
时间:2012-06-14 15:20:40

标签: java gzip



public InputStream getCompressedStream(InputStream unCompressedStream) {

    // Not working because it's uncompressing the stream, I want the opposite.
    return new GZIPInputStream(unCompressedStream); 


12 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)




  • 编写一个静态gzip标头
  • 使用DeflaterOutputStream编写一个缩小的流。写入流时,将根据未压缩的数据构建CRC32校验和,并计算字节数
  • 编写一个包含CRC32校验和和字节数的预告片。


  • 标题
  • 缩小的内容
  • 预告片



import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FilterInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.SequenceInputStream;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;
import java.util.zip.Deflater;
import java.util.zip.DeflaterInputStream;
import java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream;

 * @author mwyraz
 * Wraps an input stream and compresses it's contents. Similiar to DeflateInputStream but adds GZIP-header and trailer
 * See GzipOutputStream for details.
 * LICENSE: Free to use. Contains some lines from GzipOutputStream, so oracle's license might apply as well!
public class GzipCompressingInputStream extends SequenceInputStream
    public GzipCompressingInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException
    public GzipCompressingInputStream(InputStream in, int bufferSize) throws IOException
        super(new StatefullGzipStreamEnumerator(in,bufferSize));

    static enum StreamState

    protected static class StatefullGzipStreamEnumerator implements Enumeration<InputStream>

        protected final InputStream in;
        protected final int bufferSize;
        protected StreamState state;

        public StatefullGzipStreamEnumerator(InputStream in, int bufferSize)

        public boolean hasMoreElements()
            return state!=null;
        public InputStream nextElement()
            switch (state)
                case HEADER:
                    return createHeaderStream();
                case CONTENT:
                    return createContentStream();
                case TRAILER:
                    return createTrailerStream();
            return null;

        static final int GZIP_MAGIC = 0x8b1f;
        static final byte[] GZIP_HEADER=new byte[] {
                (byte) GZIP_MAGIC,        // Magic number (short)
                (byte)(GZIP_MAGIC >> 8),  // Magic number (short)
                Deflater.DEFLATED,        // Compression method (CM)
                0,                        // Flags (FLG)
                0,                        // Modification time MTIME (int)
                0,                        // Modification time MTIME (int)
                0,                        // Modification time MTIME (int)
                0,                        // Modification time MTIME (int)
                0,                        // Extra flags (XFLG)
                0                         // Operating system (OS)
        protected InputStream createHeaderStream()
            return new ByteArrayInputStream(GZIP_HEADER);
        protected InternalGzipCompressingInputStream contentStream;
        protected InputStream createContentStream()
            contentStream=new InternalGzipCompressingInputStream(new CRC32InputStream(in), bufferSize);
            return contentStream;
        protected InputStream createTrailerStream()
            return new ByteArrayInputStream(contentStream.createTrailer());

     * Internal stream without header/trailer  
    protected static class CRC32InputStream extends FilterInputStream
        protected CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
        protected long byteCount;
        public CRC32InputStream(InputStream in)

        public int read() throws IOException
            int val=super.read();
            if (val>=0)
            return val;
        public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException
            len=super.read(b, off, len);
            if (len>=0)
            return len;
        public long getCrcValue()
            return crc.getValue();
        public long getByteCount()
            return byteCount;

     * Internal stream without header/trailer  
    protected static class InternalGzipCompressingInputStream extends DeflaterInputStream
        protected final CRC32InputStream crcIn;
        public InternalGzipCompressingInputStream(CRC32InputStream in, int bufferSize)
            super(in, new Deflater(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, true),bufferSize);
        public void close() throws IOException
            if (in != null)
                    in = null;

        protected final static int TRAILER_SIZE = 8;

        public byte[] createTrailer()
            byte[] trailer= new byte[TRAILER_SIZE];
            writeTrailer(trailer, 0);
            return trailer;

