将Excel表数据传输到SQL 2008R2的最快方法

时间:2012-05-22 18:42:31

标签: excel vba sql-server-2008 import large-data

有没有人知道使用外部实用程序(即bcp)从SQL表获取数据的最快方法和SQL表上的表? 请记住,我的数据集通常是6500-15000行,大约150-250列;我最终在自动VBA批处理脚本中传输了大约20-150个。

我尝试了几种从Excel表(VBA)到SQL 2008获取大量数据的方法。我列出了以下内容:

方法1.将表传递到VBA阵列并发送到存储过程(ADO) - 发送到SQL是SLOW

方法2.创建断开连接的RecordSet加载它,然后同步。 - 发送到非常慢的SQL

方法3.将表放入VBA数组,循环遍历数组并连接(使用分隔符),然后发送到存储过程。 - 发送到SQL SLOW,但比方法1或2更快。

方法4.将表放入VBA数组,循环遍历数组并连接(使用分隔符),然后将每行放置ADO recordset .addnew命令。 - 发送到SQL非常快(比方法1-3快约20倍),但现在我需要使用单独的过程拆分数据,这将增加大量的等待时间。

方法5.将表放入VBA数组,序列化为XML,作为VARCHAR发送到存储过程并在存储过程中指定XML。 - 发送到SQL INCREDIBLY SLOW(比方法1或2慢大约100倍)


6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

没有一种最快的方式,因为它取决于许多因素。确保SQL中的索引已配置和优化。由于每个插入都需要更新索引,因此大量索引会终止插入/更新性能。确保只与数据库建立一个连接,并且在操作期间不要打开/关闭它。在服务器处于最小负载时运行更新。您还没有尝试过的唯一其他方法是使用ADO Command对象,并发出直接INSERT语句。使用记录集对象的“AddNew”方法时,请确保在插入的末尾只发出一个“UpdateBatch”命令。除此之外,VBA只能以接受输入的SQL服务器的速度运行。

编辑: 好像你已经尝试了一切。 SQL Server中还有一种所谓的“批量记录”恢复模式,可以减少写入事务日志的过多开销。可能是值得研究的事情。它可能很麻烦,因为它需要稍微调整数据库恢复模型,但它可能对您有用。

答案 1 :(得分:2)


Dim sheet As Worksheet
    Set sheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DataSheet")        

    Dim Con As Object
    Dim cmd As Object
    Dim ServerName As String
    Dim level As Long
    Dim arr As Variant
    Dim row As Long
    Dim rowCount As Long

    Set Con = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

    ServerName = "" 

    'Creating a connection
    Con.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" & _
                                    "Data Source=" & ServerName & ";" & _
                                    "Initial Catalog=Adventure;" & _
                                    "UID=sa; PWD=123;"

    'Setting provider Name
     Con.Provider = "Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.12.0"

    'Opening connection

    cmd.CommandType = 1             ' adCmdText

    Dim Rst As Object
    Set Rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    Table = "EmployeeDetails" 'This should be same as the database table name.
    With Rst
        Set .ActiveConnection = Con
        .Source = "SELECT * FROM " & Table
        .CursorLocation = 3         ' adUseClient
        .LockType = 4               ' adLockBatchOptimistic
        .CursorType = 0             ' adOpenForwardOnly

        Dim tableFields(200) As Integer
        Dim rangeFields(200) As Integer

        Dim exportFieldsCount As Integer
        exportFieldsCount = 0

        Dim col As Integer
        Dim index As Integer
        index = 1

        For col = 1 To .Fields.Count
            exportFieldsCount = exportFieldsCount + 1
            tableFields(exportFieldsCount) = col
            rangeFields(exportFieldsCount) = index
            index = index + 1

        If exportFieldsCount = 0 Then
            ExportRangeToSQL = 1
            GoTo ConnectionEnd
        End If            

        endRow = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DataSheet").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).row 'LastRow with the data.
        arr = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DataSheet").Range("A1:CE" & endRow).Value 'This range selection column count should be same as database table column count.

        rowCount = UBound(arr, 1)            

        Dim val As Variant

        For row = 1 To rowCount
            For col = 1 To exportFieldsCount
                val = arr(row, rangeFields(col))
                    .Fields(tableFields(col - 1)) = val

    End With

    flag = True

    'Closing RecordSet.
     If Rst.State = 1 Then
    End If

   'Closing Connection Object.
    If Con.State = 1 Then
    End If

'Setting empty for the RecordSet & Connection Objects
Set Rst = Nothing
Set Con = Nothing
End Sub

答案 2 :(得分:0)

到目前为止,最快的方法是通过T-SQL的BULK INSERT


  • 您可能需要先将数据导出到csv(您可以直接从Excel导入;我的经验是从Access .mdbs转到SQL Server,需要临时步骤到csv )。
  • SQL Server计算机需要有权访问该csv(运行BULK INSERT命令并指定文件名时,请记住文件名将在运行SQL Server的计算机上解析)。


答案 3 :(得分:0)


相反:Source = "SELECT * FROM " & Table

我们可以使用:Source = "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM " & Table


答案 4 :(得分:0)


答案 5 :(得分:0)



    Public Sub Upload()
        Const Tbl As String = "YourTbl"
        Dim InsertQuery As String, xlRow As Long, xlCol As Integer
        Dim DBconnection As New ADODB.Connection

        DBconnection.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=MyPassword" & _
            ";Persist Security Info=false;User ID=MyUserID" & _
            ";Initial Catalog=MyDB;Data Source=MyServer"

        InsertQuery = ""
        xlRow = 2
        While Cells(xlRow, 1) <> ""
            InsertQuery = InsertQuery & "INSERT INTO " & Tbl & " VALUES('"

            For xlCol = 1 To 6 'Must match the table structure
                InsertQuery = InsertQuery & Replace(Cells(xlRow, xlCol), "'", "''") & "', '"  'Includes mitigation for apostrophes in the data
            Next xlCol
            InsertQuery = InsertQuery & Format(Now(), "M/D/YYYY") & "')" & vbCrLf 'The last column is a date stamp, either way, don't forget to close that parenthesis
            xlRow = xlRow + 1

        DBconnection.Execute InsertQuery 'I'll leave any error trapping to you
        DBconnection.Close  'But do be tidy :-)
        Set DBconnection = Nothing
    End Sub