我有一个selenium脚本在本地工作正常,以及在构建机器的命令行上运行时。但是当我经历詹金斯时,我得到了不同的结果。 (这是earlier post的延续 - 问一个新问题,因为我认为这是一个不同的问题)
我的目的是输入字段数据,按Enter,按Tab键离开字段/触发javascript - 这将导致出现一个新字段(formOrBundleType)。
selenium.keyPress("program", "\10");
selenium.type("program", "MIC HOMEOWNERS");
selenium.keyPress("program", "\10");
// slight hack - tabbing out of this field forces the form
// to repaint, exposing the formOrBundleType field
selenium.keyPressNative(java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_TAB + "");
// now grab the exposed field and start the data entry again
selenium.keyPress("formOrBundleType", "\10");
selenium.type("formOrBundleType", "HO3 ENHANCED");
[junit] 13:59:48.761 INFO - Command request: type[program, MIC HOMEOWNERS] on session 44eb
[junit] 13:59:54.761 INFO - Got result: OK on session 44eb
[junit] 13:59:54.776 INFO - Command request: keyPress[program, ] on session 44eb
[junit] 14:00:00.776 INFO - Got result: OK on session 44eb12edb47f4a14aa2f3c7733f2ff52
[junit] 14:00:06.776 INFO - Command request: keyDownNative[9, ] on session 44eb
[junit] 14:00:06.776 INFO - Creating Robot
[junit] 14:00:06.792 INFO - Got result: OK on session 44eb
[junit] 14:00:13.105 INFO - Command request: keyPress[formOrBundleType, ] on session 44eb
[junit] 14:00:19.105 INFO - Got result: ERROR: Element formOrBundleType not found on session 44eb