
时间:2012-06-14 11:03:07

标签: jquery knockout.js



请你帮我指明如何建立这个方向。 我没有见过这样做的具有约束力的汉德尔。


data-bind="myListView : { items : comments, selectedItem : selectedComment}"

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 为列表中的每个项目创建一个元素
  2. 将该元素附加到父
  3. 为在原始视图模型上设置selectedItem的每个元素添加一个单击处理程序
  4. 为了清晰起见,我还突出显示了当前所选项目。

    ko.bindingHandlers.myListView = {
        update: function(element, valueAccessor) {
            var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()),
                //get the list of items
                items = value.items(),
                //get a reference to the selected item observable
                selectedItem = value.selectedItem,
                //get a jQuery reference to the element
                $element = $(element),
                //get the currently selected item
                currentSelected = selectedItem();
            //clear the parent of any existing children
            for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
                (function() {
                    //get the list of items
                    var item = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(items[index]),
                        //create a child element with a click handler
                        $childElement = $("<li>")
                        .text( + " " + item.text())
                        .click(function() {
                            //remove selected class on all siblings
                            //add selected class on this item
                            //set the observable 'selected item' property on the source view model
                    //add the selected class if this item is the current selected item
                    if (item == currentSelected) {
                    //add the child to the parent

    这是working example




    1. 初始化时抓取元素的原始内容,并使用它代替上面的硬编码内容
    2. 在将创建的元素添加到DOM

          ko.bindingHandlers.myListView = {
      init: function(element) {
          var $element = $(element),
              originalContent = $element.html();
          $"original-content", originalContent);
          return { controlsDescendantBindings: true }
      update: function(element, valueAccessor) {
          var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()),
              //get the list of items
              items = value.items(),
              //get a reference to the selected item observable
              selectedItem = value.selectedItem,
              //get a jQuery reference to the element
              $element = $(element),
              //get the currently selected item
              currentSelected = selectedItem(),
              //get the current content of the element
              elementContent = $"original-content");
          for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
              (function() {
                  //get the list of items
                  var item = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(items[index]),
                      //create a child element with a click handler
                      $childElement = $(elementContent)
                      .click(function() {
                          //remove selected class on all siblings
                          //add selected class on this item
                          //set the observable 'selected item' property on the source view model
                  ko.applyBindings(item, $childElement[0]);
                  //add the selected class if this item is the current selected item
                  if (item == currentSelected) {
                  //add the child to the parent


    3. 请注意,我们必须通过从{ controlsDescendantBindings: true }方法返回init来阻止正在淘汰div的内容。

      这是updated example