
时间:2012-06-11 00:34:37

标签: android android-listview adapter


在我的代码中,我创建了一个名为disable的ArrayList,它保存了所有被标记的位置。我想将禁用列表中的内容与ListView中的位置进行匹配。 我研究了几个帖子,但没有一个明确地说明如何做到这一点。我把我找到的东西拼凑在一起,并把它放在下面的自定义适配器中。

据我所知,public int getItemViewType(int position)可以根据条件选择一个特定的行并更改它的属性。满足此条件时如何更改背景?我程序中getItemViewType(int position)中的代码不起作用,但你可以看到我想要做的事情。

问题1:我是否需要制作两个xml布局文件?一个用于普通视图,另一个用于禁用视图? 问题2:您是否了解我可以遵循的任何已完成此操作的示例?

package com.convention.notification.app;

import java.util.List;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.Html;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class NewsRowAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Item> {

    private Activity activity;
    private List<Item> items;
    private Item objBean;
    private int row;
    private List<Integer> disable;
    View view ;

    public NewsRowAdapter(Activity act, int resource, List<Item> arrayList, List<Integer> disableList) {
        super(act, resource, arrayList);
        this.activity = act;
        this.row = resource;
        this.items = arrayList;

        System.out.println("results of delete list a:"+disable.toString()); 


    public int getCount(){
       return items.size();

    public Item getItem(int position){
         return null;

    public long getItemId(int position){
       return position;

    public int getViewTypeCount() {
        return 2;


    public int getItemViewType(int position) {

        for (int s: disable){

           if (s == position){

            //   view.setBackgroundColor(Color.YELLOW);


        return position;


    public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
         view = convertView;

        ViewHolder holder;
        if (view == null) {
            //ViewHolder is a custom class that gets TextViews by name
            holder = new ViewHolder();

            LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) activity.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
            view = inflater.inflate(row, null);

            // holder.txtViewDescription = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.txtViewDescription); 

            /* setTag Sets the tag associated with this view. A tag can be used to
             * mark a view in its hierarchy and does not have to be unique 
             * within the hierarchy. Tags can also be used to store data within
             * a view without resorting to another data structure.

        } else {

            //the Object stored in this view as a tag
            holder = (ViewHolder) view.getTag();

        if ((items == null) || ((position + 1) > items.size())){

            return view;

        objBean = items.get(position);

        holder.tv_event_name = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.tv_event_name);
        holder.tv_event_date = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.tv_event_date);
        holder.tv_event_start = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.tv_event_start);
        holder.tv_event_end = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.tv_event_end);
        holder.tv_event_location = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.tv_event_location);

        if (holder.tv_event_name != null && null != objBean.getName()
                && objBean.getName().trim().length() > 0) {

        if (holder.tv_event_date != null && null != objBean.getDate()
                && objBean.getDate().trim().length() > 0) {
        if (holder.tv_event_start != null && null != objBean.getStartTime()
                && objBean.getStartTime().trim().length() > 0) {
        if (holder.tv_event_end != null && null != objBean.getEndTime()
                && objBean.getEndTime().trim().length() > 0) {
        if (holder.tv_event_location != null && null != objBean.getLocation ()
                && objBean.getLocation ().trim().length() > 0) {
            holder.tv_event_location.setText(Html.fromHtml(objBean.getLocation ()));


        return view;

