
时间:2012-06-15 17:28:41

标签: assembly x86

纯粹是出于好奇 - 为什么不可能将变量命名为“c”?例如......

.model  flat, stdcall
option  casemap:none

include windows.inc
include kernel32.inc
include user32.inc

includelib user32.lib
includelib kernel32.lib

Main        proto


hOutput dd 0
hInput dd 0

bReadWritten dd 0
szText db "Program calculates the roots of the quadratic expression ax^2+bx+c",10,"Enter a",0 

a dd 0
b dd 0 
c dd 0

delta dd 0

szInput db 128 dup(0)



Invoke Main
Invoke ExitProcess,0

Main proc
    invoke GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
    mov hOutput, eax

    invoke GetStdHandle,STD_INPUT_HANDLE
    mov hInput, eax

    invoke lstrlen, addr szText
    invoke WriteFile, hOutput, addr szText, eax, ADDR bReadWritten, NULL

    invoke ReadFile, hInput, a, eax,addr bReadWritten, NULL 
    invoke ReadFile, hInput, b, eax,addr bReadWritten, NULL 
    invoke ReadFile, hInput, c, eax,addr bReadWritten, NULL 

    invoke Sleep,10000

Main endp   

end start



C:\ 3-party party program \ winASM \ WinAsm \ Projects \ quadratic equation \ EXE.asm(24):error A2008:语法错误:c
  C:\ 3-party party program \ winASM \ WinAsm \ Projects \ quadratic equation \ EXE.asm(52):error A2008:语法错误:c


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

尝试命名变量PASCALFORTRANBASICSYSCALLSTDCALL。我相信,你会得到同样的错误。 它们都是指定程序调用约定的关键字,如果碰巧使用上述语言编写的那些。 C关键字的有效使用方式与funcname PROTO C arguments...
