滑块提供了一个更大的margin-left值,该值是slideInner div所需的。 slideInner div往往有额外的300到500个额外的px边距,这留下了空间。我宁愿没有额外的保证金,我该如何解决这个问题呢?
var currentPosition = 0;
var slideWidth = 960;
var slides = $('.column'); var
numberOfSlides = slides.length;
// Remove scrollbar in JS
$('.content').css('overflow', 'hidden');
// Wrap all .slides with #slideInner div
.wrapAll('<div id="slideInner"></div>')
// Float left to display horizontally, readjust .slides width
'width' : slideWidth
// Set #slideInner width equal to total width of all slides
$('.content').css('width', slideWidth * numberOfSlides);
// Insert controls in the DOM
.prepend('<span class="control" id="leftControl">Clicking moves left</span>')
.append('<span class="control" id="rightControl">Clicking moves right</span>');
// Hide left arrow control on first load
// Create event listeners for .controls clicks
.bind('click', function(){
// Determine new position
currentPosition = ($(this).attr('id')=='rightControl') ? currentPosition+1 : currentPosition-1;
// Hide / show controls
// Move slideInner using margin-left
'marginLeft' : slideWidth*(-currentPosition)
// manageControls: Hides and Shows controls depending on currentPosition
function manageControls(position){
// Hide left arrow if position is first slide
if(position==0){ $('#leftControl').hide() } else{ $('#leftControl').show() }
// Hide right arrow if position is last slide
if(position==numberOfSlides-1){ $('#rightControl').hide() } else{ $('#rightControl').show() }