SWI Prolog中的Hangman游戏(增强版)

时间:2012-05-25 17:19:19

标签: algorithm prolog


  Hangman Game in SWI Prolog

我正试图通过以下方式在SWI Prolog中增加一个简单的刽子手游戏:

1) 跟上到目前为止已经猜到的错误字母。如果用户猜到一封已被猜错的信,该程序应该说'你猜对了!'并且只是在不增加计数器的情况下继续游戏。

2) 最后,添加一个计数器,计算错误猜测的数量,并在达到某个数字时退出游戏。程序应该告诉用户他们输了,显示短语的真实含义,然后终止。重复猜测不应被视为错误。

我如何将这些谓词放在一起,以便我的程序可以运行以上的增强? 的 1)

alreadyGuessed(Guess, AnsCodes) :-
   memberchk(Guess, AnsCodes).


processGuess(AnsList, BlankList, _, CountFailed) :-
  (   CountFailed == 5
  ->  format('Sorry, game over. You didn\'t guess (~s)~n', [AnsList])
  ;   write('Nope!'),
      CountFailed1 is CountFailed + 1,
      getGuess(AnsList, BlankList, CountFailed1)



编辑:程序现在运行,直到您犯了5个错误。像?- hangman(0).一样运行它 现在我只需要不计算到目前为止错误答案所使用的字母,并显示上面列出的相应消息。我会写一个更多的谓词processGuess吗?

% This top-level predicate runs the game.  It prints a 
% welcome message, picks a phrase, and calls getGuess.

% Ans = Answer
% AnsList = AnswerList

    write('Welcome to hangman.'),
    makeBlanks(AnsList, BlankList), 
    getGuess(AnsList,BlankList, CountFailed).

% Randomly returns a phrase from the list of possibilities.

    length(L, X), 
    R is random(X), 
    N is R+1, 
    getNth(L, N, Ans).

% Possible phrases to guess.


% Asks the user for a letter guess.  Starts by writing the 
% current "display phrase" with blanks, then asks for a guess and
% calls process on the guess.

getGuess(AnsList, BlankList, CountFailed):- 
    name(BlankName, BlankList), 
    write('Enter your guess, followed by a period and return.'), 
    name(Guess, [GuessName]), 
    processGuess(AnsList,BlankList,GuessName, CountFailed).

% Process guess takes a list of codes representing the answer, a list of codes representing the current
% "display phrase" with blanks in it, and the code of the letter that was just guessed.  If the guess
% was right, call substitute to put the letter in the display phrase and check for a win.  Otherwise, just
% get another guess from the user.

processGuess(AnsList,BlankList,GuessName, CountFailed):- 
    substitute(AnsList, BlankList, GuessName, NewBlanks), 
    checkWin(AnsList,NewBlanks, CountFailed).

processGuess(AnsList, BlankList, _, CountFailed) :-
  (   CountFailed == 5
  ->  format('Sorry, game over. You didn\'t guess (~s)~n', [AnsList])
  ;   write('Nope!'),
      CountFailed1 is CountFailed + 1,
      getGuess(AnsList, BlankList, CountFailed1)

% Check to see if the phrase is guessed.  If so, write 'You win' and if not, go back and get another guess.

checkWin(AnsList, BlankList, CountFailed):- 
    name(Ans, AnsList), 
    name(BlankName, BlankList), 
    BlankName = Ans, 
    write('You win!').

checkWin(AnsList, BlankList, CountFailed):- 
    getGuess(AnsList, BlankList, CountFailed).

% getNth(L,N,E) should be true when E is the Nth element of the list L. N will always
% be at least 1.


    N1 is N-1,

% makeBlanks(AnsList, BlankList) should take an answer phrase, which is a list
% of character codes that represent the answer phrase, and return a list
% where all codes but the '_' turn into the code for '*'.  The underscores
% need to remain to show where the words start and end.  Please note that 
% both input and output lists for this predicate are lists of character codes.
% You can test your code with a query like this:
% testMakeBlanks:- name('csc_is_awesome', List), makeBlanks(List, BlankList), name(Towrite, BlankList), write(Towrite). 

makeBlanks(AnsCodes, BlankCodes) :-
  maplist(answer_blank, AnsCodes, BlankCodes).

answer_blank(Ans, Blank) :-
  Ans == 0'_ -> Blank = Ans ; Blank = 0'* .

% substitute(AnsList, BlankList, GuessName, NewBlanks) Takes character code lists AnsList and BlankList, 
% and GuessName, which is the character code for the guessed letter.  The NewBlanks should again be a 
% character code list, which puts all the guesses into the display word and keeps the *'s and _'s otherwise.
% For example, if the answer is 'csc_is_awesome' and the display is 'c*c_**_*******' and the guess is 's', the 
% new display should be 'csc_*s_***s***'.
% You can test your predicate with a query like this:
% testSubstitute:- name('csc_is_awesome', AnsList), name('c*c_**_*******', BlankList), name('s',[GuessName]), substitute(AnsList, BlankList, GuessName, NewBlanks),
%    name(Towrite, NewBlanks), write(Towrite). 

% Also, since the predicate doesn't deal directly with character codes, this should also work:
% substitute(['c','s','c'],['c','*','c'],'s',L).  L should be ['c','s','c'].

substitute(AnsCodes, BlankCodes, GuessName, NewBlanks) :-
     maplist(place_guess(GuessName), AnsCodes, BlankCodes, NewBlanks).

place_guess(Guess, Ans, Blank, Display) :-
    Guess == Ans -> Display = Ans ; Display = Blank.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

processGuess(AnsList, BlankList, _, CountFailed) :-

processGuess(AnsList, BlankList, Guess, CountFailed):-
    memberchk(Guess, BlankList),
    write('You guessed that!'), nl,
    !, getGuess(AnsList, BlankList, CountFailed).




processGuess(AnsList, BlankList, Guess, FailedList):-
    (  length(FailedList, 5)
    ->  ... signal game failure and stop ...
    ;   getGuess(AnsList, BlankList, [Guess|FailedList])