
时间:2012-05-22 15:19:27

标签: f#



let opensTimespan (interval: Timespan)=
    let lastTakenId = ref -1L  // Timestamps are positive
    fun (tickAt: Timestamp) -> 
        let tickId = tickAt / interval in
            if tickId <> !lastTakenId then lastTakenId := tickId; true
            else false


let hourlyTicks = readTicks @"EURUSD-history.zip" "EURUSD-2012-04.csv"
                  |> Seq.filter (opensTimespan HOUR) |> Seq.toList



let opensTimespanF interval (ticksPair: Timestamp*Timestamp) =
    fst ticksPair/ interval <> snd ticksPair/ interval


let hourlyTicks= 
    seq {
        yield 0L;
        yield! readTicks @"EURUSD-history.zip" "EURUSD-2012-04.csv"
    |> Seq.pairwise |> Seq.filter (opensTimespanF HOUR)
    |> Seq.map snd
    |> Seq.toList




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

纯功能解决方案是使用fold函数。 fold函数用于处理序列(或列表)并累积某些状态。在您的示例中,状态是lastTakenId以及您要返回的元素列表,因此您可以使用类型Timestamp * (Timestamp list)的状态:

let hourlyTicks = 
  readTicks @"EURUSD-history.zip" "EURUSD-2012-04.csv" 
  |> Seq.fold (fun (lastTakenId, res) tickAt ->
      // Similar to the body of your stateful function - 'lastTakenId' is the last
      // state and 'tickAt' is the current value. The 'res' list stores 
      // all returned elements
      let tickId = tickAt / HOUR 
      if tickId <> lastTakenId then  
        // We return new state for 'lastTakenId' and append current element to result
        (tickId, tickAt::res)
        // Here, we skip element, so we return the original state and original list
        (lastTakenId, res) ) (-1L, []) // Initial state: -1 and empty list of results

  // Take the second part of the state (the result list) and
  // reverse it, because it was accumulated in the opposite order
  |> snd |> List.rev

除此之外,我不完全确定你的其他纯粹的解决方案 - 我不认为它与第一个完全相同(但我没有要测试的数据),因为你只是比较两个相邻的元素(也许,在第一个元素中,你可以跳过多个项目?)

答案 1 :(得分:5)


let hourlyTicks = 
  readTicks @"EURUSD-history.zip" "EURUSD-2012-04.csv" 
  |> Seq.scan (fun (lastTakenId,_) tickAt ->
      // Similar to the body of your stateful function - 'lastTakenId' is the last state
      // and 'tickAt' is the current value.
      let tickId = tickAt / HOUR 
      if tickId <> lastTakenId then  
        // We return new state for 'lastTakenId' and yield current 
        // element to the "scan stream"
        (tickId, Some(tickAt))
        // Here, we skip element, so we return the original tick id and 
        // yield None to the "scan stream"
        (lastTakenId, None) ) (-1L, None) // Initial state: -1 and None

  //yield all the snd elements of the "scan stream" where Option.isSome
  |> Seq.choose snd




open System
open System.Collections.Generic
let hourlyTicks3 = 
  readTicks @"EURUSD-history.zip" "EURUSD-2012-04.csv" 
  |> Seq.scan (fun (kvp:KeyValuePair<_,_>) tickAt ->
      let lastTakenId = kvp.Key
      // Similar to the body of your stateful function - 'lastTakenId' is the last state
      // and 'tickAt' is the current value.
      let tickId = tickAt / HOUR 
      if tickId <> lastTakenId then  
        // We return new state for 'lastTakenId' and yield current 
        // element to the "scan stream"
        KeyValuePair<_,_>(tickId, Nullable<_>(tickAt))
        // Here, we skip element, so we return the original tick id and 
        // yield "null" to the "scan stream"
        KeyValuePair<_,_>(lastTakenId, Nullable<_>()) ) (KeyValuePair<_,_>(-1L, Nullable<_>())) // Initial state: -1 and "null"
  //yield all Values of KeyValuePair.Value elements of the "scan stream" where Nullable.HasValue
  |> Seq.filter (fun kvp -> kvp.Value.HasValue)
  |> Seq.map (fun kvp -> kvp.Value.Value)