    public class ViewHolder {
        public TextView 




06-11 00:06:43.133: D/dalvikvm(60): GC_EXPLICIT freed 230K, 45% free 4939K/8839K, external 3511K/3903K, paused 81ms
06-11 00:06:43.133: I/installd(34): unlink /data/dalvik-cache/data@app@com.convention.notification.app-1.apk@classes.dex
06-11 00:06:43.133: D/AndroidRuntime(528): Shutting down VM
06-11 00:06:43.173: D/dalvikvm(528): GC_CONCURRENT freed 101K, 72% free 295K/1024K, external 0K/0K, paused 1ms+0ms
06-11 00:06:43.173: D/jdwp(528): Got wake-up signal, bailing out of select
06-11 00:06:43.173: D/dalvikvm(528): Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries
06-11 00:06:43.203: I/dalvikvm(528): JNI: AttachCurrentThread (from ???.???)
06-11 00:06:43.203: I/AndroidRuntime(528): NOTE: attach of thread 'Binder Thread #3' failed
06-11 00:06:43.653: D/AndroidRuntime(542): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<
06-11 00:06:43.653: D/AndroidRuntime(542): CheckJNI is ON
06-11 00:06:44.223: D/AndroidRuntime(542): Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
06-11 00:06:44.243: I/ActivityManager(60): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.convention.notification.app/.DataView } from pid 542
06-11 00:06:44.273: I/ActivityManager(60): Start proc com.convention.notification.app for activity com.convention.notification.app/.DataView: pid=550 uid=10042 gids={3003}
06-11 00:06:44.323: D/AndroidRuntime(542): Shutting down VM
06-11 00:06:44.323: D/dalvikvm(542): GC_CONCURRENT freed 103K, 69% free 319K/1024K, external 0K/0K, paused 1ms+1ms
06-11 00:06:44.334: D/dalvikvm(542): Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries
06-11 00:06:45.503: I/ActivityManager(60): Displayed com.convention.notification.app/.DataView: +1s233ms
06-11 00:06:47.163: I/System.out(550): item disalbed is at postion :1
06-11 00:06:47.163: I/System.out(550): item disalbed is at postion :6
06-11 00:06:47.163: I/System.out(550): item disalbed is at postion :14
06-11 00:06:47.163: I/System.out(550): item disalbed is at postion :15
06-11 00:06:47.163: I/System.out(550): item disalbed is at postion :18
06-11 00:06:47.163: I/System.out(550): results of delete list :[1, 6, 14, 15, 18]
06-11 00:06:47.163: I/System.out(550): results of delete list  in Adapeter:[1, 6, 14, 15, 18]
06-11 00:06:47.173: I/System.out(550):  set adapaer to list view called;
06-11 00:06:50.693: D/dalvikvm(237): GC_EXPLICIT freed 8K, 51% free 2725K/5511K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 61ms
06-11 00:06:55.783: D/dalvikvm(264): GC_EXPLICIT freed 17K, 52% free 2778K/5703K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 98ms
06-11 00:07:05.163: D/dalvikvm(308): GC_EXPLICIT freed 15K, 49% free 3363K/6535K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 43ms
06-11 00:07:10.284: D/dalvikvm(361): GC_EXPLICIT freed 15K, 48% free 3523K/6727K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 102ms
06-11 00:07:15.303: D/dalvikvm(378): GC_EXPLICIT freed 6K, 51% free 2718K/5511K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 73ms
06-11 00:07:20.383: D/dalvikvm(201): GC_EXPLICIT freed 21K, 50% free 2995K/5959K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 121ms
06-11 00:07:25.463: D/dalvikvm(130): GC_EXPLICIT freed 114K, 48% free 3089K/5895K, external 4932K/5608K, paused 124ms
06-11 00:11:22.113: D/SntpClient(60): request time failed: java.net.SocketException: Address family not supported by protocol

--------------------------更新-------------------- ---------  我通过删除getItem()方法来修复此异常错误,并且我能够在列表中的几个视图上看到黄色背景。



package com.convention.notification.app;

import java.util.List;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.Html;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class NewsRowAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Item> {

    private Activity activity;
    private List<Item> items;
    private Item objBean;
    private int row;
    private List<Integer> disable;
    View view ;

    public NewsRowAdapter(Activity act, int resource, List<Item> arrayList, List<Integer> disableList) {
        super(act, resource, arrayList);
        this.activity = act;
        this.row = resource;
        this.items = arrayList;

        System.out.println("results of delete list a:"+disable.toString()); 


            public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
                View view = convertView;
                ViewHolder holder;
                if (view == null) {
                    LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) activity.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
                    view = inflater.inflate(row, null);

                                int j = 0;
                                while (j < items.size()) {
                                    for(int k =0;k< disable.size();k++){
                                        if(position == disable.get(k)){
                                            System.out.println("background set to yellow at disable "+disable.get(j));
System.out.println("background set to yellow at position "+position);
                                        } else {
            System.out.println("background set to white at position "+position);


                    }catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e){

                    System.out.println(" crash");

                    //ViewHolder is a custom class that gets TextViews by name: tvName, tvCity, tvBDate, tvGender, tvAge;
                    holder = new ViewHolder();

                    /* setTag Sets the tag associated with this view. A tag can be used to
                     *  mark a view in its hierarchy and does not have to be unique 
                     *  within the hierarchy. Tags can also be used to store data within
                     *   a view without resorting to another data structure.