         * Writes GZIP member trailer to a byte array, starting at a given
         * offset.
        private void writeTrailer(byte[] buf, int offset)
            writeInt((int)crcIn.getCrcValue(), buf, offset); // CRC-32 of uncompr. data
            writeInt((int)crcIn.getByteCount(), buf, offset + 4); // Number of uncompr. bytes

         * Writes integer in Intel byte order to a byte array, starting at a
         * given offset.
        private void writeInt(int i, byte[] buf, int offset)
            writeShort(i & 0xffff, buf, offset);
            writeShort((i >> 16) & 0xffff, buf, offset + 2);

         * Writes short integer in Intel byte order to a byte array, starting
         * at a given offset
        private void writeShort(int s, byte[] buf, int offset)
            buf[offset] = (byte)(s & 0xff);
            buf[offset + 1] = (byte)((s >> 8) & 0xff);


import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream;

import org.junit.Test;

public class TestGzipCompressingInputStream

    public void test() throws Exception
        testCompressor("test1 test2 test3");
        testCompressor("1MB binary data",createTestPattern(1024*1024));
        for (int i=0;i<4096;i++)
            testCompressor(i+" bytes of binary data",createTestPattern(i));

    protected byte[] createTestPattern(int size)
        byte[] data=new byte[size];
        byte pattern=0;
        for (int i=0;i<size;i++)
        return data;

    protected void testCompressor(String data) throws IOException
        testCompressor("String: "+data,data.getBytes());
    protected void testCompressor(String dataInfo, byte[] data) throws IOException
        InputStream uncompressedIn=new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
        InputStream compressedIn=new GzipCompressingInputStream(uncompressedIn);
        InputStream uncompressedOut=new GZIPInputStream(compressedIn);

        byte[] result=StreamHelper.readBinaryStream(uncompressedOut);

        assertTrue("Test failed for: "+dataInfo,Arrays.equals(data,result));



答案 1 :(得分:4)


package x.y.z;

import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream;
import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream;
import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream;

 * Stream Compression Utility
 * @author Thamme Gowda N
public enum CompressionUtil {

    public static final int NUM_THREADS = 5;
    private final ExecutorService pool;

        this.pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(NUM_THREADS);

    public static CompressionUtil getInstance(){
        return INSTANCE;

     * Supported compression type names
    public static enum CompressionType {

     * Wraps the given stream in a Compressor stream based on given type
     * @param sourceStream : Stream to be wrapped
     * @param type         : Compression type
     * @return source stream wrapped in a compressor stream
     * @throws IOException when some thing bad happens
    public static OutputStream getCompressionWrapper(OutputStream sourceStream,
                                     CompressionType type) throws IOException {

        switch (type) {
            case GZIP:
                return new GZIPOutputStream(sourceStream);
            case ZIP:
                return new ZipOutputStream(sourceStream);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Possible values :"
                        + Arrays.toString(CompressionType.values()));

     * Gets Compressed Stream for given input Stream
     * @param sourceStream  : Input Stream to be compressed to
     * @param type: Compression types such as GZIP
     * @return  Compressed Stream
     * @throws IOException when some thing bad happens
    public static InputStream getCompressedStream(final InputStream sourceStream,
                                    CompressionType type ) throws IOException {

        if(sourceStream == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source Stream cannot be NULL");

         *  sourceStream --> zipperOutStream(->intermediateStream -)--> resultStream
        final PipedInputStream resultStream = new PipedInputStream();
        final PipedOutputStream intermediateStream = new PipedOutputStream(resultStream);
        final OutputStream zipperOutStream = getCompressionWrapper(intermediateStream, type);

        Runnable copyTask = new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                try {
                    int c;
                    while((c = sourceStream.read()) >= 0) {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    IOUtils.closeQuietly(resultStream);  // close it on error case only
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
                } finally {
                    // close source stream and intermediate streams
        return resultStream;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        String input = "abcdefghij";
        InputStream sourceStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes());
        InputStream compressedStream =
                getCompressedStream(sourceStream, CompressionType.GZIP);

        GZIPInputStream decompressedStream = new GZIPInputStream(compressedStream);
        List<String> lines = IOUtils.readLines(decompressedStream);
        String output = lines.get(0);
        System.out.println("test passed ? " + input.equals(output));


答案 2 :(得分:3)


GZIPOutputStream gout = new GZIPOutputStream(out);
//... Code to read from your original uncompressed data and write to out.

