
时间:2012-05-25 00:02:08

标签: javascript salesforce apex-code visualforce

该公司最近发现需要在Visualforce / Apex中创建并排记录。我们通常需要将潜在客户合并到联系人中。以前这是在S-Controls处理的;然而,最近的举措和希望在未来支持我们的代码,这促使我们将许多S-Controls转移到Visualforce页面和Apex代码中。

我们希望实现以下目标: enter image description here


我必须使用的所有先前代码都是使用JavaScript在S-Controls中完成的;虽然这段代码现在可以正常工作 - 我们需要将它移植到VisualForce页面。显然我可以使用HTML表格等手动编写它,但我相信这会破坏使用Salesforce库存功能的目的。

我肯定对其他方法持开放态度 - 正如我所概述的那样,但需要几乎痛苦的编码才能使其可行(特别是在将来更新/删除/添加字段时)。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)


首先 - 事实证明,apex:pageBlockTable几乎可以处理传递给value参数的任何类型的对象,无论是SObject数组还是数组MyFooBar对象。

第二 - 我们需要一个包装类来同时封装两个记录:

public with sharing class LeadContactCompareWrapper {
    public static final String SALUTATION = 'Salutation';
    public static final String FIRST_NAME = 'First Name';
    public static final String LAST_NAME = 'Last Name';
    public static final String EMAIL = 'Email';
    public static final String PHONE = 'Phone';
    public static final String STREET = 'Street';
    public static final String CITY = 'City';
    public static final String STATE = 'State';
    public static final String COUNTRY = 'Country'; 
    public static final String ZIP_POSTAL = 'Zip / Postal Code';
    public static final String TITLE = 'Title';
    public static final String PRIMARY_FUNCTIONAL_ROLE = 'Primary Functional Role';
    public static final String SECONDARY_FUNCTIONAL_ROLE = 'Secondary Functional Role';
    public static final String BULLETIN = 'Bulletin'; 
    public static final String CREDIT_MEMO = 'Credit Memo';
    public static final String FS_INSIGHTS = 'FS Insights';
    public static final String MANUFAC_IND_INSIGHTS = 'Manufact. Ind Insights';
    public static final String LIT_AND_FRAUD = 'Lit. & Fraud News';
    public static final String REGULATORY_INSIGHTS = 'Regulatory Insights';

    private Lead lead; 
    private Contact contact; 

    public List<Compare> information { get; set; }
    public List<Compare> marketing { get; set; }
    public List<Compare> furtherDetails { get; set; }

    public List<SelectOption> names { get;set; }
    public String newName { get;set; }

    public Id getContactId() { 
        return this.contact.Id;
    public Id getAccountId() { 
        return this.contact.Account.Id;
    public Id getLeadId() { 
        return this.lead.Id;

    public Lead getLead() { 
        return this.lead;

    public Contact getContact() { 
        return this.contact;

    public LeadContactCompareWrapper(Lead lead, Contact contact) { 
        this.lead = [Select Id, DeliveryPreference__c, ACE__c,AML__c,BusContinuity__c,CorpGovSOX__c,ERM__c,FinancialRisk__c,InternalAudit__c,ITAsset__c,ITAudit__c,ITSecurity__c,LitSupport__c,ORM__c,SelfAssessment__c,SpendRisk__c, Owner.Name, Company, Bulletin__c,Credit_Memo__c,FSInsights__c,Manufact_Ind_Insights__c,LitFraudNews__c,RegulatoryInsights__c, LastModifiedDate, Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone, Street, City, State, Country, PostalCode, Title, Primary_Functional_Role__c, SecondaryFunctionalRole__c From Lead Where Id = :lead.Id];
        this.contact = [Select Id, Owner.Name, Account.Id, Account.Name, Bulletin__c,Credit_Memo__c,FSInsights__c,Manufact_Ind_Insights__c,LitFraudNews__c,RegulatoryInsights__c,  LastModifiedDate, Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone, MailingStreet, MailingCity, MailingState, MailingCountry, MailingPostalCode, Title, Primary_Functional_Role__c, SecondaryFunctionalRole__c From Contact Where Id = :contact.Id];


    private void init() { 
        this.information = new List<Compare>();
        this.marketing = new List<Compare>();
        this.furtherDetails = new List<Compare>();

        // this part will suck but it has to be done
                        (this.lead.Salutation != null) ? this.lead.Salutation : '', 
                        (this.contact.Salutation != null) ? this.contact.Salutation : ''
        /* Continue adding as many compare fields for the 'information' section as needed... */
        // Marking Subscriptions
                        (this.lead.Bulletin__c != null) ? this.lead.Bulletin__c : '', 
                        (this.contact.Bulletin__c != null) ? this.contact.Bulletin__c : ''
        /* Continue adding as many compare fields for the 'marketing' section as needed... */                       

        // Further information - just for display purposes
                        (this.lead.Owner.Name != null) ? this.lead.Owner.Name : '', 
                        (this.contact.Owner.Name != null) ? this.contact.Owner.Name : '',
        /* Continue adding as many compare fields for the 'further information' section as needed... */                     

     * Creates a comparison object
    private Compare createCompare(string label, String val1, String val2, Boolean isVal1, Boolean isVal2) { 
        Compare c = new Compare(label);
        c.selectVal1 = isVal1;
        c.selectVal2 = isVal2;
        c.val1 = val1;
        c.val2 = val2;

        return c;

     * Defaults our comparison to value 1 as selected
    private Compare createCompare(String label, String val1, String val2) {
        return createCompare(label, val1, val2, true, false);

第三次 - 我们需要根据选择的值(以及要在表格上显示的行标签)创建一个包含两个值和两个布尔值的'compare'类:

public class Compare { 
    public Compare (String label) { 
    this.label = label;

    public String label { get; set; }
    public Boolean selectVal1 { get; set; }
    public Boolean selectVal2 { get; set; }
    public String val1 { get; set; }
    public String val2 { get; set; }


<apex:pageblocktable value="{!leadToContact.information}" var="compare">
        <apex:facet name="header">Information</apex:facet>
        <apex:facet name="header">Lead</apex:facet>
        <apex:inputcheckbox id="val1" label="{!compare.val1}" onclick="uncheckOtherCompare(this);" title="{!compare.val1}" value="{!compare.selectVal1}" />
        <apex:outputlabel value="{!compare.val1}" />
        <apex:facet name="header">Contact</apex:facet>
        <apex:inputcheckbox id="val2" label="{!compare.val2}" onclick="uncheckOtherCompare(this);" value="{!compare.selectVal2}" />
        <apex:outputlabel value="{!compare.val2}" />


function uncheckOtherCompare(obj) {
    // Get the id of the object being checked
    var objId = obj.id;

    if (objId.indexOf('val1') >= 0) {
      objId = objId.replace('val1', 'val2');  
    } else {
      objId = objId.replace('val2', 'val1'); 

    if (obj.checked) {
      document.getElementById(objId).checked = false; 
    } else if (!document.getElementById(objId).checked) {
      // If the user is trying to uncheck both boxes, recheck the box that is being passed in.  
      // We can't have 'no' boxes checked on a given row
      obj.checked = true; 


