
时间:2012-06-01 14:52:33

标签: javascript jquery jquery-callback


    url: mv_finalUrl,
    success: function (data) {
    dataType: 'html'

/* here a lot more code, with animations and some delays */

mvFinishItUp(data) {
    /* My function code */
    /* But this code must only run after it has been called via the call back
       and after all the other code has been ran as well */



5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

这是jQuery Deferred objects的完美用例。


var jqxhr = $.ajax(...); 

// do some other synchronous stuff

// and *then* register the callback


答案 1 :(得分:0)


 function mvFinishItUp(data, byCallback) {

    var iscallback = byCallback || false; // if you don't send byCallback
                                          // default will false
    if(iscallback) {
       // execute if called by callback

 success: function (data) {
        mvFinishItUp(data, true); // call with second parameter true


var allFunctionExecuted = false; // global to detect all code execution

    url: mv_finalUrl,
    success: function (data) {
        mvFinishItUp(data, true);
    dataType: 'html'

function func1() {


function func2() {


// some other code

function func3() {
    allFunctionExecuted = true;


 function mvFinishItUp(data, byCallback) {

    var iscallback = byCallback || false; // if you don't send byCallback
                                          // default will false

    if(iscallback && allFunctionExecuted) {

       // execute if ajax done
       // and others code done

答案 2 :(得分:0)


var _data = undefined;

    url: mv_finalUrl,
    success: function (data) {
        _data = data;
        myFinishItUp(data); // call the function from here if it's faster
    dataType: 'html'

/* here a lot more code, with animations and some delays */

function myFinishItUp(data) {
    this.data = data; // store the data from the AJAX call or the code, whichever reaches first 
                      // if the code reaches this before the AJAX call completes, data will be undefined
    if(typeof this.wasCalled == "undefined") {
        /* My function code */
        /* But this code must only run after it has been called via the call back
           and after all the other code has been ran as well */
        this.wasCalled = true;
}(_data); // function that calls itself when the code gets to this point with a self-contained boolean variable to keep track of whether it has already been called 


答案 3 :(得分:0)


var isAJAXDone = false, isFunctionCodeDone = false;
  success: function () {
     isAJAXDone = true;
     mvFinishItUp(data, isAJAXDone, isFunctionCodeDone);

//..Your function code
//..Add this below the last line before the function ends
isFunctionCodeDone = true;
mvFinishItUp(data, isAJAXDone, isFunctionCodeDone);

mvFinishItUp(data, isAJAXDone, isFunctionCodeDone ) {
   if (isAJAXDone && isFunctionCodeDone) {
      //Do your magic

答案 4 :(得分:0)


var ajaxExecuted = false,
    codeExecuted = false;

    url: mv_finalUrl,
    success: function (data) {
        ajaxExecuted = true;
    dataType: 'html'

/* here a lot more code, with animations and some delays */
codeExecuted = true;

mvFinishItUp(data) {
    /* My function code */
    if(ajaxExecuted && codeExecuted) {
      /* But this code must only run after it has been called via the call back
         and after all the other code has been ran as well */