//Convert to InputStream.
new ByteArrayInputStream(gout.getBytes());

但是这种方法有一个限制,你需要首先读入所有数据 - 这意味着你必须有足够的内存来保存缓冲区。

此线程中提到了使用管道的替代方法 - How to convert OutputStream to InputStream?

答案 3 :(得分:3)

压缩输入流的工作示例可以在流行的开源ESB Mule中找到:GZIPCompressorInputStream


不幸的是,它位于CPA License之下,似乎并不常见。 此外,似乎没有单元测试。

答案 4 :(得分:3)

我似乎已经迟到了3年,但也许对某人有用。 我的解决方案类似于@Michael Wyraz的解决方案,唯一的区别是我的解决方案基于FilterInputStream

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.FilterInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;
import java.util.zip.Deflater;

public class GZipInputStreamDeflater extends FilterInputStream {

    private static enum Stage {

    private GZipInputStreamDeflater.Stage stage = Stage.HEADER;

    private final Deflater deflater = new Deflater( Deflater.DEFLATED, true );
    private final CRC32 crc = new CRC32();

    /* GZIP header magic number */
    private final static int GZIP_MAGIC = 0x8b1f;

    private ByteArrayInputStream trailer = null;
    private ByteArrayInputStream header = new ByteArrayInputStream( new byte[] {
        (byte) GZIP_MAGIC, // Magic number (short)
        (byte) ( GZIP_MAGIC >> 8 ), // Magic number (short)
        Deflater.DEFLATED, // Compression method (CM)
        0, // Flags (FLG)
        0, // Modification time MTIME (int)
        0, // Modification time MTIME (int)
        0, // Modification time MTIME (int)
        0, // Modification time MTIME (int)
        0, // Extra flags (XFLG)
        0, // Operating system (OS)
    } );

    public GZipInputStreamDeflater(InputStream in) {
        super( in );

    public int read( byte[] b, int off, int len ) throws IOException {
        int read = -1;

        switch( stage ) {
            case FINISH:
                return -1;
            case HEADER:
                read = header.read( b, off, len );
                if( header.available() == 0 ) {
                    stage = Stage.DATA;
                return read;
            case DATA:
                byte[] b2 = new byte[len];
                read = super.read( b2, 0, len );
                if( read <= 0 ) {
                    stage = Stage.FINALIZATION;
                    return 0;
                else {
                    deflater.setInput( b2, 0, read );
                    crc.update( b2, 0, read );
                    read = 0;
                    while( !deflater.needsInput() && len - read > 0 ) {
                        read += deflater.deflate( b, off + read, len - read, Deflater.NO_FLUSH );
                    return read;
            case FINALIZATION:
                if( deflater.finished() ) {
                    stage = Stage.TRAILER;

                    int crcVaue = (int) crc.getValue();
                    int totalIn = deflater.getTotalIn();

                    trailer = new ByteArrayInputStream( new byte[] {
                        (byte) ( crcVaue >> 0 ),
                        (byte) ( crcVaue >> 8 ),
                        (byte) ( crcVaue >> 16 ),
                        (byte) ( crcVaue >> 24 ),

                        (byte) ( totalIn >> 0 ),
                        (byte) ( totalIn >> 8 ),
                        (byte) ( totalIn >> 16 ),
                        (byte) ( totalIn >> 24 ),
                    } );

                    return 0;
                else {
                    read = deflater.deflate( b, off, len, Deflater.FULL_FLUSH );
                    return read;
            case TRAILER:
                read = trailer.read( b, off, len );
                if( trailer.available() == 0 ) {
                    stage = Stage.FINISH;
                return read;
        return -1;

    public void close( ) throws IOException {
        if( trailer != null ) {


AmazonS3Client s3client = new AmazonS3Client( ... );
try ( InputStream in = new GZipInputStreamDeflater( new URL( "http://....../very-big-file.csv" ).openStream() ); ) {
    PutObjectRequest putRequest = new PutObjectRequest( "BUCKET-NAME", "/object/key", in, new ObjectMetadata() );
    s3client.putObject( putRequest );

