如何限制每个俱乐部的比赛数量,我希望每个俱乐部只有10场比赛。 这是我在这里找到的所有游戏的代码how to output a standings table on the fly from a mysql table of football [soccer] results?
count(*) played,
count(case when goalsfor > goalsagainst then 1 end) wins,
count(case when goalsagainst> goalsfor then 1 end) lost,
count(case when goalsfor = goalsagainst then 1 end) draws,
sum(goalsfor) goalsfor,
sum(goalsagainst) goalsagainst,
sum(goalsfor) - sum(goalsagainst) goal_diff,
case when goalsfor > goalsagainst then 3 else 0 end
+ case when goalsfor = goalsagainst then 1 else 0 end
) score
from (
select hometeam team, goalsfor, goalsagainst from scores
union all
select awayteam, goalsagainst, goalsfor from scores
) a
group by team
order by score desc, goal_diff desc;