name . " " . $h_alt_middle_name;
                        $m_author2_name = "";
                ($success, $h_series_id, $h_series_name, $h_series_num, $h_series_book_id) = $bookdb->get_series_data($dbh, $pass_book_id);
                if ($h_series_id)
                        $m_series_id = $h_series_id;
                        $m_series_book_id = $h_series_book_id;
                        $m_series_name = $h_series_name;
                        $m_series_num = $h_series_num;
                        $m_series_id = "";
                        $m_series_book_id = "";
                        $m_series_name = "";
                        $m_series_num = "";
                ($success, $h_order_id, $h_order_date, $h_due_date, $h_order_book_id) = $bookdb->get_order_data($dbh, $pass_book_id);
                if ($h_order_id)
                        $m_order_id = $h_order_id;
                        $m_order_book_id = $h_order_book_id;
                        $m_order_date = $h_order_date;
                        $m_due_date = $h_due_date;
                        $m_order_id = "";
                        $m_order_book_id = "";
                        $m_order_date = "";
                        $m_due_date = "";
                ($success, $w_count) = $bookdb->write_temp_tbl($dbh, $m_id, $m_book_id,
                        $m_isbn, $m_copyright_year, $m_status, $m_title, $m_alt_title, $m_notes,
                        $m_author_id, $m_author1_name, $m_author2_name, $m_author_book_id,
                        $m_series_id, $m_series_name, $m_series_num, $m_series_book_id,
                        $m_order_id, $m_order_date, $m_due_date, $m_order_book_id);
        my ($g);
        for ($g = 0; $g < $book_count; $g++)
                $pass_book_id = $book_ids[$g];
                ($success, $s_count, $m_id, $m_book_id, $m_isbn, $m_copyright_year, $m_status, $m_title, $m_alt_title, $m_notes,
                        $m_author_id, $m_author1_name, $m_author2_name, $m_author_book_id,
                        $m_series_id, $m_series_name, $m_series_num, $m_series_book_id,
                        $m_order_id, $m_order_date, $m_due_date, $m_order_book_id)
                        = $bookdb->get_temp_data($dbh, $pass_book_id);
##################### D E B U G ##############################################
print header,
    p("Track book data after final get<br>"),
    p("book_ids: @book_ids<br>"),
    p("pass_book_id: $pass_book_id - h_author_id: $h_author_id - h_last_name: $h_last_name<br>"),
    p("m_id: $m_id - m_book_id: $m_book_id - m_isbn: $m_isbn - m_title: $m_title - m_author1_name: $m_author1_name - m_series_name: $m_series_name - m_series_num: $m_series_num - m_order_date: $m_order_date<br>"),
    p("book_count: $book_count - c: $c - g: $g - c_count: $c_count - w_count: $w_count - s_count: $s_count<br>"),
##################### D E B U G ################################################################### D E B U G

&bail_out ("Invalid choice. - list_all.pl - Choice: $action");

sub get_html()
    $page = `cat /home/rmelia/public_html/books/cgi_list.shtml`;
} # end sub get_html

sub put_html()
    $page =~ s/<!--books: cgi\s*-->/$content/g;
    print $html_header, $page;
} # end sub put_html


sub write_temp_tbl()
    my $self = shift;
    my $dbh = shift;
    my $w_count = 0;
    my $m_id = shift;
    my $m_book_id = shift;
    my $m_isbn = shift;
    my $m_copyright_year = shift;
    my $m_status = shift;
    my $m_title = shift;
    my $m_alt_title = shift;
    my $m_notes = shift;
    my $m_author_id = shift;
    my $m_author1_name = shift;
    my $m_author2_name = shift;
    my $m_author_book_id = shift;
    my $m_series_id = shift;
    my $m_series_name = shift;
    my $m_series_num = shift;
    my $m_series_book_id = shift;
    my $m_order_id = shift;
    my $m_order_date = shift;
    my $m_due_date = shift;
    my $m_order_book_id = shift;

    my $success = (1==2);

    $sth = $dbh->prepare ("INSERT INTO webstone.temp
                (m_id, m_book_id, m_isbn, m_copyright_year, m_status,
                m_title, m_alt_title, m_notes,
                m_author_id, m_author1_name, m_author2_name, m_author_book_id,
                m_series_id, m_series_name, m_series_num, m_series_book_id,
                m_order_id, m_order_date, m_due_date, m_order_book_id)
                ('1', '$m_book_id', '$m_isbn', '$m_copyright_year', '$m_status',
                '$m_title', '$m_alt_title', '$m_notes',
                '$m_author_id', '$m_author1_name', '$m_author2_name', '$m_author_book_id',
                '$m_series_id', '$m_series_name', '$m_series_num', '$m_series_book_id',
                '$m_order_id', '$m_order_date', '$m_due_date', '$m_order_book_id')
    if ( !$sth )
        die "Couldn't execute insert statement: " . $dbh->errstr;
    elsif ($sth->rows == 0)
        die "INSERT INTO temp Failed - SQL error: " . $dbh->errstr . "<br>\n";
        #die "SQL insert successful, rows = " . $sth->rows() . "<br>\n";
        $success = (1==1);

        return ($success, $w_count);
} # end sub write_temp_tbl

我也试过'for loops'和'foreach loops'代替'while循环'。 我的研究都没有得到答案。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


foreach my $pass_book_id (@book_ids) {

这是use strictuse warnings可以帮助您追踪问题的地方之一。

答案 1 :(得分:1)

正如戴夫已经说过:首先,总是use strictuse warnings。它通常会告诉你一个容易忘记的简单事情。



use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;

my $dbh = DBI->connect('datasource goes here', 'username', 'password');

# Here are our books, there's one hashref for each book
my @books = (
    'author' => 'J. K. Rowling',
    'title' => 'Harry Potter and the Perl Book',
    'ISBN' => '123456789',
    'author' => 'J. K. Rowling',
    'title' => 'Harry Potter and another Perl Book',
    'ISBN' => '123456787',

# sth is short for STatement Handle
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO book ( author, title, isbn ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )');
foreach my $book (@books) {

简而言之:准备好您的陈述并使用placeholders。它们负责转义,保护您免受SQL注入并加快查询速度。如果您只准备一次语句,则可以重复使用它。 ?是占位符。