                } else {

                    //the Object stored in this view as a tag
                    holder = (ViewHolder) view.getTag();

                if ((items == null) || ((position + 1) > items.size()))
                    return view;

                objBean = items.get(position);

        holder.tv_event_name = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.tv_event_name);
        holder.tv_event_date = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.tv_event_date);
        holder.tv_event_start = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.tv_event_start);
        holder.tv_event_end = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.tv_event_end);
        holder.tv_event_location = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.tv_event_location);

        if (holder.tv_event_name != null && null != objBean.getName()
                && objBean.getName().trim().length() > 0) {

        if (holder.tv_event_date != null && null != objBean.getDate()
                && objBean.getDate().trim().length() > 0) {
        if (holder.tv_event_start != null && null != objBean.getStartTime()
                && objBean.getStartTime().trim().length() > 0) {
        if (holder.tv_event_end != null && null != objBean.getEndTime()
                && objBean.getEndTime().trim().length() > 0) {
        if (holder.tv_event_location != null && null != objBean.getLocation ()
                && objBean.getLocation ().trim().length() > 0) {
            holder.tv_event_location.setText(Html.fromHtml(objBean.getLocation ()));


        return view;

    public class ViewHolder {
        public TextView 




06-11 10:54:45.063: I/System.out(1692): item disalbed is at postion :1
06-11 10:54:45.063: I/System.out(1692): item disalbed is at postion :6
06-11 10:54:45.063: I/System.out(1692): item disalbed is at postion :14
06-11 10:54:45.063: I/System.out(1692): item disalbed is at postion :15
06-11 10:54:45.073: I/System.out(1692): item disalbed is at postion :18
06-11 10:54:45.073: I/System.out(1692): results of delete list :[1, 6, 14, 15, 18]
06-11 10:54:45.073: I/System.out(1692): results of delete list a:[1, 6, 14, 15, 18]
06-11 10:54:45.073: I/System.out(1692):  set adapaer to list view called;
06-11 10:54:45.183: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 0

06-11 10:54:45.393: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 0
06-11 10:54:45.393: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 0
06-11 10:54:45.393: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 0
06-11 10:54:45.393: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 0
06-11 10:54:45.393: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 0
06-11 10:54:45.393: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 0
06-11 10:54:45.403: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 0
06-11 10:54:45.403: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 0
06-11 10:54:45.403: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 0
06-11 10:54:45.403: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 0
06-11 10:54:45.403: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 0
06-11 10:54:45.403: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 0
06-11 10:54:45.573: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at disable list 1
06-11 10:54:45.573: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.573: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.573: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.573: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.573: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.573: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at disable list 6
06-11 10:54:45.573: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.573: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.573: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.573: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.573: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.573: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at disable list 14
06-11 10:54:45.573: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.583: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.583: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.583: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.583: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.583: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at disable list 15
06-11 10:54:45.583: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.583: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.583: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.583: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.583: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.583: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at disable list 18
06-11 10:54:45.583: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.583: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.583: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.583: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.583: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 1
06-11 10:54:45.593: I/System.out(1692):  crash
06-11 10:54:45.623: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 2
06-11 10:54:45.623: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 2
06-11 10:54:45.623: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 2
06-11 10:54:45.623: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 2
06-11 10:54:45.623: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 2
06-11 10:54:45.623: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 2
06-11 10:54:45.623: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 2
06-11 10:54:45.623: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 2
06-11 10:54:45.623: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 2
06-11 10:54:45.623: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 2
06-11 10:54:45.623: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 2
06-11 10:54:45.623: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 2
06-11 10:54:45.623: I/Sys....3,4,....
06-11 10:54:46.163: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.163: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.163: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.163: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.163: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.163: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.163: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.163: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.173: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.173: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.173: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.173: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.173: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.173: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.173: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.173: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.173: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.173: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.183: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.183: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.183: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.183: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.183: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.183: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.183: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.183: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.183: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.183: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.183: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.183: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.183: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.193: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.193: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.193: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.193: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.193: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.193: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.193: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.203: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.203: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.203: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.203: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.203: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.203: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.203: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.203: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 5
06-11 10:54:46.283: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.283: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at disable list 1
06-11 10:54:46.283: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.283: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.283: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.283: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.283: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.283: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at disable list 6
06-11 10:54:46.283: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.283: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.283: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.283: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.283: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.283: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at disable list 14
06-11 10:54:46.283: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.283: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.283: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.293: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.293: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.293: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at disable list 15
06-11 10:54:46.293: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.293: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.293: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.303: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.303: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.303: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at disable list 18
06-11 10:54:46.303: I/System.out(1692): background set to yellow at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.303: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.303: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.303: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.303: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 6
06-11 10:54:46.303: I/System.out(1692):  crash
06-11 10:54:46.353: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 7
06-11 10:54:46.353: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 7
06-11 10:54:46.353: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 7
06-11 10:54:46.353: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 7
06-11 10:54:46.353: I/System.out(1692): background set to white at position 7
06-11 10:54:46.353: I/System.out(......


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Changing background color of ListView items on Android