Lexing Python的资源

时间:2012-05-22 07:44:03

标签: python lexical-analysis

作为一项教育活动,我打算用Python编写Python词法分析器。 最后,我想实现一个可以自行运行的Python的简单子集,所以我希望这个词法分析器用一个相当简单的Python子集编写,尽可能少的导入。




我不是在使用解析器生成器,但我希望生成的Python代码使用Python的一个简单子集,并且合理地自包含,这样我至少可以梦想拥有一种可以解释自己的语言。 (例如,根据我对此example的理解,如果我使用ply,我将需要我的语言来解释ply包以及解释自身,我想这将使事情变得更复杂)。

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


答案 1 :(得分:1)

我使用过传统的flex/lex& bison/yacc过去的类似项目。我也使用了ply(python lex yacc),我发现这些技能可以从一个转移到另一个。


当您使用ply解析器工作时,您可以手动制作一个教育练习。在我的经验中,手工编写词法分析器和解析器非常快速 - 解析器生成器的成功!

答案 2 :(得分:0)


答案 3 :(得分:0)


# lexer.py
# A generic regex-based Lexer/tokenizer tool.
# See the if __main__ section in the bottom for an example.
# Eli Bendersky (eliben@gmail.com)
# This code is in the public domain
# Last modified: August 2010
import re
import sys

class Token(object):
    """ A simple Token structure.
        Contains the token type, value and position. 
    def __init__(self, type, val, pos):
        self.type = type
        self.val = val
        self.pos = pos

    def __str__(self):
        return '%s(%s) at %s' % (self.type, self.val, self.pos)

class LexerError(Exception):
    """ Lexer error exception.

            Position in the input line where the error occurred.
    def __init__(self, pos):
        self.pos = pos

class Lexer(object):
    """ A simple regex-based lexer/tokenizer.

        See below for an example of usage.
    def __init__(self, rules, skip_whitespace=True):
        """ Create a lexer.

                A list of rules. Each rule is a `regex, type`
                pair, where `regex` is the regular expression used
                to recognize the token and `type` is the type
                of the token to return when it's recognized.

                If True, whitespace (\s+) will be skipped and not
                reported by the lexer. Otherwise, you have to 
                specify your rules for whitespace, or it will be
                flagged as an error.
        # All the regexes are concatenated into a single one
        # with named groups. Since the group names must be valid
        # Python identifiers, but the token types used by the 
        # user are arbitrary strings, we auto-generate the group
        # names and map them to token types.
        idx = 1
        regex_parts = []
        self.group_type = {}

        for regex, type in rules:
            groupname = 'GROUP%s' % idx
            regex_parts.append('(?P<%s>%s)' % (groupname, regex))
            self.group_type[groupname] = type
            idx += 1

        self.regex = re.compile('|'.join(regex_parts))
        self.skip_whitespace = skip_whitespace
        self.re_ws_skip = re.compile('\S')

    def input(self, buf):
        """ Initialize the lexer with a buffer as input.
        self.buf = buf
        self.pos = 0

    def token(self):
        """ Return the next token (a Token object) found in the 
            input buffer. None is returned if the end of the 
            buffer was reached. 
            In case of a lexing error (the current chunk of the
            buffer matches no rule), a LexerError is raised with
            the position of the error.
        if self.pos >= len(self.buf):
            return None
            if self.skip_whitespace:
                m = self.re_ws_skip.search(self.buf, self.pos)

                if m:
                    self.pos = m.start()
                    return None

            m = self.regex.match(self.buf, self.pos)
            if m:
                groupname = m.lastgroup
                tok_type = self.group_type[groupname]
                tok = Token(tok_type, m.group(groupname), self.pos)
                self.pos = m.end()
                return tok

            # if we're here, no rule matched
            raise LexerError(self.pos)

    def tokens(self):
        """ Returns an iterator to the tokens found in the buffer.
        while 1:
            tok = self.token()
            if tok is None: break
            yield tok

if __name__ == '__main__':
    rules = [
        ('\d+',             'NUMBER'),
        ('[a-zA-Z_]\w+',    'IDENTIFIER'),
        ('\+',              'PLUS'),
        ('\-',              'MINUS'),
        ('\*',              'MULTIPLY'),
        ('\/',              'DIVIDE'),
        ('\(',              'LP'),
        ('\)',              'RP'),
        ('=',               'EQUALS'),

    lx = Lexer(rules, skip_whitespace=True)
    lx.input('erw = _abc + 12*(R4-623902)  ')

        for tok in lx.tokens():
    except LexerError as err:
        print('LexerError at position %s' % err.pos)