迭代XML sql插入

时间:2012-05-22 19:26:17

标签: c# .net sql-server sql-server-2008

我有三个表table1, table2, table3col1, col2和标识ID列。这些表关系在数据库中定义。



 <table1 col1='a' col2='b'>
   <table2 col1='c' col2='d'>
     <table3 col1='g' col2='h' />
     <table3 col1='i' col2='j' />
  <table2 col1='c' col2='d'>
    <table3 col1='k' col2='l' />
    <table3 col1='i' col2='j' />
 <table1 col1='a' col2='b'>
   <table2 col1='e' col2='f'>
     <table3 col1='i' col2='j' />
     <table3 col1='i' col2='j' />
   <table2 col1='e' col2='f'>
     <table3 col1='g' col2='h' />
     <table3 col1='g' col2='h' />



  1. 遍历每个节点
  2. 将节点属性插入表
  3. 获取最后一个身份值
  4. 将具有最后一个标识值的子节点作为外键调用
  5. 直到不再有子节点
  6. 这是处理这种情况的唯一方法吗?如果是这样,如何遍历xml节点?




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



create table Table1
  Table1ID int identity primary key,
  Col1 char(1),
  Col2 char(1)

create table Table2
  Table2ID int identity primary key,
  Table1ID int references Table1(Table1ID),
  Col1 char(1),
  Col2 char(1)

create table Table3
  Table3ID int identity primary key,
  Table2ID int references Table2(Table2ID),
  Col1 char(1),
  Col2 char(1)


declare @T1 table (XMLCol xml, TargetID int);
declare @T2 table (XMLCol xml, TargetID int);

merge Table1 as T
using (select T1.XMLCol.query('*'),
              T1.XMLCol.value('@col1', 'char(1)'),
              T1.XMLCol.value('@col2', 'char(1)')
       from @XML.nodes('/root/table1') as T1(XMLCol)) as S(XMLCol, Col1, Col2)
on 1 = 0
when not matched then
  insert (Col1, Col2) values (S.Col1, S.Col2)
output S.XMLCol, inserted.Table1ID into @T1;          

merge Table2 as T
using (select T2.XMLCol.query('*'),
              T2.XMLCol.value('@col1', 'char(1)'),
              T2.XMLCol.value('@col2', 'char(1)')
       from @T1 as T1  
         cross apply T1.XMLCol.nodes('table2Array/table2') as T2(XMLCol)) as S(XMLCol, ID1, Col1, Col2)
on 1 = 0
when not matched then
  insert (Table1ID, Col1, Col2) values (S.ID1, S.Col1, S.Col2)
output S.XMLCol, inserted.Table2ID into @T2;          

insert into Table3(Table2ID, Col1, Col2)
select T2.TargetID,
       T3.XMLCol.value('@col1', 'char(1)'),
       T3.XMLCol.value('@col2', 'char(2)') 
from @T2 as T2
  cross apply T2.XMLCol.nodes('table3array/table3') as T3(XMLCol);


答案 1 :(得分:0)


public class MyCustomStructure
    public Table1Structure[] Table1Array { get; set; }

public class Table1Structure
    public string Col1 { get; set; }
    public string Col2 { get; set; }
    public Table2Structure[] Table2Array { get; set; }

public class Table2Structure
    public string Col1 { get; set; }
    public string Col2 { get; set; }
    public Table3Structure[] Table3Array { get; set; }

public class Table3Structure
    public string Col1 { get; set; }
    public string Col2 { get; set; }


var ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyCustomStructure));

// if xml is in a string, use the following:
var sr = new StringReader(xml);
var xr = new XmlTextReader(sr);

// if xml is in a stream, use the following:
var xr = new XmlTextReader(stream);

// if xml is in an XmlElement, use the following:
var xr = new XmlNodeReader(element);

// result contains an instance of MyCustomStructure
var result = ser.Deserialize(xr);


for each (var table1 in result.Table1Array)
    // insert table1, get inserted ID
    for each (var table2 in table1.Table2Array)
        // insert table2, use table1 inserted ID, get table2 ID
        for each (var table3 in table2.Table3Array)
            // insert table3, use table2 inserted ID


答案 2 :(得分:0)


        declare @xmlRoot as xml 
        set @xmlRoot= '<root>
         <table1 col1="a" col2="b">
           <table2 col1="c" col2="d">
             <table3 col1="g" col2="h" />
             <table3 col1="i" col2="j" />
          <table2 col1="c" col2="d">
            <table3 col1="k" col2="l" />
            <table3 col1="i" col2="j" />
         <table1 col1="a" col2="b">
           <table2 col1="e" col2="f">
             <table3 col1="i" col2="j" />
             <table3 col1="i" col2="j" />
           <table2 col1="e" col2="f">
             <table3 col1="g" col2="h" />
             <table3 col1="g" col2="h" />
        Declare @col1 varchar(100),@col2 varchar(100), @table1Counter int, @table2Counter int

        select @table1Counter=0

        DECLARE table1_cursor CURSOR FOR 
            col1 =  item.value('./@col1', 'varchar(100)'), 
            col2 =  item.value('./@col2', 'varchar(100)') 
            FROM @xmlRoot.nodes('root/table1') AS T(item);

            OPEN table1_cursor

            FETCH NEXT FROM table1_cursor 
            INTO  @col1 ,@col2

            WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
                    --insert into table1 and get id into a variable
                     set @table1Counter=@table1Counter+1

                    DECLARE table2_cursor CURSOR FOR 
                    col1 =  item.value('./@col1', 'varchar(100)'),
                    col2 = item.value('./@col2', 'varchar(100)') 
                    FROM @xmlRoot.nodes('root/table1[sql:variable("@table1Counter")]/table2Array/table2') AS T(item);                            
                        OPEN table2_cursor
                        FETCH NEXT FROM table2_cursor INTO @col1 ,@col2                       
                        WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
                                --insert into table2 and get id into a varialbe
                                set @table2Counter = @table2Counter+1

                                 --do same for table3 similar to table2

                                FETCH NEXT FROM table2_cursor INTO @col1 ,@col2
                        CLOSE table2_cursor
                        DEALLOCATE table2_cursor                            
                    FETCH NEXT FROM table1_cursor 
                    INTO  @col1, @col2                      
        CLOSE table1_cursor;
        DEALLOCATE table1_cursor;