我对C ++数组有一个非常奇怪的问题。一切顺利,直到我将它传递给函数将其写入磁盘,之后,更改数组而不执行任何操作。
int saveMatrix(Long64_t*, unsigned int, const char*);
void resetArray(Long64_t* array, unsigned int size)
for (unsigned long int i = 0; i < size; i++)
array[i] = 0;
int saveMatrix(Long64_t* array, unsigned int size, const char* filename)
// Returns:
// 0 - Exit
// 1 - Error
ofstream out(filename, ios::out);
if (!out) {
cout << "Cannot open file.";
return 1;
for (unsigned long int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
out << array[i] << " ";
return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc != 2) {
cout << "The program needs the name of the ROOT file to analyse." << endl;
return 1;
return gf_partial(argv[1]);
#include "../include/ROOT_Tree.hh"
#include "jbmArray.hh"
int gf_partial(const char* name) {
// init macro
unsigned long int i, j;
const unsigned int DetectorNumber = 4;
/* Detectors are:
0 lefs60Foil
1 lefs60Fl
2 lefs60Ml
3 lefs150Foil
4 lefs150F
5 lefs150M
6 ca60D
7 ca60C
8 ca60B
const double sourceRadius = 20.; // LAN2B In cm
// const double sourceRadius = 11.; // LAN2A In cm
const Int_t numberOfChannels = 4;
// Float_t energyChannels[numberOfChannels] = {52., 85., 141., 227.}; // LAN2A F electron
Float_t energyChannels[numberOfChannels] = {51., 80., 135., 218.}; // LAN2B F electron
// Float_t energyChannels[numberOfChannels] = {42., 55., 130., 220.}; // LAN2B B electron
// Float_t energyChannels[numberOfChannels] = {66., 101., 167., 269., 447., 798., 1391., 2926.}; // LAN2B M proton
const Int_t numberOfDetectors = 9;
Float_t energyChannelsError[numberOfChannels] = {0., 0., 0., 0.};
// Float_t energyChannelsError[numberOfChannels] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
Float_t vGeometryFactors[numberOfChannels];
Float_t vError[numberOfChannels]; // the error amount
Float_t vRealError[numberOfChannels]; // the calculated error
Long64_t nHitsInDetector[numberOfChannels];
resetArray(nHitsInDetector, numberOfChannels);
Long64_t nHitsInDetectorNoSecondaries[numberOfChannels];
resetArray(nHitsInDetectorNoSecondaries, numberOfChannels);
double nEmitedParticlesPerChannel[numberOfChannels];
resetArray(nEmitedParticlesPerChannel, numberOfChannels);
if (!TClassTable::GetDict("Event")) {
// read the tree file generated in GEANT4
TFile* treeFile = new TFile(name);
TTree *myTree = (TTree*) treeFile->Get("hiscaleSim");
// Create pointer to an event object for reading the branch values.
Event* myEvent = new Event();
TBranch* bEvent = myTree->GetBranch("EventBranch");
TClonesArray* hits = myEvent->GetHits();
Hit* myHit;
unsigned long int nEvents = myTree->GetEntries();
cout << endl << "Number of Total Events = " << nEvents << endl << endl;
Float_t sourceEnergy = 0.0;
Float_t depositedEnergy = 0.0;
Float_t sourceTime = 0.0;
UInt_t parentID = 0;
UInt_t trackID = 0;
std::vector<float> fSourcePosition(3);
std::vector<float> minSourcePosition(3);
std::vector<float> maxSourcePosition(3);
std::vector<float> fSourceMomentumDirection(3);
std::vector<float> minSourceMomentumDirection(3);
std::vector<float> maxSourceMomentumDirection(3);
std::vector<float> totalDepositedEnergy(numberOfDetectors);
//std::vector<unsigned long int> nHitsInDetector(numberOfDetectors);
// std::vector<unsigned long int> nHitsInDetectorNoSecondaries(numberOfChannels);
Float_t fParticlePDGMass = 0.0;
Float_t fParticlePDGCharge = 0.0;
//fParticleAtomicNumber = 0;
//fParticleAtomicMass = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nEvents; i++) {
depositedEnergy = 0;
sourceEnergy = myEvent->GetSourceEnergy();
for (j = 0; j < myEvent->GetNHit(); j++) {
myHit = (Hit*)hits->UncheckedAt(j);
if (myHit->GetDetectorN() == DetectorNumber)
depositedEnergy = myHit->GetTotalDepositedEnergy();
parentID = myEvent->GetParentID();
trackID = myEvent->GetTrackID();
for (j = 0; j < numberOfChannels; j++) {
if (sourceEnergy == energyChannels[j]) {
if (depositedEnergy != 0) {
if (parentID == 0)
char strnHitsInDetector[80];
strcpy (strnHitsInDetector, name);
strcat (strnHitsInDetector, ".nHitsInDetector");
saveMatrix(nHitsInDetector, numberOfChannels, strnHitsInDetector);
//char strnHitsInDetector[80];
strcpy (strnHitsInDetector, name);
strcat (strnHitsInDetector, ".nHitsInDetectorNoSecondaries");
saveMatrix(nHitsInDetectorNoSecondaries, numberOfChannels, strnHitsInDetector);
char strnEmitedParticlesPerChannel[80];
strcpy (strnEmitedParticlesPerChannel, name);
strcat (strnEmitedParticlesPerChannel, ".nEmitedParticlesPerChannel");
saveMatrix(nEmitedParticlesPerChannel, numberOfChannels, strnEmitedParticlesPerChannel);
// from now on nEmitedParticlesPerChannel changes it's value and it's not ok anymore.
答案 0 :(得分:7)
const Int_t numberOfChannels = 2;
Long64_t nEmitedParticlesPerChannel[numberOfChannels];
resetArray(nEmitedParticlesPerChannel, numberOfChannels);
nEmitedParticlesPerChannel[1] = 10;
nEmitedParticlesPerChannel[2] = 20;
的大小设置为包含两个元素,但随后写入索引1和2.由于C ++数组是零索引的,这意味着您正在写下结束数组和clobbering内存中的任何值都恰好在它之后。这可能会破坏作为参数传入的数组的内容,因为这会导致未定义的行为。
nEmitedParticlesPerChannel[0] = 10;
nEmitedParticlesPerChannel[1] = 20;