答案 5 :(得分:3)

这是我写的一个没有CRC / GZIP Magic cookie的版本,因为它委托给GZIPOutputStream。它也具有内存效率,因为它仅使用足够的内存来缓冲压缩(一个42MB的文件使用一个45k的缓冲区)。性能与压缩到内存相同。

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream;

 * Compresses an InputStream in a memory-optimal, on-demand way only compressing enough to fill a buffer.
 * @author Ben La Monica
public class GZIPCompressingInputStream extends InputStream {

    private InputStream in;
    private GZIPOutputStream gz;
    private OutputStream delegate;
    private byte[] buf = new byte[8192];
    private byte[] readBuf = new byte[8192];
    int read = 0;
    int write = 0;

    public GZIPCompressingInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException {
        this.in = in;
        this.delegate = new OutputStream() {

            private void growBufferIfNeeded(int len) {
                if ((write + len) >= buf.length) {
                    // grow the array if we don't have enough space to fulfill the incoming data
                    byte[] newbuf = new byte[(buf.length + len) * 2];
                    System.arraycopy(buf, 0, newbuf, 0, buf.length);
                    buf = newbuf;

            public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
                System.arraycopy(b, off, buf, write, len);
                write += len;

            public void write(int b) throws IOException {
                buf[write++] = (byte) b;
        this.gz = new GZIPOutputStream(delegate); 

    public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
        int numBytes = Math.min(len, write-read);
        if (numBytes > 0) {
            System.arraycopy(buf, read, b, off, numBytes);
            read += numBytes;
        } else if (len > 0) {
            // if bytes were requested, but we have none, then we're at the end of the stream
            return -1;
        return numBytes;

    private void compressStream() throws IOException {
        // if the reader has caught up with the writer, then zero the positions out
        if (read == write) {
            read = 0;
            write = 0;

        while (write == 0) {
            // feed the gzip stream data until it spits out a block
            int val = in.read(readBuf);
            if (val == -1) {
                // nothing left to do, we've hit the end of the stream. finalize and break out
            } else if (val > 0) {
                gz.write(readBuf, 0, val);

    public int read() throws IOException {
        if (write == 0) {
            // write should not be 0 if we were able to get data from compress stream, must mean we're at the end
            return -1;
        } else {
            // reading a single byte
            return buf[read++] & 0xFF;

答案 6 :(得分:2)


public OutputStream getCompressedStream(InputStream input) {
    OutputStream output = new GZIPOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()); 
    IOUtils.copy(input, output);
    return output;

答案 7 :(得分:2)


public InputStream getCompressedStream(InputStream unCompressedStream) {
    return new DeflaterInputStream(unCompressedStream); 


答案 8 :(得分:1)


WeightedData(java.util.Collection<com.google.maps.android.heatmaps.WeightedLatLng>) in Builder cannot be applies (com.google.maps.android.heatmaps.WeightedLatLng)

答案 9 :(得分:1)


<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<div class="grid__area grid__area--empty">
    <div id="streamcontainer" class="streamcontainer">
        <div class="inputer">
            <form action="">
                <input type="text" name="purl" value="XXX" id="" class="">
                <input type="submit" value="Submit" id="submit" class="submiturl"> //starting "this" point
        <div id="player" class="player"></div> // The Endpoint

答案 10 :(得分:0)

public InputStream getCompressed( InputStream is ) throws IOException
    byte data[] = new byte[2048];
    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    GzipOutputStream zos = new GzipOutputStream( bos );
    BufferedInputStream entryStream = new BufferedInputStream( is, 2048);
    int count;
    while ( ( count = entryStream.read( data, 0, 2048) ) != -1 )
        zos.write( data, 0, count );

    return new ByteArrayInputStream( bos.toByteArray() );

ref:zip compression

答案 11 :(得分:-3)