
时间:2012-05-23 01:12:07

标签: javascript jquery animation navigation


问题: 我正在使用幻灯片式导航系统来浏览产品。一切都很好,直到在动画结束前多次点击下一个/上一个箭头。单击它不止一次会导致事物完全错过,并通过地狱将div发送到不可逆转的水平螺旋中。我想知道是否有办法阻止用户不止一次点击下一个/上一个箭头,这样幻灯片导航就不会被打破。


 var SlideWidth = 305;
    var SlideSpeed = 1000;

    $(document).ready(function () {
        // set the prev and next buttons display

    function CurrentMargin() {
        // get current margin of slider
        var currentMargin = $("#slider-wrapper").css("margin-left");

        // first page load, margin will be auto, we need to change this to 0
        if (currentMargin == "auto") {
            currentMargin = 0;

        // return the current margin to the function as an integer
        return parseInt(currentMargin);

    function SetNavigationDisplay() {
        // get current margin
        var currentMargin = CurrentMargin();

        // if current margin is at 0, then we are at the beginning, hide previous
        if (currentMargin == 0) {
        else {

        // get wrapper width
        var wrapperWidth = $("#slider-wrapper").width();

        // turn current margin into postive number and calculate if we are at last slide, if so, hide next button
        if ((currentMargin * -1) == (wrapperWidth - SlideWidth)) {
        else {

    function NextSlide() {
        // get the current margin and subtract the slide width
        var newMargin = CurrentMargin() - SlideWidth;

        // slide the wrapper to the left to show the next panel at the set speed. Then set the nav display on completion of animation.
        $("#slider-wrapper").animate({ marginLeft: newMargin }, SlideSpeed, 'easeInOutElastic', function () { SetNavigationDisplay() });


    function PreviousSlide() {
        // get the current margin and subtract the slide width
        var newMargin = CurrentMargin() + SlideWidth;

        // slide the wrapper to the right to show the previous panel at the set speed. Then set the nav display on completion of animation.
        $("#slider-wrapper").animate({ marginLeft: newMargin }, SlideSpeed, 'easeOutElastic', function () { SetNavigationDisplay() });


<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="PreviousSlide()" id="PreviousButton" style="padding-right:40px;"><img src="IMGS/arrow2.png"></a><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="NextSlide()" id="NextButton" style="padding-right:40px;"><img src="IMGS/arrow.png"></a>



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

设置一个名为animating的标志,动画开始时设置为true,动画结束回调函数设置为false。然后只测试标志的状态以确定是否触发next / prev逻辑。

var animating = false;

// ...SNIP...

    function NextSlide() {
        if (!animating) { 
            animating = true;

            // get the current margin and subtract the slide width
            var newMargin = CurrentMargin() - SlideWidth;

            // slide the wrapper to the left to show the next panel at the set speed. Then set the nav display on completion of animation.
            $("#slider-wrapper").animate({ marginLeft: newMargin }, SlideSpeed, 'easeInOutElastic', function () { animating = false; SetNavigationDisplay() });

    function PreviousSlide() {
        if (!animating) { 
            animating = true;

            // get the current margin and subtract the slide width
            var newMargin = CurrentMargin() + SlideWidth;

            // slide the wrapper to the right to show the previous panel at the set speed. Then set the nav display on completion of animation.
            $("#slider-wrapper").animate({ marginLeft: newMargin }, SlideSpeed, 'easeOutElastic', function () { animating = false; SetNavigationDisplay() });

答案 1 :(得分:0)

将变量定义为var animationFinished = "no";,一旦完成,请将其设为animationFinished = yes;。然后,一旦点击过程完成,就会有条件说if (animationFinished == "yes")

最好将它设为布尔变量,以便bool animationFinished = false;true


         marginLeft: newMargin }, SlideSpeed, 'easeInOutElastic', 
    ), 5000, function() {
        // Animation complete.


jQuery我认为没有功能可以检查每个动画是否都已完成。您只需使用.animate函数所具有的回调,即后续function(){ }括号中的内容。